Research lines:
Information Theory
Journal Papers
- Extending the Reach of the
Point-to-Set Principle. J.H. Lutz, N. Lutz, and E. Mayordomo. Information and Computation, 294,
article 105078 (19 pp.) (2023)
- Explainable artificial
intelligence toward usable and trustworthy computer-aided early diagnosis
of multiple sclerosis from Optical Coherence Tomography. M. Hernández, U. Ramón-Júlvez, E. Vilades, B.
Cordón, E. Mayordomo, E. García-Martín. PLoS ONE, 18(8): e0289495 (32 pp.) (2023)
- Dimension and the structure
of complexity classes. J. H. Lutz, N. Lutz, and E. Mayordomo. Theory of Computing Systems, 67,
473–490 (2023)
- Asymptotic
Divergences and Strong Dichotomy. X. Huang, J.H. Lutz, E. Mayordomo,
and D. Stull. IEEE Transactions on
Information Theory, 67(10), 6296-6305 (2021)
- Computing Absolutely
Normal Numbers in Nearly Linear Time. J. H. Lutz, E. Mayordomo. Information and Computation, 281,
art. 104746 (12 pp.) (2021)
- Effective
Hausdorff dimension in general metric spaces.
E. Mayordomo. Theory of Computing
Systems, 62, 1620-1636 (2018)
- Bounded
Pushdown dimension vs Lempel Ziv information density. P. Albert, E.
Mayordomo, and P. Moser. Computability
and Complexity, 95-114 (LNCS, volume 10010) (2017)
- Machine
learning classifier for identification of damaging missense mutations
exclusive to human mitochondrial DNA-encoded polypeptides. A. Martín-Navarro, A. Gaudioso-Simón, J. Álvarez-Jarreta, J. Montoya, E.
Mayordomo, and E. Ruiz-Pesini. BMC Bioinformatics,
18(1): 158:1-158:11 (2017)
- Dimension
spectra of random subfractals of self-similar
fractals. X. Gu, J.H. Lutz, E. Mayordomo, and P. Moser. Annals of Pure and Applied
Logic, 165, 1707-1726 (2014)
- Base
invariance of feasible dimensión. (version with small correction) J.M. Hitchcock,
E. Mayordomo. Information Processing
Letters, 113, 546–551 (2013)
- Dimension
is Compression. M. López-Valdés, E. Mayordomo. Theory of Computing
Systems, 52, 95-112 (2013)
- Inseparability
and Strong Hypotheses for Disjoint NP Pairs. L. Fortnow,
J. H. Lutz, and E. Mayordomo. Theory of Computing Systems,
51, 229-247 (2012)
- Curves that
must be retraced. X. Gu, J. H. Lutz, and E. Mayordomo. Information and Computation, 209,
992-1006 (2011)
- Rebooting
the human mitochondrial phylogeny: an automated and scalable methodology
with expert knowledge. R.
Blanco, E. Mayordomo, J. Montoya, and E. Ruiz-Pesini.
Bioinformatics, 12:174, 29 pp. (2011)
- Polylog
space compression, pushdown compression, and Lempel-Ziv are incomparable.
E. Mayordomo, P. Moser, and S. Perifel. Theory
of Computing Systems, 48, 731-766 (2011)
- Scaled
dimension and the Kolmogorov complexity of Turing-hard sets. J.M.
Hitchcock, M. López-Valdés, and E. Mayordomo. Theory of Computing
Systems, 43, 471-497
- Dimensions
of points in self-similar fractals. J.H. Lutz, E. Mayordomo. SIAM
Journal on Computing, 38,
1080-1112 (2008)
- Effective
strong dimension in algorithmic information and computational complexity.
K.B. Athreya, J.M. Hitchcock, J.H. Lutz, and E. Mayordomo. SIAM Journal
on Computing, 37, 671-705 (2007)
- Weakly
useful sequences. S.A. Fenner, J.H. Lutz, E.
