About myself



Currently, I am Associate Professor at the Universidad de Zaragoza (http://unizar.es/), Spain.

I worked from April-2012 until Oct-2013 as a Postdoc in the Institut Pascal (http://ip.univ-bpclermont.fr/index.php/en/), at Clermont–Ferrand, France, under the supervison of Prof. Youcef Mezouar.

I defended my PhD thesis in Robotics at the Universidad de Zaragoza in March-2012. The thesis was on Distributed Algorithms on Robotic Networks for Coordination in Perception Tasks and I worked under the supervision of Prof. Carlos Sagüés.

My research interests include multi-robot perception, map merging, and distributed consensus in robotic networks.


Contact information:


email: raragues at unizar.es

Office: D0.10 (Ada Byron)

Phone: (+34) 976762337 (Ext. 842337)

Department of Comptuer Science and Systems Engineering (http://diis.unizar.es/)

Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura (https://eina.unizar.es/)

María de Luna 1, 50018 Zaragoza (Spain)

Universidad de Zaragoza (http://unizar.es/)