Publications J. Bermudez-Cameo, G. Lopez-Nicolas, J.J. Guerrero “Fitting line projections in non-central catadioptric cameras with revolution symmetry”, Computer Vision and Image Understanding. 2018. Number 167C (2018) pp. 134-152. DOI: 10.1016/j.cviu.2018.01.003,pdf, link , Supp.Material J. Bermudez-Cameo, O. Saurer, G. Lopez-Nicolas, J.J. Guerrero and M. Pollefeys “Exploiting line metric reconstruction from non-central circular panoramas”, Pattern Recognition Letters. 2017. DOI: 10.1016/j.patrec.2017.05.006 ,pdf, link J. Bermudez-Cameo, G. Lopez-Nicolas and J.J. Guerrero, “Automatic Line Extraction in Uncalibrated Omnidirectional Cameras with Revolution Symmetry”, International Journal of Computer Vision. 2015. DOI: 10.1007/s11263-014-0792-7 link J. Bermudez-Cameo, L. Puig, J.J. Guerrero, “Hypercatadioptric Line Images for 3D Orientation and Image Rectification”, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 60, 755-768, 2012, ISSN: 0921-8890 pdf , link L. Puig , J Bermudez, P. Sturm, J.J. Guerrero, “Calibration of Omnidirectional Cameras in Practice: A Comparison of Methods”, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 116, 2012, pp:120-137, ISSN: 1077-3142 J. Bermudez-Cameo, Cédric Demonceaux, G. Lopez-Nicolas and J. J. Guerrero, “Line reconstruction using prior knowledge in single non-central view”, BMVC 2016 - British Machine Vision Conference , York, United Kindom, 19-22 Sept 2016. pdf J. Bermudez-Cameo, J.P. Barreto , G. Lopez-Nicolas and J. J. Guerrero, “Minimal solution for computing pairs of lines in non-central cameras”, ACCV 2014 - The 12th Asian Conference in Computer Vision , Singapore, Singapore 1-5 November 2014. pdf, Supp.Material J. Bermudez-Cameo, G. Lopez-Nicolas and J. J. Guerrero, “Line-images in Cone Mirror Catadioptric Systems”, ICPR 2014 - 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition ,pp. 2083,2088, Stockholm, Sweden 24-28 August 2014. pdf , link J. Bermudez-Cameo, G. Lopez-Nicolas and J. J. Guerrero, “Line extraction in uncalibrated central images with revolution symmetry”, BMVC 2013 - British Machine Vision Conference , Bristol, United Kindom, 9-13 Sept 2013. pdf , poster, video , videoHD J. Bermudez-Cameo, G. Lopez-Nicolas and J. J. Guerrero, “A Unified Framework for Line Extraction in Dioptric and Catadioptric Cameras”, 11th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, ACCV, Daejeon, Korea, Nov. 2012. In Computer Vision - ACCV 2012, volume 7727 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 627-639 pdf , link L. Puig, J. Bermudez, J.J. Guerrero, “Self-orientation of a hand-held catadioptric system in man-made environments”, 2010 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA, pp:2549-2555, Anchorage, Alaska May 2010. pdf , link J. Bermudez, L. Puig, J.J. Guerrero, “Line extraction in central hyper-catadioptric systems”, In 10th OMNIVIS Omnidirectional Vision, Camera Networks and Non-classical Cameras, with RSS 2010, pp8:1-7, June 2010 pdf J. Bermudez-Cameo, Supervision by Luis Puig and J.J. Guerrero “Calibración de Sistemas Catadióptricos de Visión Omnidireccional”,, Senior Project, Universidad de Zaragoza, June 2009 (Spanish) pdf