Mayordomo, and P. Reardon. Information and Computation, 197, 41-54
- Scaled
dimension and non-uniform complexity. J.M. Hitchcock, J.H. Lutz, and
E. Mayordomo. Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 69, 97-122
- Finite state
dimension. J.J. Dai, J.I. Lathrop, J.H. Lutz, and E. Mayordomo. Theoretical
Computer Science, 310, 1-33 (2004)
- A
Kolmogorov complexity characterization of constructive Hausdorff
dimension. E. Mayordomo. Information Processing Letters,
84, 1-3 (2002)
- An
excursion to the Kolmogorov random strings. H. Buhrman,
E. Mayordomo. Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 54, 393-399
- Cook
versus Karp-Levin: separating completeness notions if NP is not small.J.H. Lutz, E.
Mayordomo. Theoretical Computer Science, 164, 141-163 (1996)
- On the
robustness of ALMOST-R. R.V. Book, E. Mayordomo. Rairo
Informatique Théorique et Applications, 30, 123-133 (1996)
- Almost
every set in exponential time is P-bi-immune. E. Mayordomo. Theoretical
Computer Science, 136, 487-506 (1994)
- Measure,
stochasticity, and the density of hard languages. J.H. Lutz, E.
Mayordomo. SIAM Journal on Computing, 23, 762-779 (1994)
- A note
on polynomial size circuits with low resource-bounded Kolmogorov
complexity. M. Hermo, E. Mayordomo. Mathematical
Systems Theory, 27, 347-356 (1994)
· A
Commemorative Issue for Alan L. Selman. Editors: M. Ogihara,
E. Mayordomo, A.Rudra.Theory of Computing Systems, 67(3) (2023)
· Special Issue in
memory of Barry Cooper. Editors: V. Brattka, P. Bonizzoni, O. Bournez, E.
Mayordomo. Computability, 5(1) (2016)
· Computability
in Europe 2010. Editors: A. Carbone, F. Ferreira, B. Löwe,
E. Mayordomo. Journal of Logic and
Computation, 25(4) (2015)
· Special Issue on
Computability, Complexity and Randomness. Editors: E. Mayordomo, W. Merkle.
Theory of Computing Systems, 56(3)
· CiE:
Programs, Proofs, Processes. Editors: F. Ferreira, B. Löwe,
and E. Mayordomo. Theory of Computing Systems, 51(3) (2012)
· Computability,
Complexity and Randomness (Dagstuhl Seminar 12021).
Editors: V. Becher, L. Bienvenu, R. Downey, and E. Mayordomo. Dagstuhl Reports, 2(1) (2012)
· Computability
in Europe 2010. Editors: F. Ferreira, M. Hyland, B. Löwe,
and E. Mayordomo. Annals of Pure and
Applied Logic, 163(6) (2012)
· Programs, Proofs,
Processes: Proceedings of the 6th
Conference on Computability in Europe, CiE, 2010.
Editors: F. Ferreira, B. Löwe, E. Mayordomo, and L.M. Gomes. Springer-Verlag
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6158
· Special
Issue: Computation and Logic in the Real World. Guest Editors: S. B.
Cooper, E. Mayordomo, and A. Sorbi. Theory of
Computing Systems, 45(4) (2009)
Conference Papers
- On information
theory in geometric measure theory. E.Mayordomo.
British Logic Colloquium (BLC 2024), Birmigham
- On point to
set principles, normality, and algorithmic randomness. E. Mayordomo. Incontro
di Logica AILA (Italian Association of Logic and Applications), Udine
- Further
extensions of the point to set principle. E. Mayordomo. Computability in
Europe 2024 (CiE 2024), Amsterdam (2024). Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
14773, xxi-xxii (2024).
- EPDiff-JF-Net:
Adjoint Jacobi fields for diffeomorphic registration networks. U. Ramón Júlvez, M. Hernández, E. Mayordomo, International
Symposium on Biomedical Image (ISBI 2024), IEEE 2024, Atenas (Greece).
- Robust
Normality. W. Calvert, E. Gruner, E. Mayordomo, D. Turetsky and J. D. Villano. The 17th International Conference on
Computability Complexity and Randomness (CCR 2024).
