DVision::FSolver Class Reference

Computes fundamental matrices. More...

#include <FSolver.h>

Inheritance diagram for DVision::FSolver:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 FSolver ()
 FSolver (int cols, int rows)
virtual ~FSolver ()
virtual void setImageSize (int cols, int rows)
cv::Mat findFundamentalMat (const cv::Mat &P1, const cv::Mat &P2, double reprojection_error, int min_points=9, std::vector< uchar > *status=NULL, bool computeF=true, double probability=0.99, int max_its=500) const
bool checkFundamentalMat (const cv::Mat &P1, const cv::Mat &P2, double reprojection_error, int min_points=9, double probability=0.99, int max_its=500) const

Protected Member Functions

void normalizePoints (const cv::Mat &P, cv::Mat &Q) const
cv::Mat _computeF (const cv::Mat &Qc1, const cv::Mat &Qc2, const std::vector< unsigned int > &i_cols) const

Protected Attributes

cv::Mat m_N
 Normalization matrix.
cv::Mat m_N_t
 Traspose of normalization matrix.

Detailed Description

Computes fundamental matrices.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

DVision::FSolver::FSolver (  ) 

Creates the solver without setting the image dimensions

DVision::FSolver::FSolver ( int  cols,
int  rows 

Creates the solver and set the image dimensions

cols width of images
rows height of images
virtual DVision::FSolver::~FSolver (  )  [inline, virtual]


Member Function Documentation

cv::Mat DVision::FSolver::_computeF ( const cv::Mat &  Qc1,
const cv::Mat &  Qc2,
const std::vector< unsigned int > &  i_cols 
) const [protected]

Computes F from correspondences Q1(:,i_cols), Q2(:,i_cols)

Qc1 3xN normalized
Qc2 3xN normalized
i_cols # >= 9
F12 3x3 or empty
bool DVision::FSolver::checkFundamentalMat ( const cv::Mat &  P1,
const cv::Mat &  P2,
double  reprojection_error,
int  min_points = 9,
double  probability = 0.99,
int  max_its = 500 
) const

Checks if a consistent fundamental matrix can be computed from the given points. It is not computed, though.

P1 2xN, 3xN, Nx2, Nx3, correspondences of image 1 in image coordinates
P2 2xN, 3xN, Nx2, Nx3, correspondences of image 2 in image coordinates
reprojection_error max reprojection error for getting inliers
min_points min number of required inliers
probability RANSAC success probability
max_its maximum number of RANSAC iterations
true iff some fundamental matrix is found
cv::Mat DVision::FSolver::findFundamentalMat ( const cv::Mat &  P1,
const cv::Mat &  P2,
double  reprojection_error,
int  min_points = 9,
std::vector< uchar > *  status = NULL,
bool  computeF = true,
double  probability = 0.99,
int  max_its = 500 
) const

Finds a fundamental matrix from the given correspondences by running RANSAC

P1 2xN, 3xN, Nx2, Nx3, correspondences of image 1 in image coordinates
P2 2xN, 3xN, Nx2, Nx3, correspondences of image 2 in image coordinates
reprojection_error max reprojection error for getting inliers
min_points min number of required inliers
status (out) vector s.t. status[i] == 1 if i-th point is an inlier, 0 otherwise
computeF (default: true) if false, the final F is not computed and an arbitrary non-empty 3x3 matrix is returned (it saves a svd operation)
probability RANSAC success probability
max_its maximum number of RANSAC iterations
F s.t. P1' * F * P2 == 0, or empty
void DVision::FSolver::normalizePoints ( const cv::Mat &  P,
cv::Mat &  Q 
) const [protected]

Normalize points

P 2xN, 3xN, Nx2, Nx3, float or double points
Q (out) 3xN (double) homogeneous coordinates of points
void DVision::FSolver::setImageSize ( int  cols,
int  rows 
) [virtual]

Sets image size


Reimplemented in DVision::HSolver.

Member Data Documentation

cv::Mat DVision::FSolver::m_N [protected]

Normalization matrix.

Get inliers in the opencv manner

Q1 3xN homogeneous points
Q2 3xN homogeneous points
F12 fundamental matrix
err max reprojection error
status (out) 1xN CV_8U vector with 1 in the positions of the inliers

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