Computer Graphics Forum 30, 8, 2279–2287. 2011.
Convolution-Based Simulation of Homogeneous Subsurface Scattering
Adolfo Muñoz1
Jose I. Echevarria1
Francisco J. Seron1
Diego Gutierrez1
1 Universidad de Zaragoza, I3A


This paper introduces a new method for simulating homogeneous subsurface light transport in translucent objects. Our approach is based on irradiance convolutions over a multi-layered representation of the volume for light transport, which is general enough to obtain plausible depictions of translucent objects based on the diffusion approximation. We aim at providing an efficient physically based algorithm that can apply arbitrary diffusion profiles to general geometries. We obtain accurate results for a wide range of materials, on par with the hierarchical method by Jensen and Buhler.





This research has been funded by a Marie Curie grant from the Seventh Framework Programme (grant agreement no.: 251415), the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (TIN2010-21543) and the Gobierno de Aragón (projects OTRI 2009/0411 and CTPP05/09). Jose I. Echevarria was additionally funded by a research grant from the Instituto de Investigación en Ingeniería de Aragón.