

OptoSkin: Novel LIDAR Touch Sensors for Detection of Touch and Pressure Within Wave GuidesEmmanuel Bacher, Sergio Cartiel, Jorge García-Pueyo, Julija Stopar, Aleš Zore, Roman Kamnik, Ilze Aulika, Andrejs Ogurcovs, Jurǵis Grūbe, Arturs Bundulis, Jelena Butikova, Meldra Kemere, Adolfo Muñoz, and Martin Laurenzis. IEEE Sensors Journal 24, 20, 33268–33280. 2024. Paper Bibtex
Polarimetric BSSRDF Acquisition of Dynamic FacesHyunho Ha, Inseung Hwang, Nestor Monzon, Jaemin Cho, Donggun Kim, Seung-Hwan Baek, Adolfo Muñoz, Diego Gutierrez, and Min H. Kim. ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia 2024) 43, 6. 2024. Paper Arxiv Video Bibtex
A Surface-based Appearance Model for Pennaceous FeathersJuan Raúl Padrón-Griffe, Dario Lanza, Adrián Jarabo, and Adolfo Muñoz. Computer Graphics Forum (Pacific Graphics) 43, 7, X. 2024. Project page Bibtex
Cohesive framework for non-line-of-sight imaging based on Dirac notationAlbert Redo-Sanchez, Pablo Luesia-Lahoz, Diego Gutierrez, and Adolfo Muñoz. Opt. Express 32, 6, 10505–10526. 2024. Paper Open-Access Bibtex
Real-Time Underwater Spectral RenderingNestor Monzon, Diego Gutierrez, Derya Akkaynak, and Adolfo Muñoz. Computer Graphics Forum 43, 2, e15009. 2024. Project page Open access Bibtex
Practical Appearance Model for Foundation CosmeticsDario Lanza, Juan Raúl Padrón-Griffe, Alina Pranovich, Adolfo Muñoz, Jeppe Frisvad, and Adrian Jarabo. Computer Graphics Forum (CGF) 43, 4. 2024. Project page Bibtex


Virtual Mirrors: Non-Line-of-Sight Imaging Beyond the Third BounceDiego Royo, Talha Sultan, Adolfo Muñoz, Khadijeh Masumnia-Bisheh, Eric Brandt, Diego Gutierrez, Andreas Velten, and Julio Marco. ACM Transactions on Graphics 42, 4. 2023. Project page Bibtex
Zone Plate Virtual Lenses for Memory-Constrained NLOS ImagingPablo Luesia-Lahoz, Diego Gutierrez, and Adolfo Muñoz. ICASSP 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 1–5. 2023. Paper Bibtex


Sparse Ellipsometry: Portable Acquisition of Polarimetric SVBRDF and Shape with Unstructured Flash PhotographyInseung Hwang, Daniel S. Jeon, Adolfo Muñoz, Diego Gutierrez, Xin Tong, and Min H. Kim. ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH 2022) 41, 4. 2022. Project page Bibtex
Non-line-of-sight transient renderingDiego Royo, Jorge García, Adolfo Muñoz, and Adrian Jarabo. Computers & Graphics 107, 84–92. 2022. Paper Code Bibtex
Structure-aware parametric representations for time-resolved light transportDiego Royo, Zesheng Huang, Yun Liang, Boyan Song, Adolfo Muñoz, Diego Gutierrez, and Julio Marco. Optics Letters 47, 19, 5212–5215. 2022. Bibtex


Primary-Space Adaptive Control Variates using Piecewise-Polynomial Approximations.Miguel Crespo, Adrian Jarabo, and Adolfo Muñoz. ACM Transactions on Graphics 40, 3. 2021. Project page Bibtex
A learning experience toward the understanding of abstraction-level interactions in parallel applicationsAlejandro Valero, Rubén Gran-Tejero, Darío Suárez-Gracia, Emanuel A. Georgescu, Joaquín Ezpeleta, Pedro Álvarez, Adolfo Muñoz, Luis M. Ramos, and Pablo Ibáñez. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 156, 38–52. 2021. Paper Bibtex


Compression and denoising of time-resolved light transportYun Liang, Mingqin Chen, Zesheng Huang, Diego Gutierrez, Adolfo Muñoz, and Julio Marco. Optics Letters 45, 7, 1986–1989. 2020. Paper Video Bibtex


Polarization mappingFernando del Molino and Adolfo Muñoz. Computers & Graphics 83, 42–50. 2019. Project page Bibtex
Generic Interactive Pixel-level Image EditingYun Liang, Yibo Gan, Mingqin Chen, Diego Gutierrez, and Adolfo Muñoz. Computer Graphics Forum 38, 7, 23–34. 2019. Project page Bibtex


