Office hours / Horarios de tutoría
Miércoles 10-12h, Jueves 11-14h, Viernes 10-11h Recomendable contactar previamente por email |
Master and Graduate Thesis (TFM, TFG)
Contact me ( if you are interested in a thesis on machine learning, reinforcement learning, robotics or computer vision.
Ofertas de TFG/TFM |
Courses at UniZar
Graduate courses / Docencia de Máster
- Machine learning || Fall 2020-24 (69152)
- Applications of deep learning || Spring 2020-24 (69158)
- Intelligent Systems || Fall 2019-24 (62220)
- Control Engineering || Fall 2019-20 (60820)
Undergraduate courses / Docencia de Grado
- Automatic Systems (Mechanical Engineering) || Spring 2019-24 (29726)
- Automatic Systems (Chemical Engineering) || Spring 2019-20 (29936)
Previous Teaching
My previous teaching at the 2011 Machine Learning Summer School and the Centro Universitario de la Defensa.