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[TrEz-03] Tricas, F, Ezpeleta J.  2003.  Some results on siphon computation for deadlock prevention in resource allocation systems modelled with Petri nets. :16-29.
[IPCoGiSeJu03] Corona, D, Giua A, Seatzu C, Julvez J.  2003.  Observers for nondeterministic l-free labeled Petri nets.
[MCM-SCI03] Merseguer, J, Campos J, Mena E.  2003.  A Pattern Based Approach to Model Software Performance Using UML and Petri Nets: Application to Agent Based Systems. 9:307-313.
[LG03RR1] López-Grao, JP.  2003.  Sketching architectural concerns on distributed discrete event simulation based on Petri Nets.
[EzVa-03] Ezpeleta, J, Valk R.  2003.  A polynomial solution for deadlock avoidance in assembly systems modelled with Petri nets. :1-8.
[MC-SERP03] Merseguer, J, Campos J.  2003.  Exploring Roles for the UML Diagrams in Software Performance Engineering. :43-47.
[IPSiRe03] Silva, M, Recalde L.  2003.  On fluidification of Petri net models: from discrete to hybrid and continuous models. :9-20.
[MCM-WINET03] Merseguer, J, Campos J, Mena E.  2003.  Analysing Internet Software Retrieval Systems: Modeling and Performance Comparison. Wireless Networks: The Journal of Mobile Communication Computation and Information. 9:223-238.
[Tricas03] Tricas, F.  2003.  Deadlock Analysis, Prevention and Avoidance in Sequential Resource Allocation Systems.
[EzGP-03] Ezpeleta, J, Gascón P, Porta N.  2003.  COMPAS: un compilador para un lenguaje imperativo con aserciones embebidas. :47-51.
[GUGC-SEIO03] Uzábal, A, Galé C, Campos J.  2003.  Desarrollo de una herramienta de optimización binivel utilizando CPLEX y MATLAB y generación de problemas de prueba. :2931-2944.
[Merse-Phd] Merseguer, J.  2003.  Software Performance Engineering based on UML and Petri nets.
[MoEz-03] Moldt, D, Ezpeleta J.  2003.  A Proposal for Flexible Testing of Deadlock Control Strategies in Resource Allocation Systems. :586-595.
[03_TFP_IToSE] Teruel, E, Franceschinis G, Pierro M.  2003.  Well-defined generalized stochastic petri nets: a net-level method to specify priorities. Software Engineering, IEEE Transactions on. 29:962-973.
[HiLuMaSDNCb] Hitchcock, JM, Lutz JH, Mayordomo E.  2003.  Scaled dimension and non uniform complexity. 2719:278-290.
[1326] [Anonymous].  2003.  Petri Net Approaches for Modelling and Validation. Lincom Studies in Computer Science. 1
[1330] Colom, JM.  2003.  The Resource Allocation Problem in Flexible Manufacturing Systems. Application and Theory of Petri Nets 2003. :23-35.
[1333] García-Vallés, F, Colom JM.  2003.  Structural Analysis of Signal Transition Graphs based on Linear Algebraic Techniques. Petri Net Approaches for Modelling and Validation. :35-51.
[IPSiRe03b] Silva, M, Recalde L.  2003.  Unforced Continuous Petri Nets and Positive Systems. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences.
[IPGiJuSe03] Giua, A, Julvez J, Seatzu C.  2003.  Marking Estimation of Petri Nets based on Partial Observation. :-.
[IPJuReSi03a] Julvez, J, Recalde L, Silva M.  2003.  On reachability in autonomous continuous Petri net systems.
[blogtalk] Tricas, F, Ruiz, Merelo.  2003.  Do we live in an Small World? Measuring the Spanish-Speaking Blogosphere