Ricardo J. Rodríguez

Hi there! I’m a Computer Science and System Engineering, I’ve been working as an Associate Professor at the University of Zaragoza (Spain) since April 2021. Previously, I’ve been working as an assistant professor at the same university (since Sept 2019) and at the Centro Universitario de la Defensa-Zaragoza (from Feb 2017 to Sept 2019), as a Senior Researcher at the Research Institute of Applied Sciences in Cybersecurity, University of León (Spain) [from Jul 2014 to Sept 2015], and as a Junior Researcher at the BABEL Research Group, School of Computer Science, Technical University of Madrid (Spain) [from Mar 2013 to Jun 2014].

I successfully defended my doctorate, entitled “Performance Analysis and Resource Optimisation of Critical Systems Modelled by Petri Nets”, on June 24, 2013, at the University of Zaragoza. My main research interest is the binary analysis of programs, especially applied in memory forensics and malware analysis. I also do research on formal models for performing survivability and performance analysis on complex systems.

I am part of the Distributed Computing research group at the University of Zaragoza and I am a member of the Aragon Institute of Engineering Research. In particular, I’m the Principal Investigator in the research line focused on application of formal models to cybersecurity. Under this research line, we have created a webpage dedicated to disseminating our contributions. For more information, see this link.

I have written a post to tell about my professional career (and salary evolution) within the Spanish university system that you can read here.

My PGP public key can be found here.

My previous website in this domain (a WP no longer maintained) is available here.



You can find a list of my publications on the Publications page.

A list of my professional research activities, as well as my current and former PhD students, can be found on the Research page.

You can find a list of my talks, seminars, and participation in media on the Talks & Media page.

Research Interests

Research Collaborations

I’m always looking for prospective students interested in my research.

Furthermore, my team is always open to host international MSc and PhD students sharing similar research interests. We are always looking for an excuse to organize a tapas-style dinner 🙂.


On the Teaching page you can find a list of courses that I have or have been fortunate enough to teach, as well as related activities (such as counseling for undergraduate and graduate students).

Contact data

You can contact me by email at .

Post mail address

Ed. Ada Byron, Despacho D0.08
Departamento de Informática e Ingeniería de sistemas (DIIS)
Universidad de Zaragoza
Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura (EINA)
Calle María de Luna, 1
50018 - Zaragoza
Tel: (+34) 976 76 1953

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