- Algorithmic
Fractal Dimensions. E. Mayordomo. Randomness, Information & Complexity
CIRM (International Centre Meetings Mathematics), Marsella
- On
Normality, Supernormality, Finite State Dimension, and Point to Set
Principles. E. Mayordomo. Iowa Colloquium on Information, Complexity, and
Logic (ICICL), online (2023)
- Extensions
of the point to set principle to finite-state dimension. E.Mayordomo. Computability in Europe (CiE 2023), Batumi (2023)
- Extensions
of the point to set principle. E.Mayordomo. Logic
Colloquium 2023, Milan (2023)
- Extensions
of the point to set principle. E.Mayordomo. ASL
North American meeting, Irvine (2023)
- Los
principios de punto a conjunto: un viaje desde la teoría de la información
algorítmica a la teoría de la medida geométrica. E.Mayordomo.
II Encuentro conjunto RSME-UMA (2022).
- Algorithmic
Dimensions, the Point-To-Set Principles, and the Complexity of Oracles. E.
Mayordomo. Computability in Europe (CiE 2022). Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
13359, xxvii-xxviii (2022).
- VoxelMorph
based Normalization in the Prediction of Stable VS Progressive MCI
Conversion with Convolutional Neural Networks. D. Sierra Tome, U. Ramón Júlvez, M. Hernández, E. Mayordomo, JJI3A 2022
- A phylogenetic study of covid-19
data from Aragon and Catalonia over a year: learning Bioinformatics during
a world pandemic. F.
Peña, Á. García-Díaz, A. Gómez-González, A. Martín-Marcos, A. Romeo, J. M.
Sánchez-Aquilué, A. Vallés, E. Mayordomo, JJI3A
- LDDMM meets
GANs: Generative Adversarial Networks for diffeomorphic registration. U.
Ramon, M. Hernandez, and E.
Mayordomo, Workshop in Biomedical Image Registration (WBIR 2022). Springer-Verlag
Notes in Computer Science, 13386, pp 18–28 (2022)
Runner up for best paper award
- Exploring the
point-to-set principles for algorithmic dimensions. E.mayordomo. Nineteenth International
Conference on Computability and Complexity in Analysis (CCA 2022).
- Extending
the Reach of the Point-to-Set Principle. J.H. Lutz, N. Lutz, and E.
Mayordomo, 39th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer
Science (STACS 2022), 2022.
- E.
Mayordomo, DMV-ÖMG Annual Conference, 2021
- Effective
dimension: from computation to fractal geometry and number theory. E.
Mayordomo, CCC 2020: Continuity, Computability, Constructivity
– From Logic to Algorithms, 2020
- Analysis of
the Influence of Diffeomorphic Normalization in the Prediction of Stable
VS Progressive MCI Conversion with Convolutional Neural Networks. U.
Ramon-Julvez, M. Hernandez, E. Mayordomo, and
ADNI. 17th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2020),
1120-1124, 2020.
- Asymptotic
Divergences and Strong Dichotomy. X. Huang, J.H. Lutz, E. Mayordomo, and
D. Stull. 37th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer
Science (STACS 2020), 51:1-51:15, 2020.
- The
Hyperspace Dimension Theorem. J.H. Lutz, E. Mayordomo. CCC 2019:
Computability, Continuity, Constructivity, 2019
- The return
trip to classical fractal theory from effective fractal dimension. E.
Mayordomo. Workshop on Computability Theory, Leeds 2019
- The return
trip to classical fractal theory from effective fractal dimension. E.
Mayordomo. Fourteenth international conference on computability,
complexity and randomness (CCR 2019)
- Evolution
of GWAS results through ADNI cohorts. B. Marín, C. Alquézar-Baeta,
M. Hernández, E. Mayordomo. Proceedings of the IEEE
International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM 2018),
2782-2784 (2018)
- Selection,
Divergence, and Dichotomy. X. Huang, J.H. Lutz, E. Mayordomo, and D.
Stull. Thirteenth International Conference on Computability, Complexity
and Randomness (CCR 2018).
- A
point-to-set principle for separable metric spaces. E. Mayordomo. Computability
in Europe (CiE 2018).
- Computing
Absolutely Normal Numbers in Nearly Linear Time. J.H. Lutz and E.
Mayordomo. Continuity, Computability,
Constructivity (CCC 2017).
- Effective
fractal dimension theory: exploring the extreme cases (minicourse). E.
Mayordomo. Workshop on Parametric Complexity, IMS Singapore, 2017.
- Effective
exact Hausdorff dimension in general metric
spaces. E. Mayordomo. Computability in Europe (CiE 2017).
