Author Archives: admin

Two new engineers released in the wild!

Yesterday, two students whose BSc thesis I was supervising presented their work and have officially taken their degrees. On the one hand, Paula Ezpeleta presented her work titled “Text analysis for citation and reference validation” (co-supervised by Lucía Pitarch), and … Continue reading

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Language-Model Based Informed Partition of Databases to Speed Up Pattern Mining accepted (and already presented) at SIGMOD’24

As a continuation of our previous work on mining graph structures via propositionalization, we needed to explore new methods to speed up pattern mining. Given the similarities between transactions in the context of frequent itemset mining and sentences (both can be … Continue reading

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Building MUSCLE, a Dataset for MUltilingual Semantic Classification of Links between Entities accepted at LREC-COLING 2024

Exploiting Wikidata as source of structured knowledge, we have done a paradigm shift regarding building linguistic datasets building on semantic maps theory. In this case, we propose a fresh knowledge-based multilingual dataset for classification of lexico-semantical relationships (LRC) between words. … Continue reading

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SJORS: A Semantic Recommender System for Journalists accepted at BISE (journal)

As part of Ángel’s ongoing PhD. Thesis, Ángel Garrido, Sole Pera and myself have been working on a different approach to provide journalists with timely news recommendations to help them writing new articles, instead of focusing on news readers as … Continue reading

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KGSWC’23 successfully organized at Zaragoza

We successfully organized the 5th Iberoamerican and 4th Indo-American Knowledge Graphs and Semantic Web Conference Conference (KGSWC 2023), from 11 to 13 November 2023 in Zaragoza. I want to personally thank all the members of my research group, and especially Fernando … Continue reading

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Flexible querying KGs approach accepted at The Electronic Library (journal)

Building on an initial work published at KGSWC’22 where we proposed a technique to query Knowledge Graphs in a flexible way, we have extended the approach and it has been accepted for publication at The Electronic Journal (ISSN 0264-0473). Co-authored with … Continue reading

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Paper Accepted at ACL’23

Great news! Our paper “No clues good clues: out of context Lexical Relation Classification” has been accepted in ACL 2023. Congratulations Lucía Pitarch, Jordi Bernad, Lacramioara Dranca and Jorge Gracia ! Great work! #ACL2023NLP You can find a preprint in … Continue reading

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