Journal Publications
- E. López-Larraz, L. Montesano, A. Gil-Agudo, and J. Minguez Continuous decoding of movement intention of upper limb self-initiated analytic movements from pre-movement EEG correlates. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 11:153, November 2014 ( external link, BibTex)
- C. Escolano, M. Navarro-Gil, J. Garcia-Campayo, M. Congedo, D. De Ridder, and J. Minguez A controlled study on the cognitive effect of alpha neurofeedback training in patients with major depressive disorder. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, vol. 8, no. 296, September 2014 (pdf (external link), BibTex)
- C. Escolano, M. Navarro-Gil, J. Garcia-Campayo, M. Congedo, and J. Minguez The Effects of Individual Upper Alpha Neurofeedback in ADHD: An Open-Label Pilot Study. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, vol. 39, no. 3-4, pp. 193-202, September 2014 (pdf, BibTex). The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10484-014-9257-6
- C. Escolano, M. Navarro-Gil, J. Garcia-Campayo, and J. Minguez The Effects of a Single Session of Upper Alpha Neurofeedback for Cognitive Enhancement: A Sham-Controlled Study. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, vol. 39, no. 3-4, pp. 227-236, September 2014 (pdf, BibTex). The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10484-014-9262-9
- I. Iturrate, R. Chavarriaga, L. Montesano, J. Minguez, and JdR. Millan Latency correction of event-related potentials between different experimental protocols. Journal of Neural Engineering, (In Press) 2014 (pdf (external link), BibTex)
- J. Antelis, L. Montesano, A. Ramos-Murguialday, N. Birbaumer, and J. Minguez On the Usage of Linear Regression Models to Reconstruct Limb Kinematics from Low Frequency EEG Signals. PloS ONE, March 2013 (pdf (external link), BibTex)
- I. Iturrate, L. Montesano, and J. Minguez Task-dependent signal variations in EEG error-related potentials for brain-computer interfaces. Journal of Neural Engineering, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 026024, March 2013 (pdf (external link), BibTex)
- J. M. Antelis, and J. Minguez DYNAMO: concurrent dynamic multi-model source localization method for EEG and/or MEG. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, Vol. 212, no. 1, pp. 28–42, 2013 (pdf, BibTex)
- C. Escolano, J. M. Antelis, and J. Minguez A telepresence mobile robot controlled with a non-invasive brain-computer interface. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part B: Cybernetics, Vol. 42, no. 3, pp. 793–804, June 2012 (pdf, BibTex)
C. Escolano and J. Minguez,
Sistema de teleoperación multi-robot basado en interfaz cerebro-computador.
Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial (RIAI), Volume 8, Number 2, pages 16-23, 2011
(pdf spanish, BibTex)
J. M. Antelis, L. Montesano and J. Minguez,
Towards Decoding 3D Finger Trajectories from EEG.
International Journal of Bioelectromagnetism, Volume 13, Number 3, pages 112-114, 2011
- L. Montesano, M. Diaz, S. Bhaskar and J. Minguez, Towards an Intelligent Wheelchair System for Users With Cerebral Palsy. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, Volume 18, Number 2, pages 193-202, 2010 (pdf)
- J. Antelis, and J. Minguez. EEG source localization Based on Dynamic Bayesian Estimation Techniques. International Journal of Bioelectromagnetism, Volume 11, Number. 4, Pages. 179- 184, 2009 (pdf)
- I. Iturrate, J. Antelis, A. Kübler, and J. Minguez A Non-Invasive Brain-Actuated Wheelchair based on a P300 Neurophysiological Protocol and Automated Navigation. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 614–627, June 2009 (pdf, BibTex)
- L. Montesano, J. Minguez, L.
Montano. Modeling Dynamic Scenarios for Local Sensor-Based Motion
Planning. Autonomous Robots,
Vol. 12, No3, 231-251, 2008 (pdf)
- J. Minguez, L. Montano. Extending
Reactive Collision Avoidance Methods to Consider any Vehicle Shape and
the Kinematics and Dynamic Constraints. IEEE
Transactions on Robotics, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 367-381, 2008 (pdf)
- J. Minguez, L. Montesano, F.
