
Personal: Full CV


  1. Degrees

    1. Ph.D. in Computer Science. University of Zaragoza (Spain). 2013.
    2. M.Sc. in Computer Science ("Ingeniería en Informática"). University of Zaragoza (Spain). 2002.
    3. Ciclo Superior de Inglés - Escuela Oficial de Idiomas (certificate of Advanced English equivalent to level C1, issued by the Spanish Official School of Languages). Zaragoza (Spain). 2002.
  2. Certifications

    1. Oracle Certified Professional, Java SE 6 Programmer. Oracle Official Certification. Apr 2013.
    2. PHP 5.3 Certified Engineer. Zend Official Certification – Licence #253942379. Jan 2013.
  3. Courses and seminars

    1. Developing Java Applications for Mobile Devices ("Desarrollo de aplicaciones Java para dispositivos móviles"). Centro de Tecnologías Avanzadas, Gobierno de Aragón - Oracle University. Zaragoza, Spain. Course (60 hours). Apr 13th-May 31st, 2013 [enrolled, to be taken].
    2. Developing Web Services Using Java Technology + Building Database Driven Applications with JPA ("Desarrollo de servicios web con Java, J2EE & JPA"). Centro de Tecnologías Avanzadas, Gobierno de Aragón - Oracle University. Zaragoza, Spain. Course (64 hours). Apr 9th-May 3rd, 2013.
    3. Developing Applications for the Java EE 6 Platform + Web Component Development with Servlets and JSPs, Java EE 6 ("Programación de aplicaciones web con Java EE"). Centro de Tecnologías Avanzadas, Gobierno de Aragón - Oracle University. Zaragoza, Spain. Course (60 hours). Feb 26th-Mar 21st, 2013.
    4. Java Programming Language, Java SE 6 + Object-Oriented Analysis and Design using UML + Developing Applications with the Java SE 6 Platform ("Programación en Java. Análisis orientado a objetos UML"). Centro de Tecnologías Avanzadas, Gobierno de Aragón - Oracle University. Zaragoza, Spain. Course (80 hours). Jan 21th-Feb 15th, 2013.
    5. MySQL and PHP – Developing Dynamic Web Applications ("Programación de aplicaciones web con PHP"). Centro de Tecnologías Avanzadas, Gobierno de Aragón - Oracle University. Zaragoza, Spain. Course (80 hours). Nov 19th-Dec 14th, 2012.
    6. Conference on patents: What every scientist should know ("Jornada sobre patentes: Lo que todo científico debe saber"). Oficina de Transferencia de Relaciones con la Industria, Universidad de Zaragoza (at: Sala María Moliner). Zaragoza, Spain. Seminar (4 hours). Feb 4th, 2008.
    7. Accelerating CMMI implementation with PSP and TSP ("Seminario sobre la utilización de PSP y TSP en la implantación del CMMI"), under the program SoftAragón. Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón. Zaragoza, Spain. Seminar (6 hours). Jun 5th, 2007.
    8. Formal techniques in software design ("Técnicas formales para el diseño de software"). Universidad Complutense de Madrid. San Lorenzo del Escorial, Spain. Summer School (30 hours). Jul 18th-22nd, 2005.
    9. 2005 International Supply Chain Summit. Beyond Offshoring: The Road to Globalization, organized by the Zaragoza Logistics Center. Zaragoza, Spain. May 31rd-Jun 1st, 2005.
    10. Configuration management and software construction ("Gestión de configuración y construcción de software"). Asociación de Ingenieros en Informática de Aragón. Zaragoza, Spain. Seminar (4 hours). Apr 16th, 2005.
    11. Introduction to protection laws of personal data ("Introducción al derecho de protección de datos personales"). Asociación de Ingenieros en Informática de Aragón. Zaragoza, Spain. Seminar (6 hours). May 22th-29th, 2004.
    12. Web services ("Servicios web"). Asociación de Ingenieros en Informática de Aragón. Zaragoza, Spain. Seminar (5 hours). Apr 30th, 2004.
    13. Hiring issues in computer science ("Contratación informática"). Asociación de Ingenieros en Informática de Aragón. Zaragoza, Spain. Seminar (5 hours). Feb 7th, 2004.
    14. Electronic confidence: Cryptography and digital signature ("Confianza electrónica: cifrado y firma digital"). Asociación de Ingenieros en Informática de Aragón. Zaragoza, Spain. Seminar (5 hours). Jan 7th, 2004.
    15. Security architecture and infrastructure ("Arquitectura e infraestructura de seguridad"). Asociación de Ingenieros en Informática de Aragón. Zaragoza, Spain. Seminar (5 hours). Nov 29th, 2003.
    16. Good practices in software engineering ("Buenas prácticas en la ingeniería del software"). Asociación de Ingenieros en Informática de Aragón. Zaragoza, Spain. Seminar (5 hours). Mar 2002.
    17. Object-oriented software engineering with UML ("Ingeniería del software orientada a objetos con UML"). Asociación de Ingenieros en Informática de Aragón. Zaragoza, Spain. Short course (10 hours). Apr-May 2001.
    18. Classes of French language at the Spanish Official School of Languages (2000-2001) and University of Zaragoza (2001-2002).
    19. Spanish driving licence (B). 1998.


