Simulated prosthetic vision

We are working on combining different algorithms from machine learning and computer vision, with image processing tools to enhance the visual representation of images in retinal implants.
Melani Sanchez-Garcia, Alejandro Perez-Yus, Ruben Martinez-Cantin and Jose J. Guerrero (2021) Augmented reality navigation system for visual prosthesis. Technical report, arXiv:2109.14957. (PDF) (BibTeX)
Melani Sanchez-Garcia, Ruben Martinez-Cantin, Jesus Bermudez-Cameo and Jose J. Guerrero (2020) Influence of field of view in visual prostheses design: Analysis with a VR system. Journal of Neural Engineering, 17(5):056002. (PDF) (Project) (BibTeX)
Melani Sanchez-Garcia, Ruben Martinez-Cantin and Jose J. Guerrero (2020) Semantic and structural image segmentation for prosthetic vision. PLOS One, 15(1):e0227677. (PDF) (Project) (BibTeX)
Melani Sanchez-Garcia, Ruben Martinez-Cantin and Jose J. Guerrero (2019) Indoor Scenes Understanding for Visual Prosthesis with Fully Convolutional Networks. In International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications.. (PDF) (BibTeX)