- Effective Hausdorff dimension in general metric spaces. E.
Mayordomo. New Worlds of Computation 2017 and Journées
Calculabilités (NWC 2017).
- Conservation
in Mitochondrial DNA: Parallelized Estimation and Alignment Influence.
F.Merino-Casallo, J. Álvarez-Jarreta,
and E. Mayordomo. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on
Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM 2015), 1434-1440 (2015)
- PhyloFlow: A fully customizable and automatic workflow
for phylogenetic reconstruction. J.
Álvarez-Jarreta, G. De Miguel Casado, and E. Mayordomo. Proceedings
of the IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine
(BIBM 2014), 1- 7 (2014)
- PhyloFlow:
A Fully Customizable and Automatic Workflow for Phylogeny Estimation. J. Álvarez-Jarreta, G. de Miguel
Casado, and E. Mayordomo. 13th European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB
- Effective
dimension in general metric spaces and applications. E. Mayordomo. Computability
in Europe (CiE 2013).
- Dimension
spectra of random subfractals of self-similar fractals.
X. Gu, J.H. Lutz, E. Mayordomo, and P. Moser. Proceedings of the Ninth
International Conference on Computability and Complexity in Analysis (CCA
An Algorithm to Detect Sequencing Errors from Phylogenetic Information.
J. Álvarez-Jarreta, E. Mayordomo, and E. Ruiz-Pesini. Proceedings of the 6th International
Conference on Practical Applications of Computational Biology &
Bioinformatics (PACBB 2012). Springer-Verlag Advances
in Soft Computing, 154, 105-112 (2012).
- Workflows
with model selection: a multilocus approach to
phylogenetic analysis. J. Álvarez, R. Blanco,
and E. Mayordomo. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on
Practical Applications of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics
(PACBB 2011). Springer-Verlag Advances
in Soft Computing, 93/2011, 39-47 (2011).
- Scalable
Phylogenetics through Input Preprocessing. R. Blanco, E. Mayordomo, E. Montes,
R. Mayo, and A. Alberto. Advances
in Bioinformatics: Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on
Practical Applications of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics
(IWPACBB 2010). Springer-Verlag Advances
in Soft Computing, 74/2010,
123-130 (2010).
- Inseparability
and Strong Hypotheses for Disjoint NP Pairs. L. Fortnow,
J. H. Lutz, and E. Mayordomo. Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Symposium
on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS'10), 395-404 (2010).
- Exhaustive
mitochondrial phylogenetics: challenges and solutions. R. Blanco, E. Mayordomo. 9th Workshop on
Algorithms in Bioinformatics (WABI 2009).
- Curves that
must be retraced. X. Gu, J. H. Lutz, and E. Mayordomo. Proceedings
of the Sixth International Conference on Computability and Complexity in
Analysis (CCA 2009), 147-158 (2009).
- Building
maintainable, exhaustive human mitochondrial phylogenies. R.
Blanco, E. Mayordomo. 17 Annual International Conference on Intelligent
Systems for Molecular Biology/8th European Conference (2009).
a system for the evolutionary study of human mitochondrial DNA. R.
Blanco, E. Mayordomo. Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on
Practical Applications of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics
(IWPACBB 2009, within IWANN 2009). Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
5518, 1139-1142 (2009).
- polylog
space compression is incomparable with Lempel-Ziv and pushdown compression. E. Mayordomo, P. Moser. Proceedings
of the 35th International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and
Practice of Computer Science (SOFSEM’09). Springer-Verlag Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, 5404, 633-644 (2009).
- Dimensions
of points in self-similar fractals. J.H.
Lutz, E. Mayordomo. Proceedings of the 14th Annual International
Computing and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON’08). Springer-Verlag Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, 5092, 215-224 (2008).
- Pushdown
compression. P. Albert, E. Mayordomo, P. Moser, and S. Perifel. Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Symposium on
Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS'08), pp. 39-48 (2008).
- Points on
computable curves. X. Gu, J. H. Lutz, and E. Mayordomo. Proceedings of
the Forty-Seventh Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science
(FOCS’06). IEEE Computer Society Press, 469-474 (2006) Cited in the theorem of the day
- Dimension
is Compression. M. López-Valdés, E. Mayordomo. Proceedings of the 30th
International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Sience (MFCS'05). Springer-Verlag Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, 3618, 676-685 (2005)
- Zeta-Dimension.