  1. Teaching positions

    1. Assistant professor (full-time) at the Departamento de Informática e Ingeniería de Sistemas, University of Zaragoza (Spain). LOMLOU-60h. 2008-2011.
    2. Assistant professor (full-time) at the Departamento de Informática e Ingeniería de Sistemas, University of Zaragoza (Spain). LOU-120h. 2006-2008.
  2. Taught graduate courses

    1. Computer Architecture ("Arquitectura de Computadores"), Ms.C. in Computer Science (semester 2). Theory + practice teacher. Centro Politécnico Superior, University of Zaragoza. Academic years: 2006-2007, 2007-2008, 2008-2009, and 2009-2010.
    2. Operating Systems II ("Sistemas Operativos II"), Ms.C. in Computer Science (semester 4). Practice teacher. Centro Politécnico Superior, University of Zaragoza. Academic years: 2006-2007, 2007-2008 and 2008-2009.
    3. Computer Arquitecture & Organization 1 ("Arquitectura y Organización de Computadores 1"), Bachelor of Computer Science (semester 2). Practice teacher. Centro Politécnico Superior, University of Zaragoza. Academic years: 2010-2011.
    4. Digital logic fundamentals ("Sistemas Lógicos"), Ms.C. in Computer Science (semester 1). Practice teacher. Centro Politécnico Superior, University of Zaragoza. Academic years: 2006-2007.
  3. Competitive funding for innovation in teaching

    1. Innovation project "Utilización de la herramienta Moodle en la docencia presencial de la asignatura Arquitectura y Organización de Computadores del grado en Ingeniería Informática", supported by the programme PESUZ-2010-2 of the University of Zaragoza ("Programa de enseñanza semipresencial de la Universidad de Zaragoza: Reconocimiento de actuaciones de producción de material docente en red y apoyo virtual a la docencia presencial"). PESUZ-2010-2 #678. 5 members. Sep 2010 - Jun 2011.
    2. Innovation project "Materia troncal Redes en Ingeniería Informática III", supported by the programme PIIDUZ-2008-2 of the University of Zaragoza ("Programa de Incentivación de la Innovación Docente en la Universidad de Zaragoza: Proyectos de implantación de actividades de aprendizaje innovadoras en el ámbito de la docencia de una materia o asignatura específica"). PIIDUZ-2008-2 #422. 8 members. 2008.
    3. Innovation project "Materia Troncal Estructura y Tecnología de Computadores en Ingeniería Informática", supported by the programme PIIDUZ-2007-B2 of the University of Zaragoza ("Programa de Incentivación de la Innovación Docente para la adaptación de las titulaciones de la Universidad de Zaragoza al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior"). PIIDUZ-2007-B2 #329. 7 members. Funding: 1500€. Sep 2007 - Jul 2008.
    4. Innovation project "Arquitectura de Computadores", supported by the programme PESUZ-2007-1 of the University of Zaragoza ("Acciones de producción de material docente para la enseñanza semipresencial"). PESUZ-2007-1 #261. 2 members. Funding: 750€. Jul 2007 - Dec 2007.
  4. Pedagogical training

    1. How to transform our subject in the Bologna convergence framework: Handbook for gradual transition from a teaching-oriented system to a learning-oriented system using ICT ("¿Cómo transformar nuestra asignatura para "converger con Bolonia"? Guía práctica para una transición progresiva de un sistema de enseñanza a un sistema de aprendizaje con ayuda de las TIC"). Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación, University of Zaragoza. Zaragoza, Spain. Short course (9 hours). Jul 2nd-4th, 2007.
  5. Other

    1. Average mark above 4/5 in all yearly student polls during my career ("Evaluación positiva/positiva destacada").
    2. Private lessons conducted in the late nineties on the subjects "Computer Architecture" and "Programming Methodology" (Ms.C. in Computer Science) and "Mathematics", "Physics" and "Chemistry" (high school).


  1. Organizing Commitees membership

    1. I Ciclo de Innovación y Nuevas Técnicas Informáticas en Aragón (with the Asociación de Ingenieros en Informática de Aragón). Zaragoza, Spain. Seven seminars with industry professionals. Nov 29th, 2003 - May 29th, 2004.
  2. Program Commitees membership

    1. 1st International Conference on Software Engineering Advances (ICSEA’06). Tahiti, French Polynesia. Oct 29th-Nov 3rd, 2006.
  3. Other peer reviews

  4. Research groups membership

    1. Member of the Group of Discrete Event Systems Engineering (GISED), awarded as Excellence Research Group ("Grupo de Investigación de Excelencia") by the Aragon Government, since 2002.
    2. Collaborating member of the Aragón Institute for Engineering Research (I3A)) since 2003.
  5. Competitive grants

    1. FPI Research grant (FPI stands for "Formación de Personal Investigador"), supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology. 4-years long full-time research position at the Centro Politécnico Superior, University of Zaragoza. Jul 1st, 2002 - Jun 30th, 2006.
    2. Attendance funding for the summer school "Técnicas formales para el diseño de software", granted by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Jul 2005.