Lamiraux. Metric-Based Iterative Closest Point Scan Matching for
Sensor Displacement Estimation. IEEE Transactions on
Robotics. Volume:
22, Issue: 5. pp: 1047-1054, 2006 (pdf)
- L. Montesano, J. Minguez,
L. Montano. Lessons Learned in Integration for Sensor-Based Robot
Navigation Systems. International
Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, Volume 3, no. 1, Pages 85-91, 2006
- J. Minguez,
L. Montano, J. Santos-Victor. Abstracting vehicle Shape and Kinematics constraints from
Obstacle Avoidance Methods. Autonomous Robots, Volume 20, Issue 1, Pages 43-59, 2006 (pdf)
- J. Minguez,
L. Montano. Sensor-Based Robot Motion Generation in Unknown, Dynamic
and Troublesome Scenarios. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Volume 52, Issue 4, Pages 290-311, 2005. (pdf)
- J. Minguez,
L. Montano. Nearness Diagram Navigation (ND): Collision Avoidance in
Troublesome Scenarios. IEEE Transactions on
Robotics and Automation,
Volume 20, Issue 1, Pages:45 - 59, 2004. (pdf)
Conference Publications
- C. Escolano, M. Navarro-Gil, J. Garcia-Campayo, and J. Minguez
EEG-based upper-alpha neurofeedback for cognitive enhancement in Major Depressive Disorder: A preliminary, uncontrolled study,
International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Osaka (Japan)
, 2013. (pdf, BibTex).
- I. Iturrate, L. Montesano, and J. Minguez
Shared-control brain-computer interface for a two dimensional reaching task using EEG error-related potentials,
International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Osaka (Japan)
, 2013. (pdf, BibTex).
- J. Omedes, I. Iturrate, L. Montesano, and J. Minguez
Using frequency-domain features for the generalization of EEG error-related potentials among different tasks,
International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Osaka (Japan)
, 2013. (pdf, BibTex).
- J.M. Antelis, L. Montesano, A.R. Murguialday, N. Birbaumer, and J. Minguez
Continuous decoding of intention to move from contralesional hemisphere brain oscillations in severely affected chronic stroke patients,
International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, San Diego (USA)
, 2012. (pdf, BibTex).
- J.M. Antelis, L. Montesano, X. Giralt, A. Casals, J. Minguez
Detection of movements with attention or distraction to the motor task during robot-assisted passive movements of the upper limb,
International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, San Diego (USA)
, 2012. (pdf, BibTex).
- I. Iturrate, R. Chavarriaga, L. Montesano, J. Minguez, and J.d.R. Millan
Latency Correction of Error Potentials between Different Experiments Reduces Calibration Time for Single-Trial Classification,
International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, San Diego (USA)
, 2012. (pdf, BibTex).
- C. Escolano, B. Olivan, Y. Lopez-del-Hoyo, J. Garcia-Campayo, and J. Minguez
Double-blind single-session neurofeedback training in upper-alpha for cognitive enhancement of healthy subjects,
International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, San Diego (USA)
, 2012. (pdf, BibTex).
- E. López-Larraz, J.M. Antelis, A. Gil-Agudo, L. Montesano, and J. Minguez
Continuous Decoding of Motor Attempt and Motor Imagery from EEG Activity in Spinal Cord Injury Patients,
International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, San Diego (USA)
, 2012. (pdf, BibTex).
- E. López-Larraz, C. Escolano, and J. Minguez
Upper Alpha Neurofeedback Training Over the Motor Cortex Increases SMR Desynchronization in Motor Tasks,
International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, San Diego (USA)
, 2012. (pdf, BibTex).
- J. Gomez, M. Aguilar, E. Horna, and Javier Minguez
Quantification of Event-Related Desynchronization / Synchronization at Low Frequencies in a Semantic Memory Task,
International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, San Diego (USA)
, 2012. (pdf, BibTex).
- M.Aguilar, M.Congedo and J.Minguez. A Data-Driven Process for the Development of an Eyes-closed EEG Normative Database, International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Boston (USA). 2011. (pdf).
- M. Rodrigo, L. Montesano, and J. Minguez.
Classification of Resting, Anticipation and Movement States in Self-Initiated Arm Movements for EEG Brain Computer Interfaces,
International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Boston (USA)
, 2011 (pdf)
- C. Escolano, M. Aguilar, and J. Minguez.