D. Doty, X. Gu, J. H. Lutz, E. Mayordomo, and P. Moser. Proceedings of the
30th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Sience (MFCS'05). Springer-Verlag Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, 3618, 283-294 (2005)
- Scaled
dimension and the Kolmogorov complexity of Turing-hard sets. J.M.
Hitchcock, M. López-Valdés, and E. Mayordomo. Proceedings of the 29th
International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Sience (MFCS'04). Springer-Verlag Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, 3153, 476-487 (2004).
- Effective
strong dimension in algorithmic information and computational complexity.
K.B. Athreya, J.M. Hitchcock, J.H. Lutz, and E. Mayordomo. Proceedings of
the Twenty-First Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science
(STACS'04). Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2996,
632-643 (2004)
- Scaled
dimension and non-uniform complexity. J.M. Hitchcock, J.H. Lutz, and E.Mayordomo. Proceedings of the Thirtieth
International Colloquiumon Automata, Languages,
and Programming (ICALP'03). Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, 2719, 278-290 (2003)
- Finite
state dimension. J.J. Dai, J.I. Lathrop, J.H. Lutz, and E. Mayordomo.
Proceedings of theTwenty-Eigth International
Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP'01).
Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2076, 1028-1039
- A
comparison of weak completeness notions. K. Ambos-Spies, E. Mayordomo,
and X. Zheng. Proceedings of the Tenth Annual IEEE Conference on
Computational Complexity(CCC'96). IEEE Computer Society Press,
171-178 (1996)
- Resource-bounded
dense genericity, stochasticity and weak randomness.K. Ambos-Spies,E.
Mayordomo, Y. Wang, and X. Zheng. Proceedings of the Thirteenth Symposium
on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS'96).
Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1046,
63-74 (1996)
- An
excursion to the Kolmogorov random strings. H. Buhrman,
E. Mayordomo. Proceedings of the Tenth Annual IEEE Conference on
Computational Complexity (Structures'95). IEEE Computer Society Press,
197-203 (1995)
- A note
on genericity and bi-immunity. J.L. Balcazar,
E. Mayordomo. Proceedings of the Tenth Annual IEEE Conference on
Computational Complexity (Structures'95). IEEE Computer Society Press,
193-196 (1995)
- Weakly
useful sequences. S.A. Fenner, J.H. Lutz, and E.
Mayordomo. Proceedings of theTwenty-Second
International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming
(ICALP'95). Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 944,
393-404 (1995)
- Cook versus
Karp-Levin: separating completeness notions if NP is not small. J.H.Lutz, E. Mayordomo. Proceedings of the Eleventh
Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS'94).
Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 775, 415-426
- Measure,
stochasticity, and the density of hard languages. J.H. Lutz, E.Mayordomo. Proceedings of the Tenth Symposium on
Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS'93). Springer-Verlag Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, 665, 38-47 (1993)
- Almost
every set in exponential time is P-bi-immune. E. Mayordomo. Proceedings of
the 17th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Sience (MFCS'92). Springer-Verlag Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, 629, 392-400 (1992). Best student paper
- Characterizations
of logarithmic advice complexity classes. J.L. Balcazar,
M. Hermo, and E. Mayordomo. Proceedings of the
IFIP 12th World Computer Congress (IFIP'92). J. Van Leeuwen IFIP
transactions, A-12, 315-321 (1992)
- Measuring
in PSPACE. E. Mayordomo. Proceedings of the 7th International Meeting
of Young Computer Scientists (IMYCS'92). Gordon-Breach Topics in
Computer Science, 6, 93-100 (1994)
Survey Papers
Una generalización del teorema de
proyección de Marstrand. E. Mayordomo. En La columna de
Matemática Computacional, La Gaceta de la
RSME, 25, 343-352 (2022).
o Algorithmic fractal dimensions in
geometric measure theory, J. H. Lutz and E. Mayordomo. In Vasco Brattka and Peter Hertling
(eds.), Handbook of
Computability and Complexity in Analysis, Springer-Verlag (2021).
o Effective
fractal dimension in algorithmic information theory. E. Mayordomo. In New
Computational Paradigms: Changing Conceptions of What is Computable,
259-285. Springer-Verlag (2008)
o Two open
problems on effective dimension. E. Mayordomo. In Logical Approaches to
Computational Barriers, Proceedings of the Second Conference on Computability
in Europe (CiE 2006). Springer-Verlag Lecture
Notes in Computer Science 3988, 353–359 (2006)
o The fractal
geometry of complexity classes. J. M. Hitchcock, J. H. Lutz, and E.
