Modelos formales en bioinformática


Archive for the ‘Anuncios’ Category

Curso 2012-2013

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Estamos actualizando la web para el curso 2012-2013.

La primera clase será el 1 de octubre de 2012.

Written by Jorge Júlvez

octubre 3rd, 2011 at 4:00 pm

Posted in Anuncios

Schedule of presentations

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The topics and presentation dates have been assigned as follows:

Jan 27.  From 16:00. (Seminar A23)
1.- Bio-PEPA. Estíbaliz Fraca
2.- Cellular Automata. Jorge Álvarez
3.- Random Neural Networks. José Vicente Ruiz

Feb 3. From 16:00. (Seminar A23)
4.- The Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML). Xu Wang
5.- Higher order Markov chains. Fluid Neural Networks. Miguel Aguilera

Written by Jorge Júlvez

diciembre 14th, 2010 at 12:58 pm

Posted in Anuncios

Some slides on Petri nets and Stochastic PNs

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Some slides on Petri nets and time augmented Petri nets are available here.

Written by Javier Campos

diciembre 10th, 2010 at 6:27 pm

Posted in Anuncios

Topics for the presentations

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In order to obtain the credits of the course, each student has to prepare and perform an oral presentation of around 25  minutes (any duration between 20 and 30 is ok) on one of the following topics:

1.- Cellular Automata

2.- The Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML)

3.- Bio-PEPA

4.- Random Neural Networks

5.- Density Dependent Markov Chains

6.- Higher order Markov chains

The presentations are expected to provide a gentle introduction to the topic as well as to its potential applications.

The topics will be assigned to the students as follows: a) each student has to send an email (both to Javier Campos and Jorge Júlvez) with a list of topics he’s willing to present. The list must contain 5 topics ordered according to his preference; b) the sooner a student sends the email the higher his priority to be asigned a higly preferred topic.

The presentations will take place on Jan 27 and Feb 3 at 16:00 in the usual seminar. As soon as the topics are assigned, the schedule of the presentations will be posted in this webpage.

Written by Jorge Júlvez

diciembre 10th, 2010 at 5:54 pm

Posted in Anuncios

Change in the scheduled topics

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According to the official teaching calendar, we have only two additional pending lectures, scheduled for December 16th and January 13th respectively.

Instead of introducing Hidden Markov Models (HMM), these two lectures we will devoted to introduce (timed and/or stochastic) Petri net models, some analysis techniques for them (December 16th) and their application for the modeling of chemical networks (January 13th).

The students interested on HMM are encouraged to read the slides and the tutorial written by L.R. Rabiner.

Written by Javier Campos

diciembre 10th, 2010 at 4:40 pm

Posted in Anuncios

Sin servidores este fin de semana

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web-server-downSegún nos informa el Servicio de Mantenimiento del Campus, este sábado, día 20, hay un corte de corriente programado en el Edificio Ada Byron para la realización de unas obras (instalación de unos nuevos equipos de protección).

Al realizarse el corte fuera del horario laboral del Personal de Administración y Servicios del DIIS capacitado para realizar las operaciones de apagado y encendido de servidores, en esta ocasión (debido a compromisos previos) no es posible ajustar al máximo el tiempo de pérdida de servicio (como se ha hecho otras veces).

Por lo tanto, el calendario de actuaciones será:

  • Viernes 19, a partir de las 14:30, comienza el apagado de servidores del DIIS, quedando todo apagado (incluidos los servidores web) excepto lo mínimo imprescindible para la realización de prácticas.
  • Viernes 19, a partir de las 20:00, se apaga el servidor de prácticas y resto de infraestructuras de la sala de servidores; queda todo apagado durante todo el fin de semana.
  • Lunes 22, a partir de las 8:00, comienza el encendido de servidores (condicionado al funcionamiento de la infraestructura de comunicaciones); se interará que a la misma hora el SICUZ verifique también los servicios de red.

Written by Javier Campos

noviembre 19th, 2010 at 9:53 am

Posted in Anuncios

CTMC slides updated

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Today, we have updated the slides for the topic “Continuous Time Markov Chains. Applications in Bioinformatics”. You can find them here.

Written by Javier Campos

octubre 27th, 2010 at 11:50 am

Posted in Anuncios

There is no class next Thursday (14th October)

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Next Thursday (14th October) “is Monday” in the timetable of the Faculty of Engineering. Therefore, there is no class next Thursday 14th.

Written by Javier Campos

octubre 7th, 2010 at 12:33 pm

Posted in Anuncios

Preparando la web para el curso 2010-11

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Estamos actualizando la web para el curso 2010-11…

Written by Javier Campos

septiembre 23rd, 2010 at 12:03 pm

Posted in Anuncios

Cambiando de aspecto

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Estamos cambiando un poco el aspecto de estas páginas.

Written by Javier Campos

diciembre 13th, 2008 at 9:02 pm

Posted in Anuncios