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Journal Article
[ARMAGIRESESI08] Mahulea, C, Giua A, Recalde L, Seatzu C, Silva M.  2008.  Optimal model predictive control of Timed Continuous Petri nets. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. 53:1731-1735.
Conference Proceedings
Conference Paper
[MBCD-wodes02] Merseguer, J, Bernardi S, Campos J, Donatelli S.  2002.  A Compositional Semantics for UML State Machines Aimed at Performance Evaluation. :295-302.
[1251] Franceschelli, M, Egerstedt M, Giua A, Mahulea C.  2009.  Constrained invariant motions for networked multi-agent systems. ACC'09: Proceedings of the 2009 conference on American Control Conference.
[IPGiJuSe03] Giua, A, Julvez J, Seatzu C.  2003.  Marking Estimation of Petri Nets based on Partial Observation. :-.
[IPCoGiSeJu03] Corona, D, Giua A, Seatzu C, Julvez J.  2003.  Observers for nondeterministic l-free labeled Petri nets.
[1446] Cabasino, MP, Giua A, Mahulea C, Seatzu C.  2011.  On Decentralized Observability of Discrete Event Systems. 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference.
[IPMaGiReSeSi06] Mahulea, C, Giua A, Recalde L, Seatzu C, Silva M.  2006.  On sampling continuous timed Petri nets: reachability "equivalence" under infinite servers semantics. :37–43.
[IPGiMaReSeSi06a] Giua, A, Mahulea C, Recalde L, Seatzu C, Silva M.  2006.  Optimal control of continuous Petri nets via model predictive control. :235–241.
[IPGiMaReSeSi06b] Giua, A, Mahulea C, Recalde L, Seatzu C, Silva M.  2006.  Optimal control of timed continuous Petri nets via explicit MPC. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences. 341:383-390.
[IPGIMARESESI08] Giua, A, Mahulea C, Recalde L, Seatzu C, Silva M.  2008.  Properties of continuous Petri nets controlled via model predictive control.
[IPCaGiMaReSeSi07] Cabasino, MP, Giua A, Mahulea C, Recalde L, Seatzu C, Silva M.  2007.  State Estimation of Petri Nets by Transformation. :194-199.
[IPMaCaGiSe07] Mahulea, C, Cabasino MP, Giua A, Seatzu C.  2007.  A State Estimation Problem for Timed Continuous Petri Nets. :1770-1775.