EEG-based upper alpha neurofeedback training improves working memory performance,
International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Boston (USA)
, 2011 (pdf, BibTex)
- I. Iturrate, L. Montesano, R. Chavarriaga, J.d.R. Millán and J. Minguez,
Minimizing Calibration Time Using Inter-Subject Information of Single-Trial Recognition of Error Potentials in Brain-Computer Interfaces,
International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Boston (USA)
, 2011 (pdf).
- E. López-Larraz, I. Iturrate, C. Escolano, I. García, L. Montesano, and J.Minguez.
Single-trial classification of feedback potentials within neurofeedback training with an EEG brain-computer interface,
International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Boston (USA)
, 2011. (pdf, BibTex).
- E.López-Larraz, M.Creatura, I.Iturrate, L.Montesano, and J.Minguez.
EEG Single-Trial Classification of Visual, Auditive and Vibratory Feedback Potentials in Brain-Computer Interfaces,
International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Boston (USA)
, 2011. (pdf, BibTex).
- I.Iturrate, L.Montesano, R. Chavarriaga, J.d.R. Millán and J.Minguez. Spatio-temporal filtering for EEG error related potentials, 5th International Brain-Computer Interface Conference, Graz (Austria). 2011. (pdf).
- M. Aguilar and J. Minguez. Diagnóstico y Evaluación de Terapias Neurocognitivas por medio de una Base Normativa de EEG Basal en Adultos , VI Congreso Iberoamericano de Tecnologías de Apoyo a la Discapacidad , 2011.
- R. Noé, C. Escolano, L. Montesano, and J. Minguez.
Desarrollo de un sistema de control de brazo robot para la realización de tareas de alcance por medio de una interfaz cerebro computador,
VI Congreso Iberoamericano de Tecnologías de Apoyo a la Discapacidad (Iberdiscap)
, Mallorca (Spain), 2011
- E. Horna, L. Montesano and J. Minguez. 3D Target Decoding in Self-Initiated Arm Movements from
Anticipatory Movement Potentials for EEG Brain Computer Interfaces , 3er Simposio CEA de Bioingeniería. Técnicas de BCI (Brain-Computer Interface) y Neurotecnologías" , 2011.
- M. Aguilar and J. Minguez. Diseño de una Base Normativa de EEG Basal en Adultos , Revista oficial de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Zaragoza, Volume 51, Issue 1, April 2011.
- R. Noe, L. Montesano and J. Minguez. Desarrollo de un brazo robot controlado por una interfaz cerebro computador , Revista oficial de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Zaragoza, Volume 51, Issue 1, April 2011.
- C. Escolano, A. Ramos Murguialday, T. Matuz, N. Birbaumer, and J. Minguez.
A telepresence robotic system operated with a P300-based brain-computer interface: Initial tests with ALS patients,
International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Buenos Aires (Argentina)
, 2011 (pdf, BibTex)
- I. Iturrate, L. Montesano, J. Minguez. Single Trial Recognition of Error-Related Potentials During
Observation of Robot Operation, International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Argentina. 2010. (pdf).
- J. Antelis, J. Minguez. DYNAMO: Dynamic Multi-Model Source Localization Method
for EEG and/or MEG, International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Argentina. 2010. (pdf).
- E. López-Larraz, I. Iturrate, L. Montesano, J. Minguez.
Real-Time Recognition of Feedback Error-Related Potentials during a Time-Estimation Task,
International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Argentina
, 2010. (pdf, BibTex).
- E. López-Larraz, O. M. Mozos, J. Antelis, J. Minguez.
Syllable-Based Speech Recognition Using EMG,
International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Argentina
, 2010. (pdf, BibTex).