Mayordomo. In the Complexity Theory Column (L.A. Hemaspaandra,
ed.), SIGACT News 36, 24-38 (2005)
o Effective Hausdorff dimension. E. Mayordomo. In Classical and
New Paradigms of Computation and their Complexity Hierarchies, Papers of the
conference "Foundations of the Formal Sciences III". Kluwer
Academic Publishers, Trends in Logic 23, 171-186 (2004)
o Twelve
problems in resource-bounded measure. J.
H. Lutz, E. Mayordomo. In Current Trends in Theoretical Computer Science,
entering the 21stcentury, 83-101. World Scientific Publishing (2001)
o Twelve
problems in resource-bounded measure. J. H. Lutz, E. Mayordomo. Bulletin
of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science 68, 64-80
o Resource-Bounded
Measure and Randomness. K. Ambos-Spies, E. Mayordomo. In Complexity,
Logic and Recursion Theory. Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics,
1-47 (1997)
Technical reports
- Fractal dimensions and profinite
groups. E. Mayordomo, A. Nies. arXiv:
2502.09995 (2025)
- Bounding the dimension of
exceptional sets for orthogonal projections. P. Cholak,
M. Csornyei, N. Lutz, P. Lutz, E. Mayordomo, D.
M. Stull. arXiv: 2411.04959 (2024)
- Normality, Relativization, and
Randomness. W. Calvert, E. Grunner,
E. Mayordomo, D. Turetsky, J.D. Villano. arXiv:2312.10204
- A point to set principle for
finite-state dimensión.
E. Mayordomo.
arXiv:2208.00157 (2025)
- Resource-bounded Dimension in Computational
Learning Theory. R.
Gavaldà, M. López-Valdés, and E. Mayordomo, N.
V. Vinodchandran. arXiv:1010.5470 (2010)
Ph.D. dissertation
Divulgative Papers
- Trust-BEyE: Explainable artificial intelligence toward
usable and TRUSTworthy computer aided diagnosis
solutions of neurodegenerative diseases: bridging knowledge from the Brain
to the EyE through the optic nerve.
PID2022-138703OB-I00 Ministerio
de Ciencia e Innovación
(Spanish government), 9-2023 a 2026.
Directed by Mónica Hernández and Elvira Mayordomo
- Complexity
and Dimension: Extending the reach of the point-to-set principle. IES\R3\233275 Royal Society (UK), 3-2024
a 3-2026. Directed by Manlio Valenti and Elvira
- Computability
in geometric measure theory. American Institute of
Mathematics SQuaRE project 2023 to 2025. P. Cholak, M. Csornyei, N.
Lutz, P. Lutz, E. Mayordomo, D. M. Stull.
- Detección, pronóstico y seguimiento
de las enfermedades neurodegenerativas a través del ojo mediante análisis
de inteligencia artificial del biomarcador inocuo proporcionado por la
tomografía de coherencia óptica.
PROY_B50_24, Gobierno de Aragón, Dto. empleo, ciencia y universidades,
1-2025 a 1-2028. Directed by Elena
García Martín
- Inflamación e inmunopatología
de órganos y sistemas. RICORS Red de Enfermedades RD24/0007/0022, Carlos III Health Institute. 11-2024 a
11-2027. Directed by Elena
García Martín
(Deep Learning Anatomy Genetics ImagiNG):
Computational tools for computer-aided diagnosis and prognosis of
neurodegenerative diseases with Computational Anatomy, Imaging Genetics,
and Deep-Learning. PID2019-104358RB-I00 Ministerio
de Ciencia e Innovación
(Spanish government), 6-2020 to 2-2024.
Directed by Mónica Hernández
(DIAgnosis Of Neurodeg.Diseases): Integration of bioinformatics, cognitive
and computational anatomy models towards the improvement of diagnosis of
neurodegenerative diseases.
