Archive for the ‘Papers’ Category

eBook “An Architectural View of Spatial Data Infrastructures”

Sunday, January 13th, 2013, Fco. Javier Zarazaga-Soria

Spatial data infrastructures are large distributed information systems on the Internet, based on open standards that enable data sharing and use whose location is important, such as roads, satellite and aerial images, business and tourist attractions, noise maps and pollution, street or demographics. This book presents an approach based on architectures of distributed information systems for specifying and documenting spatial data infrastructures and facilitate their development and analysis.
Available at:
A quick view at:

II Jornadas Ibéricas de Infraestructuras de Datos Espaciales (JIIDE)

Thursday, November 3rd, 2011, Fco. Javier Zarazaga-Soria

Las II Jornadas Ibéricas de Infraestructuras de Datos Espaciales (JIIDE) tendrá lugar en Barcelona, en los dias 9,10 y 11 de Noviembre (

Las JIIDE ofrecen una oportunidad para que todas las comunidades IDE de Portugal, España y Andorra, compartan experiencias, prácticas , problemas , metodologías, etc., En paralelo tendran lugar diversas reuniones del GT IDEE, de sus subgrupos de trabajo y otras actividades complementarias, que crearán el entorno adecuado para aprovechar intensamente los dias del Congreso.

El IAAA estará presente participando activamente en algunos de los subgrupos de trabajo, y con la presentación de las siguientes comunicaciones:

  • “EuroGeoSource: sharing data and services on energy and mineral resources in Europe following INSPIRE” que presenta el estado actual del proyecto EuroGeoSource ( En colaboración con GeoSpatiumLab.
  • “Un visualizador web de mapas 3D teseladados basados en modelos de CityGML” que presenta un sistema para la visualización web de modelos tridimensionales creados en el lenguaje CityGML y que sólo requiere un navegador web, en cualquier plataforma y sin necesidad de complementos o plug-ins. En colaboración con GeoSpatiumLab.
  • “Rutómetro Multimodal sobre los Servicios de una IDE” que presenta el diseño y el despliegue de una aplicación web para el cálculo de rutas multimodal sobre la base de servicios de una IDE. En colaboración con GeoSpatiumLab.
  • “Implantation of OGC geoprocessing services for Geoscience” que presenta un estudio sobre la disponibilidad de servicios estándar de geoprocesamiento en el campo de las “geosciences”.
  • “The Delft Report: Linked Data and the challenges for geographic information standardization” que presenta una revisión del Delft Report y sus implicaciones en el desarrollo de las IDEs. En colaboración con el Ontology Engineering Group de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
  • “La aportación española en el Proyecto EuroGEOSS: Hacia un Sistema de Observación Ambiental de la Tierra” que detalla los objetivos, cada una de las tareas, los resultados más destacables y las repercusiones de los trabajos llevados a cabo durante el desarrollo del proyecto EuroGEOSS. En colaboración con: Observatorio de Sostenibilidad en España, Centro Nacional de Información Geográfica, Instituto Geográfico Nacional, Instituto de Nuevas Tecnologías de la Imagen de la Universitat Jaume I de Castellón, y la Confederación Hidrográfica del Ebro
  • “Publishing standard geospatial catalogues in the Web of Data” que presenta una aproximación para la publicación de catálogos CSW como Linked Data.

TPDL 2011

Monday, July 11th, 2011, Javier Lacasta

TPDL 2011 will be held next september in Berlin. We will show the following paper:

Transformation of a keyword indexed collection into a semantic repository: applicability to the urban domain. Authors: Javier Lacasta, Javier Nogueras-Iso, Jacques Teller, Gilles Falquet

Abstract:  In the information retrieval context, resource collections are
frequently classified using thesauri. However, the limited semantics
provided by thesauri restricts the collection search and browsing
capabilities. This work focuses on improving these capabilities by
transforming a set of resources indexed according to a thesaurus
into a semantically tagged collection. The core mechanism for
building this collection is based on the conversion of the domain
specific thesaurus (indexing the collection of resources) into a
domain ontology connected to an upper level ontology. The
feasibility of this work has been tested in the urban domain by
transforming the resources accessible through the European Urban
Knowledge Network into a Linked Data repository.

JIIDE 2010

Wednesday, October 20th, 2010, Fco. Javier Zarazaga-Soria

Next week the JIIDE 2010 (“I Jornadas Ibéricas de Infraestructuras de Datos Espaciales”, will take place in Lisbon (Portugal).

