Posts Tagged ‘Semantic Web’

Curso de verano “Archivos y gestión de documentos ante la web semántica”

Wednesday, April 11th, 2012, Fco. Javier Zarazaga-Soria

Curso extraordinario de verano de la Universidad de Zaragoza que se celebrará del 16 al 18 de Julio de 2012 en Ejea de los Caballeros (Zaragoza) sobre la temática de “Archivos y gestión de documentos ante la web semántica”.

Este curso es una iniciativa que se enmarca dentro del convenio de colaboración entre el Gobierno de Aragón y la Universidad de Zaragoza para la innovación tecnológica en la gestión de archivos a través de la Dirección General de Patrimonio Cultural del Departamento de Educación, Universidad, Cultura y Deporte y la Cátedra Logisman de la Universidad de Zaragoza.

Está orientado a archiveros y profesionales relacionados con los archivos y los gestores documentales; personal de empresas de gestión documental y del sector TIC; y estudiantes y personal docente e investigador en las áreas de archivística y ontologías.

Programa, información complementaria e inscripciones en:

TPDL 2011

Monday, July 11th, 2011, Javier Lacasta

TPDL 2011 will be held next september in Berlin. We will show the following paper:

Transformation of a keyword indexed collection into a semantic repository: applicability to the urban domain. Authors: Javier Lacasta, Javier Nogueras-Iso, Jacques Teller, Gilles Falquet

Abstract:  In the information retrieval context, resource collections are
frequently classified using thesauri. However, the limited semantics
provided by thesauri restricts the collection search and browsing
capabilities. This work focuses on improving these capabilities by
transforming a set of resources indexed according to a thesaurus
into a semantically tagged collection. The core mechanism for
building this collection is based on the conversion of the domain
specific thesaurus (indexing the collection of resources) into a
domain ontology connected to an upper level ontology. The
feasibility of this work has been tested in the urban domain by
transforming the resources accessible through the European Urban
Knowledge Network into a Linked Data repository.

Exploring the Advances in Semantic Search Engines

Tuesday, September 14th, 2010, Walter Rentería Agualimpia

CEDI’10 was held in the last september in Valencia, Spain.

Walter Renteria-Agualimpia, Francisco J. López-Pellicer, Pedro R. Muro-Medrano, Javier Nogueras-Iso, and F.Javier Zarazaga-Soria, Exploring the Advances in Semantic Search Engines

We presented the paper in the last International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence DCAI’10. It is an annual forum that will bring together ideas, projects, lessons, etc.. associated with distributed computing, artificial intelligence and its applications in different themes.

Our work was focused on Semantic Search Engines.
With the vertiginous volume information growing, the amount of an-swers provided by traditional search engines and satisfying syntactically the user queries has enlarged directly. In order to reduce this problem the race to develop Semantic Search Engines (SSE) is increasingly popular. Currently, there are mul-tiple proposals for Semantic Search Engines, and they are using a wide range of methods for matching the semantics behind user queries and the indexed collec-tion of resources. In this work we survey the semantic search engines domain, and present a miscellaneous of perspectives about the different classification of ap-proaches. We have created a comparative scheme and identified the prevalent re-search directions in SSE.

The completed survey can be reviewed at the link:
The paper is published on Distributed Computing and Artificial – Series: Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, Vol. 79

DEXA 2010 and EGOVIS 2010

Monday, June 7th, 2010, Francisco J Lopez-Pellicer

DEXA’10 and EGOVIS’10 will be held in conjunction next September. We present two papers.

  • Francisco J. Lopez-Pellicer, Mário J. Silva, Marcirio Chaves, F. Javier Zarazaga-Soria and Pedro R. Muro-Medrano, Geo Linked Data
  • Miguel Ángel Latre, Francisco J. Lopez-Pellicer, Javier Nogueras-Iso, Rubén Béjar, and Pedro R. Muro-Medrano, Facilitating E-government Services through SDIs, an Application for Water Abstractions Authorizations

We present in DEXA 2.010 the paper Geo Linked Data. This paper research a feasible approach for using maps as data in Semantic Web applications.  If the maps were machine-processable, it is possible to avoid messages such as “We are sorry, but we don’t have imagery at this zoom level for this region”, or select the most appropriate map to present data. Our contribution involves (1) the characterization of geospatial proxies, geospatial Web resources that could complement Semantic Web descriptions about entites, (2) the identification of their roles in semantic applications, (3) a recipe based on Linked Data practices for publishing alongside geospatial Web resources and RDF descriptions, and (4) best practices for advertising the presence, role and location of geospatial proxies.

We present to EGOVIS 2.010 the paper Facilitating E-government Services through SDIs, an Application for Water Abstractions Authorizations. In the last years, there has been a huge increment in the number of e-government services offered to the citizens and companies. However, environment-related permits are among the least developed kind of e-government services in Europe. Environmental management and government requires the use of geographic information and SDIs are being providing the framework for optimizing its management, and they are becoming a legal obligation for some countries and institutions. In order to make profit of geographic information technologies and of the obligation of building SDIs to contribute to the development of e-gov services, we presents how to use SDIs (for example IDE Ebro) in a real tool in the area of the environment-related permits: the application for a water abstraction authorization. SDI services are used for the capture, management, and assess of geographical information in a full transactional level e-government service.