- J. Minguez. Tecnología de Interfaz Cerebro-Computador. Jornadas II Internacionales de Mayores y Nuevas Tecnologías. Abril. 2010 (pdf draft)
- I. Iturrate, L. Montesano, and J. Minguez, Robot Reinforcement Learning using EEG-based reward signals, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Alaska (USA), 2010 (pdf)
- L. Armesto, J. Minguez, and L. Montesano, A Generalization of the Metric-Based Iterative Closest Point Technique for 3D Scan Matching, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Alaska (USA), 2010 (pdf)
- J. Antelis, and J. Minguez, Dynamic solution to the EEG source localization problem using Kalman Filters and Particle Filters, In Proceedings of the 31st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC),
Minneapolis (USA), 2009
- I. Iturrate, J. Antelis, and J. Minguez, Synchronous EEG Brain-Actuated Wheelchair with Automated Navigation, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), Kobe (Japan), 2009
- I. Iturrate, C. Escolano J. Antelis, and J. Minguez,
Robotic rehabilitation devices based on brain-computer interfaces: Wheelchair and teleoperated robot,
III Publicación Internacional sobre Domótica, Robótica y Teleasistencia para Todos (DRT4ALL),
Barcelona (Spain), 2009 (pdf, pdf spanish, BibTex)
- C. Escolano, J. Antelis, and J. Minguez,
Human brain-teleoperated robot between remote places,
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
, Kobe (Japan), 2009 (pdf, BibTex)
- C. Escolano, I. Iturrate, J. Antelis, and J. Minguez,
Dispositivos robóticos de rehabilitación basados en interfaces-cerebro ordenador: silla de ruedas y robot para teleoperación,
Simposio CEA de Bioingeniería, II Seminario de técnicas de BCI y de análisis de la actividad cerebral asociada
, Elche (Spain), 2009 (pdf spanish, BibTex)
- E. López Larraz, O. Martínez Mozos, J.M. Antelis Ortiz, J. Damborenea Tajada, and J. Mínguez Zafra, Diseño de un sistema de reconocimiento del habla mediante electromiografía, XXVII Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica, Cádiz (España), 2009 (pdf spanish, BibTex).
- J. Antich, A. Ortiz, and J. Minguez, A Bug-Inspired Algorithm for Efficient Anytime Path Planning, Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Saint Louis (USA), 2009 (pdf)
- J. Antich, A. Ortiz, and J. Minguez, ABUG: A Fast Bug-derivative Anytime Path Planner with Provable Suboptimality Bounds, Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Robotics (ICAR 2009), Munich (Alemania), 2009 (pdf)
- J.L. Jiménez,
I. Rañó and J. Mínguez. Advances in a Framework for Automatic
Evaluation of Obstacle Avoidance Algorithms. Workshop of
Benchmarking in Robotics, in the IEEE/RSJ
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
2007. (pdf)
- J. Minguez, L. Montano: Abstracting
any Vehicle Shape and the Kinematics and Dynamic Constraints from
Reactive Collision Avoidance Methods. European
Conference on Mobile Robotics (ECMR’2007).
Freiburg, Alemania. 2007. (pdf)
- C. Angulo, J. Minguez,
M. Díaz, A. Catalá: Ongoing Research on Adaptive Smart Assistive Systems for Disabled People in Autonomous Movement. II Congreso Internacional de Domótica,
Robótica y Teleasistencia (DRT4ALL),
2007. Madrid.
- J. Minguez, L. Montesano,
M. Díaz, C. Canalís: Intelligent
Robotic Mobility Sistem for Cognitive Disabled Children. II Congreso Internacional de Domótica,
Robótica y Teleasistencia (DRT4ALL),
2007. Madrid.
- D. Rodriguez-Losada,
J. Minguez: Improved Data Association
for ICP-based Scan Matching in Noisy and Dynamic Environments. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Automation (ICRA), 2007. Roma, Italia. (pdf)
- I. Raño, J. Minguez. Steps Towards the Automatic Evaluation of Robot Obstacle Avoidance
Workshop of Benchmarking in Robotics, in the IEEE/RSJ
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
2006. Beijin, China. (pdf)
- L. Montesano, J. Minguez, J.M. Alcubierre, L.
Montano. Towards the Adaptation of a Robotic Wheelchair for Cognitive
Disabled Children.
Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
2006. Beijin, China. (pdf)
- M. Díaz, J. Minguez, C. Angulo, M. Solana. Estudio de usabilidad del sistema de navegación y la calidad del
movimiento de una silla con motor robotizada. VII Congreso Internacional de Interacción
Persona-Ordenador (Interaccion'06), 2006. Ciudad
Real, Spain.
- D. Vikenmark, J. Minguez. Reactive
Obstacle Avoidance for Mobile Robots that Operate in Confined 3D
Workspaces. IEEE Mediterranean Electro-technical Conference (MELECON), 2006.