TIN2016-80347-R Ministerio
de Ciencia e Innovación
(Spanish government), 2017 to 2020.
Directed by Elvira Mayordomo and Manuel González.
Minería en datos biológicos y sociales: Algoritmos, Teoría e
Implementaciones. TIN2011-27479-C04-01
Ministerio de Ciencia
e Innovación (Spanish government), 2012 to 2015.
Directed and coordinated by Elvira Mayordomo.
- SESAAME: SEcuencias
Simbólicas: Análisis, Aprendizaje, Minería y Evolución. TIN2008-06582-C03-02
Ministerio de Ciencia
e Innovación (Spanish government), 2009 to 2011.
Directed by Elvira Mayordomo, coordinated by Ricard Gavaldà.
- ZARAMIT: Sistema informático para
DNA mitocondrial humano y su estudio evolutivo. PM063/2007 Departamento de
Ciencia, Tecnología y Universidad (Aragón government),
2007 to 2009. Directed
by Elvira Mayordomo.
- Modelado Individualizado de
Secuencias de Símbolos. Teoría y Aplicaciones (MOISES-TA). TIN2005-08832-C03-02
Ministerio de Educación
y Ciencia (Spanish government), 2006 to 2008. Directed
by Elvira Mayordomo, coordinated by Rafael Morales.
Multidisciplinary Aspects of Computation Theory.
NSF (USA government), 2003 to 2006. Directed by Jack H. Lutz.
- Modelado individualizado de
secuencias simbólicas (MOISES). Ministerio
de Ciencia y Tecnología
(Spanish government), 12-2002 to 12-2005. Directed and coordinated by
Elvira Mayordomo.
- Complejidad y medida en gramáticas
suavemente sensibles al contexto. Ministerio
de Ciencia y Tecnología
(Spanish government), 2000 to 2002. Directed by Elvira Mayordomo. Part of
the FRESCO project, coordinated by José Luis Balcázar.
- CAD integrado para sistemas de
iluminación y luminarias. CICYT (Spanish government),
1998 to 2001. Directed by Francisco J. Serón.
- Construcción de generadores
pseudoaleatorios a partir de la medida de recursos acotados de Lutz.
DGICYT (Spanish government), 1995 to 1998.
Directed by Elvira Mayordomo.
- Instance Complexity
y su relación con las clases de complejidad no uniforme. Acción Integrada Hispano-Alemana,
1995 to 1996. Directed by Elvira Mayordomo.
- Complexity,
Logic and Recursion Theory (COLORET). Unión Europea, Human Capital and Mobility Network, 1994 to
1997. Directed by José Luis Balcázar.
- Clases probabilísticas y modelos de
cálculo no uniformes.
Acción Integrada Hispano-Alemana, 1993. Directed
by José Luis Balcázar.
- Algorithms
and Complexity (ALCOM II). ESPRIT, Unión Europea, 1992 to 1995. Directed by Josep
Current Ph.D. students
· Ubaldo
Ramón Júlvez, Diagnóstico asistido por computador de enfermedades
neurodegenerativas mediante técnicas de anatomía computacional, imaging genetics y deep-learning. Universidad de Zaragoza.
Co-advisor: Mónica Hernández.
Completed Ph.D. degrees
- Jorge Álvarez Jarreta, Molecular phylogenetic
analysis: design and implementation of scalable and reliable algorithms
and verification of phylogenetic properties. Universidad
de Zaragoza, June 2017. Co-advisor: Gregorio de
- Antonio
Martín Navarro, MITOCLASS.1. Un predictor de
patogenicidad para mutaciones no sinónimas en los polipéptidos codificados
por el mtDNA humano. Universidad de
Zaragoza, September 2016. Co-advisor:
Eduardo Ruiz-Pesini.
- María
López-Valdés, Aplicaciones
de la Dimensión Efectiva a la Complejidad Computacional y a los Algoritmos
de Compresión de Datos. Universidad de Zaragoza, November
- John
M. Hitchcock, Effective Fractal Dimension: Foundations and
Applications, Iowa State University, June 2003. Unofficial collaboration. Advisor: Jack H. Lutz.
