Short bio

Adolfo Muñoz is an Associate Professor at the Departament of Computer Science and Systems Engineering at Universidad de Zaragoza, who teaches at the School of Engineering and Architecture. In April 2010 he defended his PhD thesis Light Transport in Participating Media (supervised by Prof. Diego Gutierrez and Prof. Francisco J. Seron) which established his original research topics, including light transport simulation and capture and modeling of material appearance. More recently he has incorporated other interests such as computational and transient imaging. He belongs to the Graphics and Imaging Lab. He has co-authored publications in high impact journals, and illustrated his capacity of working in big international teams (with multiple co-authors from several institutions around the world) as well as his own individual ability as researcher (with a first quartile publication with a single author).


Mar 2024

Two papers accepted! Real-Time Underwater Spectral Rendering in Eurographics 2024 and Cohesive framework for non-line-of-sight imaging based on Dirac notation in Optics Express.

Jan 2024

The tied winners of the 4th rendering contest of the Modeling and Simulation of Appearance master course are Juan Plo, Darío Marcos, Gabriel Sanz and Guillermo Enguita.

May 2023

Our paper Virtual Mirrors: Non-Line-of-Sight Imaging Beyond the Third Bounce has been accepted in SIGGRAPH 2023.

Mar 2023

I got tenured today.

Jan 2023

The winner and honorable mention of the 3rd rendering contest of the Modeling and Simulation of Appearance master course are Jorge García, Sergio Cartiel, Oscar Pueyo and Mateo Vallejo.

Jan 2023

The winner and honorable mention of the 2023 rendering contest of the Computer Graphics bachelor course are Iván Gonzalo, Raúl Iranzo, Francisco José Crespo and Emilio Estevan.

Oct 2022

We are starting today the new Horizon Europe project, SestoSenso: Physical Intelligence for Smart and Safe Human-Robot Interaction, for the next three years.

Jul 2022

Our paper Non-line-of-sight transient rendering has been accepted in Computers & Graphics, and has been selected as the best paper in the Spanish Conference on Computer Graphics 2022 (CEIG 2022).

May 2022

We are hiring!. We are looking for highly motivated and talended postdocs and PhD students to join the Graphics & Imaging Lab somewhen around October 2022 for a year or more.

May 2022

Our paper Sparse Ellipsometry: Portable Acquisition of Polarimetric SVBRDF and Shape with Unstructured Flash Photography has been accepted in SIGGRAPH 2022.

Feb 2022

The winner and honorable mention of the 2022 rendering contest of the Computer Graphics bachelor course are Samuel Pérez, Mateo Vallejo and Sara Guillén.

Feb 2022

The winner and honorable mention of the 2nd rendering contest of the Modeling and Simulation of Appearance master course are Fernando García, Alberto García and Francisco Navarro.

May 2021

Our paper A Learning Experience Toward the Understanding of Abstraction-Level Interactions in Parallel Applications has been accepted in the Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing.

Mar 2021

I have completely revamped my web site. You are looking at it.

Feb 2021

Our paper Primary-Space Adaptive Control Variates using Piecewise-Polynomial Approximations has been accepted in ACM Transactions on Graphics and will be presented at SIGGRAPH 2021.

Sep 2020

After years of preparation, we start new Master in Robotics, Graphics and Computer Vision, which is completely in the English language.

Jun 2020

We have been granted a national project, VIRTUALIGHT: Virtual Optics for Transient Imaging, for the next three years.