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[BBCM-09] Berardinelli, L, Bernardi S, Cortellessa V, Merseguer J.  2009.  UML Profiles for Non-functional Properties at Work: Analyzing Reliability, Availability and Performance. 2nd International Workshop on Non-functional System Properties in Domain Specific Modeling Languages (NFPinDSML2009). 553
[RMB_SERENE10] Rodríguez, RJ, Merseguer J, Bernardi S.  2010.  Modelling and Analysing Resilience as a Security Issue within UML. 2nd International Workshop on Software Engineering for Resilient Systems.
[RM_ISARCS10] Rodríguez, RJ, Merseguer J.  2010.  Integrating Fault-Tolerant Techniques into the Design of Critical Systems. 1st International Symposium on Architecting Critical Systems. 6150:33--51.
[PM-PASM09] Perez-Palacin, D, Merseguer J.  2010.  Performance Evaluation of Self-reconfigurable Service-oriented Software With Stochastic Petri Nets. ENTCS. 261:181-201.
[PMB-ICPE10] Perez-Palacin, D, Merseguer J, Bernardi S.  2010.  Performance aware open-world software in a 3-layer architecture. First Joint WOSP/SIPEW International Conference on Performance Engineering.
[PMMG-VIDAS10] Perez-Palacin, D, Merseguer J, Mirandola R, Grassi V.  2010.  QoS-Based Model Driven Assessment of Adaptive Reactive Systems. Third International Conference on Software Testing, Verification, and Validation Workshops. :299-308.
[1276] Gómez-Martínez, E, Merseguer J.  2010.  Performance modeling and analysis of the Universal Control Hub. 7th European Performance Engineering Workshop, EPEW 2010.
[1406] Holanda, HJA, Merseguer J, Cordeiro G, Serra AB.  2010.  Performance Evaluation of Web Services Orchestrated with WS-BPEL4People. International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications. 2(6):18.
[MIMB-ICNS-10] Marques, CKM, Ilarri S, Merseguer J, Barroso GC.  2010.  Performance analysis of a dynamic architecture for reconfiguration of web servers clusters. 6th International Conference on Networking and Services (ICNS'10). :224-229.
[BML-EDCC-10] Bernardi, S, Merseguer J, Lutz RR.  2010.  Reliability and availability requirements engineering within the Unified Process using a Dependability Analysis and Modeling profile. Eighth European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC'10). :95-104.