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[1256] Mahulea, C, Asaftei T, Matcovschi M.  2009.  Qualitative versus Quantitative Techniques in a Petri net settings. Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iasi. Tomul LV (LIX), Fasc. 4:35-46.
[1432] Mahulea, C, García-Soriano J-M, Colom JM.  2012.  Modular Petri net modeling of the Spanish Health System. 17th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA'2012).
[1478] Kloetzer, M, Mahulea C, Colom JM.  2013.  Petri net approach for deadlock and collision avoidance in robot planning. 18th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2013).
[1515] Bernardi, S, Albareda J, Colom JM, Mahulea C.  2014.  A model-based approach for the specification and verification of clinical guidelines. Workshop on Models and Methods for Hospital Management and Planning, at 19th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA'2014).
[1251] Franceschelli, M, Egerstedt M, Giua A, Mahulea C.  2009.  Constrained invariant motions for networked multi-agent systems. ACC'09: Proceedings of the 2009 conference on American Control Conference.
[1446] Cabasino, MP, Giua A, Mahulea C, Seatzu C.  2011.  On Decentralized Observability of Discrete Event Systems. 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference.
[1283] Julvez, J, Mahulea C.  2010.  SimHPN: a MATLAB toolbox for continuous Petri nets. 10th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems.
[1443] Julvez, J, Vazquez CR, Mahulea C.  2011.  Analysis and Simulation of Manufacturing Systems using SimHPN toolbox. CASE'2011: 7th IEEE Conf. on Automation Science and Engineering.
[1451] Julvez, J, Vazquez CR, Mahulea C.  2012.  SimHPN: a MATLAB toolbox for simulation, analysis and design with hybrid Petri nets. Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems. 6(2):817.
[1454] Julvez, J, DiCairano S, Bemporad A, Mahulea C.  2014.  Event-Driven Model Predictive Control of Timed Hybrid Petri Nets. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control. 24(12)
[1444] Kloetzer, M, Mahulea C, Pastravanu O.  2011.  A Probabilistic Abstraction Approach for Planning and Controlling Mobile Robots. ETFA'2011: 16th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation.
[1447] Kloetzer, M, Mahulea C.  2012.  Online Petri Net Based Algorithm for Planning and Controlling Mobile Robots. ETFA'2012: 17th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation.
[1449] Kloetzer, M, Mahulea C.  2012.  LTL Planning in Dynamic Environments. WODES'12: 11th Int. Workshop on Discrete Event Systems.
[1457] Kloetzer, M, Mahulea C.  2014.  A Petri net based approach for multi-robot path planning. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems: Theory and Applications. 24(4)
[1550] Kloetzer, M, Mahulea C.  2014.  An Assembly Problem with Mobile Robots. ETFA'2014: 19th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation.
[1551] Kloetzer, M, Mahulea C.  2014.  Planning Mobile Robots with Boolean-based Specifications. CDC'2014: 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
[1552] Kloetzer, M, Mahulea C.  2015.  Accomplish Multi-Robot Tasks Via Petri Net Models. CASE'2015: IEEE Int. Conf. on Automation Science and Engineering.
[1553] Gonzalez, R, Mahulea C, Kloetzer M.  2015.  A Matlab-Based Interactive Simulator for Mobile Robotics. CASE'2015: IEEE Int. Conf. on Automation Science and Engineering.
[1554] Kloetzer, M, Mahulea C, Gonzalez R.  2015.  Optimizing Cell Decomposition Path Planning for Mobile Robots Using Different Metrics. ICSTCC'2015: 19th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing.
[1556] Kloetzer, M, Mahulea C.  2015.  LTL-based Planning in Environments with Probabilistic Observations. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. 12(4)
[1557] Kloetzer, M, Mahulea C.  2016.  Multi-Robot Path Planning for Syntactically Co-Safe LTL Specifications. WODES'2016: 13rd IFAC International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems.
[1558] Kloetzer, M, Mahulea C, Burlacu A.  2016.  Sample Gathering Problem for Different Robots with Limited Capacity. ICSTCC'2016: 20th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing.
[1559] Lamarca, J, Kloetzer M, Mahulea C.  2016.  Inexpensive robot for experimental validation of planning and control algorithms. ICSTCC'2016: 20th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing.