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[1515] Bernardi, S, Albareda J, Colom JM, Mahulea C.  2014.  A model-based approach for the specification and verification of clinical guidelines. Workshop on Models and Methods for Hospital Management and Planning, at 19th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA'2014).
[1517] López-Grao, JP, Colom JM, Tricas F.  2014.  The deadlock problem in the control of Flexible Manufacturing Systems: An overview of the Petri net approach. 19th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA'2014).
[1521] Tolosana-Calasanz, R, Bañares JA, Colom JM.  2014.  Towards Petri net-based Economical Analysis for Streaming Applications executed over Cloud infrastructures. 11th International Conference on Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Services (GECON 2014).
[1549] Wang, X, Mahulea C, Silva M.  2014.  Deadlock Prevention Policy for S3PR - Application to Robot Planning. ETFA'2014: 19th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation.
[1550] Kloetzer, M, Mahulea C.  2014.  An Assembly Problem with Mobile Robots. ETFA'2014: 19th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation.
[1454] Julvez, J, DiCairano S, Bemporad A, Mahulea C.  2014.  Event-Driven Model Predictive Control of Timed Hybrid Petri Nets. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control. 24(12)
[1510] Requeno, JI, Colom JM.  2014.  Timed and Probabilistic Model Checking over Phylogenetic Trees. 8th International Conference on Practical Applications of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics . Abstract
[1514] Tricas, F, Colom JM, Merelo JJ.  2014.  Computing minimal siphons in Petri net models of Resource Allocation Systems: An evolutionary approach. International Workshop on Petri Nets and Software Engineering (PNSE'14).
[1518] Bañares, JA, Tolosana-Calasanz R, Tricas F, Arronategui U, Celaya J, Colom JM.  2014.  Construction of Data Streams Applications from Functional, Non-Functional and Resource Requirements for Electric Vehicle Aggregators. The COSMOS Vision. International Workshop on Petri Nets and Software Engineering (PNSE'14).
[1548] Silva, M, Mahulea C.  2014.  From Discrete to Continuous Models: A Perspective on Fluidization of Petri Nets. ECC'2014: European Control Conference.
[1529] Fraca, E, Julvez J, Silva M.  2014.  The “bound Reaching Problem” on the Fluidization of Timed Petri Nets. 12th Int. Workshop on Discrete Event Systems.
[1500] Fraca, E, Julvez J, Silva M.  2014.  On the fluidization of Petri nets and marking homothecy. Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems. 12:3-19.
[1502] Wang, L, Mahulea C, Julvez J, Silva M.  2014.  ON/OFF strategy based minimum-time control of continuous Petri nets. Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems. 12
[1547] Wang, X, Mahulea C, Silva M.  2014.  Model Checking on Fault Diagnosis Graph. WODES'2014: 12th IFAC International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems.
[1482] López-Grao, JP, Colom JM, Tricas F.  2014.  Structural deadlock prevention policies for Flexible Manufacturing Systems: A Petri net outlook. Formal Methods in Manufacturing. Abstract
[1497] Apaydin-Ozkan, H, Mahulea C, Julvez J, Silva M.  2014.  A Control Method for Distributed Continuous Mono-T-Semiflow Petri nets. International Journal of Control. 87(2)
[1480] Perez-Palacin, D, Mirandola R, Merseguer J.  2014.  On the Relationships between QoS and Software Adaptability at the Architectural Level. Journal of Systems and Software. 87(1):17.
[1503] Silva, M, Fraca E, Wang L.  2014.  Performance evaluation and control of manufacturing systems: A continuous Petri nets view. Formal Methods in Manufacturing. :409-452.
[1458] Perez-Palacin, D, Calinescu R, Merseguer J.  2013.  log2cloud: Log-based Prediction of Cost-Performance Trade-offs for Cloud Deployments. 28th Symposium On Applied Computing. :397-404.
[1431] Bernardi, S, Flammini F, Marrone S, Mazzocca N, Merseguer J, Nardone R, Vittorini V.  2013.  Enabling the Usage of UML in the Verification of Railway Systems: The DAM-Rail Approach. Reliability Engineering and System Safety. 120:112-126.
[1474] Rodríguez, RJ, Júlvez J, Merseguer J.  2013.  Quantification and compensation of the impact of faults in system throughput. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability. 227(6):28.
[1504] Wang, L, Mahulea C, Silva M.  2013.  Distributed Model Predictive Control of Timed Continuous Petri nets. 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC'2013).
[1456] Rodríguez, RJ, Júlvez J, Merseguer J.  2013.  On the Performance Estimation and Resource Optimisation in Process Petri Nets. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems. 46(3):1385-1398.
[1481] Requeno, JI, Colom JM.  2013.  Model checking software for phylogenetic trees using distribution and database methods. Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics. 10(3) Abstract
[1488] Bernardi, S, Boskovic M, Merseguer J.  2013.  Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop Non-functional Properties in Modeling: Analysis, Languages and Processes co-located with 16th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2013). 5th International Workshop Non-functional Properties in Modeling: Analysis, Languages and Processes (NiM-ALP 2013). 1074:1-40.