- Jack
J. Dai, Some Results in Probability and Theoretical
Computer Science. Iowa State University, June 2001. Unofficial collaboration. Advisors: Jack H. Lutz, Krishna B.
M.S. degrees
Rubén Muñoz Sierra, Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) in
diffeomorphic registration.
Universidad de Zaragoza,
septiembre de 2022. Codirectora Mónica Hernández, ponente Tomas Alcalá.
Ubaldo Ramón, “LDDMM y GANs:
Redes Generativas Antagónicas para registro difeomórfico”.
Universidad de Zaragoza, febrero
de 2022. Codirectora Mónica Hernández.
Belén Marín, Realización de un estudio de
asociación genómica en el repositorio público ADNI. Universidad de Zaragoza, diciembre de 2018. Codirectora Mónica
Hernández, ponente Tomas Alcalá.
Jorge Álvarez Jarreta, Análisis filogenético molecular: Diseño
e implementación de algoritmos escalables y fiables y verificación automática
de propiedades de una filogenia. Universidad
de Zaragoza, September 2011. Co-advisor:
Gregorio de Miguel.
Blanco, Computational phylogenetics for human mitochondrial
DNA. Universidad de Zaragoza, September 2009.
Pilar Albert, D.E.A., Universidad de Zaragoza, September
- Francisco
Rodríguez Gómez, Minería de datos para la sostenibilidad urbana.
Universidad de Málaga, June 2023. Advisors: José
del Campo Ávila and Llanos Mora López.
- Martí Renedo Mirambell, Cluster
evaluation on weighted networks. Committee chair, Universitat
Politècnica de Catalunya, March 2023. Advisor: Argimiro Alejandro Arratia Quesada.
- Alberto Montañola Lactort, The
pairwise problem with High Performance Computing Systems, contextualized
as a key part to solve the Multiple Sequence alignment problem. Committee
chair, Universitat de Lleida, February 2016.
Advisors: Concepció Roig
Mateu and Porfidio
- Ma. Estíbaliz Fraca Santamaría,
Fluidization of Petri nets to improve the analysis of discrete event
systems. Committee chair, Universidad de Zaragoza, May 2015. Advisors:
Manuel Silva and Jorge E. Júlvez.
- José Ignacio Requeno Jarabo, Formal
methods applied to the phylogenetic analysis: phylogenetic model checking.
Committee chair, Universidad de Zaragoza, June 2014. Advisor: José M.
- André Rognes, On the methods of mechanical non-theorems.
University of Oslo, June 2013.
- Carmen
Pellicer Lostao, Criptosistemas Caóticos:
Estudio, Diseño y Aplicaciones. Universidad
de Zaragoza, July 2012. Advisor: Ricardo López Ruiz.
- Alexander Krassovitskiy, Complexity and Modeling
Power of Insertion-Deletion Systems. Universidad Rovira
i Virgili, September
2011. Advisors: Yurii Rogozhin
and Sergey Verlan.
- Manuel
Baena García, Algoritmos, estructuras y heurísticos para minería de
cadenas. Universidad de Málaga, March 2011. Advisor:
Rafael Morales.
- Gregorio de Miguel
Casado, Parametric architectures for scientific computing in integrable
spaces. The convolution operation as a case of study. Committee chair, Universidad de Alicante, April
2010. Advisor: Juan Manuel García Chamizo.
- Xiaoyang Gu, Fractals in
Complexity and Geometry. Iowa State University, November 2009. Advisor:
Jack H. Lutz.
- David S. Doty,
Applications of the theory of computation to nanoscale self-assembly. Iowa
State University, September 2009. Advisors: Jack H. Lutz and James I.
- José
del Campo Ávila, Nuevos enfoques en aprendizaje incremental. Universidad
de Málaga, July 2007. Advisors:
Rafael Morales and Gonzalo Ramos.
- Philippe Moser, Derandomization and Quantitative Complexity.
Université de Genève, June 2004. Advisor: José D.P. Rolim.
- Víctor Lavín, Learnability of some Classes within the Exact
Model. Universidad del
País Vasco, May 2002. Advisor: Montserrat Hermo.
Department of
Computer Science and Systems Engineering
Aragon Institute for Engineering Research (I3A)
research group
of Zaragoza
Last modified: February 18th 2024
Elvira Mayordomo