Málaga, Spain. (pdf)
- J. Minguez, L. Montesano, L. Montano. Autonomous Motion Generation for a Robotic Wheelchair. (Poster
+ Video). In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Automation (ICRA),
2006. Orlando, USA. (pdf and video)
- Lydia Biota, J. Minguez, L. Montesano, F. Lamiraux. Toward a Metric-Based Scan Matching Algorithm for Displacement
Estimation in 3D Workspaces. (Poster). In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Automation (ICRA),
2006. Orlando, USA. (pdf)
- J.M. Alcubierre, J. Minguez, L.
Montesano, L. Montano, O. Saz and E. Lleida. Silla de ruedas inteligente
controlada por voz. I
Congreso Internacional de Domótica, Robótica y Teleasistencia,
Madrid. (pdf)
- L. Montesano, J. Minguez and L. Montano. Probabilistic Scan Matching for Motion Estimation in Unstructured
Environments. Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
Edmonton, Canada. (pdf)
- J. Minguez. Integration
of Planning and Reactive Obstacle Avoidance in Autonomous Sensor-Based
Navigation. Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
Edmonton, Canada. (pdf)
- J. Minguez. The
Obstacle-Restriction Method (ORM) for Robot Obstacle Avoidance in
Difficult Environments. Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
Edmonton, Canada. (pdf)
- L. Montesano, J. Minguez and L. Montano. Modeling the
Static and the Dynamic Parts of the Environment to Improve Sensor-based
Navigation. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Automation (ICRA),
2005. Barcelona, Spain. (pdf)
- J. Minguez, F. Lamiraux and L. Montesano. Metric-Based
Scan Matching Algorithms for Mobile Robot Displacement Estimation. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Automation (ICRA),
2005. Barcelona, Spain. (pdf).
- J. Minguez, J. Osuna, L. Montano. A “Divide and Conquer” Strategy
based on Situations to achieve Reactive Collision Avoidance in
Troublesome Scenarios. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Automation (ICRA),
2004. New Orleans, USA. (pdf)
- J. Minguez,
L. Montesano and L. Montano. An Architecture for Sensor-Based Navigation in
Realistic Dynamic and Troublesome Scenarios. In Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
2004. Sendai, Japan. (pdf)
- J. Minguez, L. Montano. The Ego-KinoDynamic Space: Collision Avoidance for any Shape Mobile
Robots with Kinematic and Dynamic Constraints. In Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
2003, Las Vegas, USA (pdf)
- J. Minguez, L. Montano, J.
Santos-Victor. Reactive Navigation for Non-holonomic Robots using the
Ego-Kinematic Space. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Automation (ICRA),
2002. Washington, USA. (pdf)
- J. Minguez, L. Montano, O. Khatib. Reactive Collision Avoidance for
Navigation with Dynamic Constraints. In Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
2002. Lausanne, Switzerland (pdf)
- J. Minguez, L. Montano. Robot Navigation in Very Complex, Dense and Cluttered Indoor/Outdoor Scenarios. InProceedings of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC),
2002. Barcelona, Spain (pdf)
- J.M. Ibarra, U. Zaldívar, E.J. Iturbe, J. López, L.Montano, J. Minguez. Mapping for Mobile Robots using Interactive Virtual Worlds and Internet
Teleoperation. In Proceedings of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC),
2002. Barcelona, Spain (pdf)
- J. Minguez, L. Montano, T.
Simeon, R. Alami. Global Nearness Diagram
Navigation (GND). In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Automation (ICRA),
2001. Seoul, Korea. (pdf)
- J. Minguez, L. Montano. Nearness Diagram Navigation (ND):
A new Real Time Collision Avoidacne Approarch. In Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
2000. Takamatsu, Japan. (pdf)
- Rachid Alami, I.Belousov, S.Fleury,
M.Herb, F.Ingrand, J.Minguez, B.Morisset. Diligent:
Towards a Human-friendly Navigation System. In Proceedings of the
IEEE/RSJ International zConference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
2000. Takamatsu, Japan. (pdf)
- J. Minguez et al. Simulation of a GPS System using Matlab. I
Congress of Matlab users 1996. Madrid Spain.