In this case, we contribute with seven papers that shows results of several research lines during the last year :

  • Anclando “La Balsa de Piedra” digital de las IDEs al mundo de la Web Semántica.  Co-localización espacial de recursos IDE y la Web de datos.
  • Unificación de catálogos de recursos geográficos ante la diversidad normativa.  Buscando una solución tecnológica de compatibilidad
  • WatchTower.  Monitorización de servicios OGC no intrusiva
  • GeoSistur.  Integración de componentes tecnológicos IDE en un CMS para la construcción de geoportales turísticos
  • Explotación de servicios IDE en el Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza.  Trabajo conjunto de IDEZar con las plataformas EzWeb y MyMobileWeb
  • Modelado arquitectural de la IDEE basado en el estándar RM-ODP de ISO
  • State of Play: Spain and Portugal.  SDI services’ state of play in autumn 2010

The papers will be available in our web page after the JIIDE

Finding OGC Web Services in the Digital Earth

Thursday, September 16th, 2010, Aneta Florczyk

Our work Finding OGC Web Services in the Digital Earth will be presented during the DE2010 workshop (Towards Digital Earth: Search, Discover and Share Geospatial Data) at Future Internet Symposium which takes place in Berlin next Monday, 20th Sept. 2010.

Abstract. The distribution of OGC Web Catalogues (CSW) across professional communities, the expert profile of the catalogue user and also the low coverage of OGC Web Services (OWS) in standard search engines reduce the possibility of discovery and sharing geographic information. This paper presents an approach to simple spatio-temporal search of OWS retrieved from the web by a specialized crawler. The Digital Earth could benefit from this solution as it overcomes technical boundaries and solves the limitation of CSW acceptance only within professional community.

Aneta J. Florczyk, Patrick Maué*, Francisco J. López-Pellicer and Javier Nogueras-Iso, Finding OGC Web Services in the Digital Earth, Towards Digital Earth: Search, Discover and Share Geospatial Data, Workshop at Future Internet Symposium, September 20th, 2010, Berlin, Germany.

*Patrick Maué works at IFGI, Münster, Germany.

DEXA 2010 and EGOVIS 2010

Monday, June 7th, 2010, Francisco J Lopez-Pellicer

DEXA’10 and EGOVIS’10 will be held in conjunction next September. We present two papers.

  • Francisco J. Lopez-Pellicer, Mário J. Silva, Marcirio Chaves, F. Javier Zarazaga-Soria and Pedro R. Muro-Medrano, Geo Linked Data
  • Miguel Ángel Latre, Francisco J. Lopez-Pellicer, Javier Nogueras-Iso, Rubén Béjar, and Pedro R. Muro-Medrano, Facilitating E-government Services through SDIs, an Application for Water Abstractions Authorizations

We present in DEXA 2.010 the paper Geo Linked Data. This paper research a feasible approach for using maps as data in Semantic Web applications.  If the maps were machine-processable, it is possible to avoid messages such as “We are sorry, but we don’t have imagery at this zoom level for this region”, or select the most appropriate map to present data. Our contribution involves (1) the characterization of geospatial proxies, geospatial Web resources that could complement Semantic Web descriptions about entites, (2) the identification of their roles in semantic applications, (3) a recipe based on Linked Data practices for publishing alongside geospatial Web resources and RDF descriptions, and (4) best practices for advertising the presence, role and location of geospatial proxies.

We present to EGOVIS 2.010 the paper Facilitating E-government Services through SDIs, an Application for Water Abstractions Authorizations. In the last years, there has been a huge increment in the number of e-government services offered to the citizens and companies. However, environment-related permits are among the least developed kind of e-government services in Europe. Environmental management and government requires the use of geographic information and SDIs are being providing the framework for optimizing its management, and they are becoming a legal obligation for some countries and institutions. In order to make profit of geographic information technologies and of the obligation of building SDIs to contribute to the development of e-gov services, we presents how to use SDIs (for example IDE Ebro) in a real tool in the area of the environment-related permits: the application for a water abstraction authorization. SDI services are used for the capture, management, and assess of geographical information in a full transactional level e-government service.

AGILE 2010

Friday, May 21st, 2010, Francisco J Lopez-Pellicer

We present on AGILE 2010 two full papers:

  • Francisco J. Lopez-Pellicer, Aneta J. Florczyk, Javier Nogueras-Iso, Pedro R. Muro-Medrano and F. Javier Zarazaga-Soria – Exposing CSW Catalogues as Linked Data
  • Aneta J. Florczyk, Francisco J. Lopez-Pellicer, Rubén Béjar, Javier Nogueras-Iso and F.Javier Zarazaga-Soria – Applying Semantic Linkage in the Geospatial Web

Both papers represent our current view-point on how the Geospatial Semantic Web could be developed on top of current Spatial Data Infrastructures.

Francisco J. Lopez-Pellicer will present Exposing CSW Catalogues as Linked Data. This work explores the idea of “linked” CSW cataloges as a solution to ease the findability of geospatial metadata on the Web. This paper presents a toolkit that exposes as Linked Data the content of CSW metadata repositiories. The work developed by Aneta J. Florczyk, Applying Semantic Linkage in the Geospatial Web, explores how the semantic links to resources with spatial content can be applied to improve the recall of queries in metadata repositories.

It seems that Linking data is a hot topic in AGILE 2010. For example Sven Schade and Simon Cox presents a promising paper: Linked Data in SDI or How GML is not about Trees