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[RP-91-31] Esparza, J, Silva M.  1991.  Compositional synthesis of live and bounded free-choice nets.
[MBCD-wodes02] Merseguer, J, Bernardi S, Campos J, Donatelli S.  2002.  A Compositional Semantics for UML State Machines Aimed at Performance Evaluation. :295-302.
[RP-81-04] Silva, M, Velilla S.  1981.  Componentes conservativas elementales y realización microprogramada de una red de Petri conforme. :317-328.
[IPHRRS01] Hillston, J, Recalde L, Ribaudo M, Silva M.  2001.  A Comparison of the Expressiveness of SPA and Bounded SPN models. :197-206.
[1372] Catalán, C, Serna F, Blesa A, Rams JM, Colom JM.  2011.  Communication types for manufacturing systems. A proposal to Distributed Control System based on IEC 61499. 7th Annual IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE 2011).
[1555] Wang, X, Kloetzer M, Mahulea C, Silva M.  2015.  Collision avoidance of mobile robots by using initial time delays. CDC'2015: 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
[IPBaReChSi00] Basile, F, Recalde L, Chiacchio P, Silva M.  2000.  Closed Loop live Petri Net Supervisors for Generalized Mutual Exclusion Constraints. :169-180.
[1083] Ezpeleta, J, García-Vallés F, Colom JM.  1998.  A Class of Well Structured Petri Nets for Flexible Manufacturing Systems. Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1998. :64-83.
[ICEsSi90a] Esparza, J, Silva M.  1991.  Circuits, Handles, Bridges and Nets. Advances in Petri Nets 90. 483:210-242.
[RP-89-06] Esparza, J, Silva M.  1989.  Circuits, handles, bridges and nets. :134-153.
[RP-91-29] Esparza, J, Silva M.  1991.  Circuits, handles, bridges and nets. 483:210-242.
[204] Teruel, E, Colom JM, Silva M.  1997.  Choice-free Petri Nets: A Model for Deterministic Concurrent Systems with Bulk Services and Arrivals. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Part A: Systems and Humans. 27(1):73-83.
[IPReTeSi99] Recalde, L, Teruel E, Silva M.  1999.  Autonomous Continuous PT systems. 1639:107-126.
[RP-84-01] [Anonymous].  1984.  Automática en la Industria (Proceedings Simposium Nacional IFAC).
[1278] Kloetzer, M, Mahulea C, Belta C, Silva M.  2010.  An Automated Framework for Formal Verification of Timed Continuous Petri Nets. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 6(3):471.
[RP-80-09] Silva, M.  1980.  Autómata programable multicomputador. Valoración de su capacidad de tratamiento. :609-630.
[RP-92-10] Jungnitz, H, Silva M.  1992.  An aproximation method for the performance analysis of manufacturing systems based on GSPNs. :46-55.
[RP-87-03] Tardós, Silva M.  1987.  Aproximación a los robots inteligentes. :265-279.
[PJCS-TSCM07] Pérez-Jiménez, CJ, Campos J, Silva M.  2007.  Approximate Throughput Computation of Stochastic Weighted T-Systems. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. Part A: Systems and Humans. 37:431-444.
[PJCS-RR69-2005] Pérez-Jiménez, CJ, Campos J, Silva M.  2005.  Approximate Throughput Computation of Stochastic Weighted T-Systems.
[239] Campos, J, Colom JM, Jungnitz H, Silva M.  1995.  Approximate Throughput Computation of Stochastic Marked Graphs. Quantitative Methods in Parallel Systems. :175-188.
[247] Campos, J, Colom JM, Jungnitz H, Silva M.  1994.  Approximate Throughput Computation of Stochastic Marked Graphs. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. 20(7):526-535.