Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
DBoW2::BowVectorVector of words to represent images
DBoW2::FBriefFunctions to manipulate BRIEF descriptors
DBoW2::FClassGeneric class to encapsulate functions to manage descriptors
DBoW2::FeatureVectorVector of nodes with indexes of local features
DBoW2::FSurf64Functions to manipulate SURF64 descriptors
DBoW2::GeneralScoringBase class of scoring functions
DBoW2::TemplatedDatabase< TDescriptor, F >::IFPairItem of IFRow
DBoW2::TemplatedVocabulary< TDescriptor, F >::NodeTree node
DBoW2::QueryResultsMultiple results from a query
DBoW2::ResultSingle result of a query
DBoW2::TemplatedDatabase< TDescriptor, F >Generic Database
DBoW2::TemplatedVocabulary< TDescriptor, F >Generic Vocabulary
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Generated on Thu Feb 7 19:47:43 2013 by  doxygen 1.6.3