José Manuel Alcubierre.
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Jose Luis Gil.
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Lydia Biota. University of Zaragoza.
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Thomas Lirén. KTH Estocolm.
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Daniel Vikenmark. KTH Estocolm.
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Jose Manuel Alcubierre. Universidad de
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Fine Tunning of the
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Laura Sancho.
Univesidad de Zaragoza.
Spain (2002).
High Speed Navigation of a
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Arregui. Universidad de Zaragoza.
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Control and
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Miguel. Universidad de Zaragoza.
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Control and
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Ulises Zaldívar.
Centro de investigación y estudios avanzados CINVESTAV.
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3D Mapping for Mobile
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Alexander Hetfleish.
Universidad de Viena.
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The Nearness Diagram
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