A generic tool for interactive complex image editingAna B. Cambra, Ana C. Murillo, and Adolfo Muñoz. The Visual Computer 34, 11, 1493–1505. 2018. Project page Bibtex


Coral-Segmentation: Training Dense Labeling Models with Sparse Ground TruthIñigo Alonso, Ana B. Cambra, Adolfo Muñoz, Tali Treibitz, and Ana C. Murillo. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops, ICCV Workshops 2017, Venice, Italy, October 22-29, 2017, IEEE Computer Society, 2874–2882. 2017. PDF Bibtex
DeepToF: Off-the-Shelf Real-Time Correction of Multipath Interference in Time-of-Flight ImagingJulio Marco, Quercus Hernandez, Adolfo Muñoz, Yue Dong, Adrian Jarabo, Min H. Kim, Xin Tong, and Diego Gutierrez. ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2017) 36, 6. 2017. Project page Bibtex


Dense Labeling with User Interaction: an Example for Depth-Of-Field SimulationAna B. Cambra, Adolfo Muñoz, José Jesús Guerrero, and Ana C. Murillo. Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 2016, BMVC 2016, York, UK, September 19-22, 2016, BMVA Press. 2016. PDF Supplementary Video Poster Bibtex


Statistical Analysis of Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution FunctionsCarlos J. Zubiaga, Laurent Belcour, Carles Bosch, Adolfo Muñoz, and Pascal Barla. Measuring, Modeling, and Reproducing Material Appearance 2015. 2015. Project page Bibtex
MatCap Decomposition for Dynamic Appearance ManipulationCarlos J. Zubiaga, Adolfo Muñoz, Laurent Belcour, Carles Bosch, and Pascal Barla. Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2015. 2015. Project page Video 1 Video 2 Bibtex


Higher Order Ray MarchingAdolfo Muñoz. Computer Graphics Forum 33, 8, 167–176. 2014. Project page Bibtex
A Framework for Transient RenderingAdrian Jarabo, Julio Marco, Adolfo Muñoz, Raul Buisan, Wojciech Jarosz, and Diego Gutierrez. ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH Asia 2014) 33, 6. 2014. Project page Bibtex


Intrinsic Images by ClusteringElena Garces, Adolfo Muñoz, Jorge Lopez-Moreno, and Diego Gutierrez. Computer Graphics Forum (EGSR 2012) 31, 4, 1415–1424. 2012. Project page Bibtex
Physically-based Simulation of RainbowsIman Sadeghi, Adolfo Muñoz, Philip Laven, Wojciech Jarosz, Francisco Seron, Diego Gutierrez, and Henrik Wann Jensen. ACM Transactions on Graphics (Presented at SIGGRAPH) 31, 1, 3:1–3:12. 2012. Project page Bibtex


BSSRDF Estimation from Single ImagesAdolfo Muñoz, Jose I. Echevarria, Francisco Seron, Jorge Lopez-Moreno, Mashhuda Glencross, and Diego Gutierrez. Computer Graphics Forum 30, 2 (Eurographics), 455–464. 2011. Project page Bibtex
Convolution-Based Simulation of Homogeneous Subsurface ScatteringAdolfo Muñoz, Jose I. Echevarria, Francisco J. Seron, and Diego Gutierrez. Computer Graphics Forum 30, 8, 2279–2287. 2011. Project page Bibtex


Light Transport in Participating MediaAdolfo Muñoz. 2010. Project page Bibtex


Visualizing Underwater Ocean OpticsDiego Gutierrez, Francisco Seron, Adolfo Muñoz, and Oscar Anson. Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. of EUROGRAPHICS) 27, 2, 547–556. 2008. Project page Bibtex


Optimization Techniques for Curved Path ComputingAdolfo Muñoz, Diego Gutierrez, and Francisco J. Serón. Vis. Comput. 23, 7, 493–502. 2007. PDF Bibtex


Simulation of atmospheric phenomenaDiego Gutierrez, Francisco J. Seron, Adolfo Muñoz, and Oscar Anson. Computers & Graphics 30, 6, 994–1010. 2006. PDF Bibtex


Non-Linear Volume Photon MappingDiego Gutierrez, Adolfo Muñoz, Oscar Anson, and Francisco Seron. Rendering Techniques (Proceedings of the Eurographics Symposium on Rendering Techniques, Konstanz, Germany, June 29 - July 1, 2005), Eurographics Association, 291–300. 2005. Project page Bibtex
