About me

Ph.D. on Computer Science and System Engineering by the University of Zaragoza, Spain. Researching on program binary analysis, digital forensics, and system security analysis. Procrastination lover. Living as a Markovian process

  +34 976 76 1953

Sin ciencia no hay futuro! -- No science, no future!

Me in Different Flavors


My latest portrait photo (taken at June 2023)


On Mar 22 2022, the day of the PhD viva of my first PhD student at UZ


On 2021, yet another day in our research lab at UNIZAR

2015 (the first time I come back to UNIZAR)

On 2015, the first time I come back to UNIZAR

2014 (when I moved to ULE)

On 2014, when I moved to University of León

2013 (when I moved to UPM and finished my PhD)

On 2013, when I finished my PhD
On 2013, when I moved to Polytechnic University of Madrid


On 2012, during a concert of a Spanish rock group called Marea


On 2011, when I was doing my PhD


On 2010, when I started the PhD programme at University of Zaragoza (Spain)

2008 (after finishing BSc. 5-year degree)

On 2008, when I finished the BSc. 5-year degree on Computer Science and Systems Engineering