  1. Academic management roles

    1. Elected member of the Council of the Departamento de Informática e Ingeniería de Sistemas (Consejo de Departamento), University of Zaragoza, in the last three elections (2006, 2009 and 2011).
    2. Participant in the external assessment process of the Spanish Official quality award ("sello de calidad") granted on the PhD programme "Ingeniería de Sistemas e Informática" of the University of Zaragoza. 2004.
    3. Member of the committee "X Aniversario de Ingeniería en Informática en el Centro Politécnico Superior" (University of Zaragoza). 2002-2003.
  2. Non-academic management roles

    1. Secretary and member of the board of directors ("Consejo Rector", five members) of the housing cooperative JOVIAR, Jóvenes y Vivienda de Aragón, S. Coop. Arag., for over two years from its inception in 2007. Interlocutor to public and financial institutions and estate agents. Around 300 cooperative members. Jun 2007-Jun 2009.
    2. Treasurer and member of the board of directors (three members) of the Spanish non-profit-making association Asociación para el estudio y divulgación de la Informática clásica "RetroAcción", for the first two years from its inception. Nov 2006-Aug 2008.
    3. Education area coordinator and member of the board of directors (six members) of the non-profit-making association Asociación de Ingenieros en Informática de Aragón (AI2-Aragón). Organizer of several ITC seminar series during that time. 2002-2005.
    4. Member of the Organizing Committee of the national congress of AI2. Zaragoza, Spain. Mar 14-16, 2003.


  1. Other

    1. Josep Casanovas, María Ribera Sancho, Elvira Mayordomo, Santiago Baselga, Ricardo Cavero, Juan-Pablo López-Grao. "La Ingeniería en Informática ante el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. Perfiles y competencias profesionales" (round table with the final editors of the "Libro blanco de la Ingeniería en Informática", EICE project, among others). Centro Politécnico Superior. University of Zaragoza. Zaragoza, Spain. Apr 29th, 2005.
    2. Juan-Pablo López-Grao, Eduardo Mena. "Retroinformática: Juegos, mentiras y cintas de 8 bits". Facultad de Informática. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. Valencia, Spain. May 10, 2007. Also in: XVI Jornadas de Técnicas Avanzadas de Informática, JETAI 2007. Centro Politécnico Superior. University of Zaragoza. Zaragoza, Spain. May 11, 2007.
    3. Juan-Pablo López-Grao et al. "Retroinformática y videojuegos" (round table). In: Ciclo de Conferencias en Informática Aplicada. Facultad de Informática. Univ. Complutense de Madrid. Madrid, Spain. March 31, 2006.
    4. Juan-Pablo López-Grao. "Preservación de cintas y discos de 8 bits". In: Euskal Encounter 13. Bilbao Exhibition Centre. Barakaldo, Spain. July 23, 2005.
    5. Chair of the round table "Historia de los videojuegos en España". En: XV Jornadas de Técnicas Avanzadas de Informática (JETAI 2005). Zaragoza, Spain. Apr 6, 2005.
    6. Speaker in the introductory meetings with the new students of Computer Science, entitled "Encuentros con los Estudiantes de Ingeniería (EcEdI)". Centro Politécnico Superior. University of Zaragoza. Zaragoza, Spain. Academic years: 2002-2003, 2003-2004 and 2004-2005.
    7. Many talks for students of the Ms.C. in Computer Science on behalf of the non-profit-making association Asociación de Ingenieros en Informática de Aragón (AI2-Aragón). 2000-2002.

Industry-oriented skills

  1. Industry positions

    1. 3 months, full time, for Hewlett Packard (then: EDS) at the Opel car factory in Figueruelas (Zaragoza). Hardware division. July 3th-September 30th, 2000 (500 hours).
  2. Technology transfer

    1. Member of several publicly-funded research projects with a stress on real I+D+i transfer to the industry. E.g., projects with "Ente Promotor Observador (EPO)": Dragados y Construcciones (TIC2001-1819), EDASA (DPI2006-15390). New project submitted to public funding competition (C.I.C.Y.T.) in conjuction with Grupo Turomas (2011).
    2. Industrial training tutor of three students at Centro de Investigación y Tecnología Agroalimentaria de Aragón (CITA) and Ibercaja. 2008 and 2009.
    3. Invited attendance, on behalf of the Asociación de Ingenieros en Informática de Aragón (AI2-Aragón), to the dinner meeting "Foro de Emprendedores: sector Internet, software y comercio electrónico" (meeting between leading enterpreneurs and researchers of the ITC sector in Aragon). Organized by the University of Zaragoza with the support of the Aragonese Industry Ministry ("Consejería de Industria del Gobierno de Aragón"). Paraninfo building, University of Zaragoza. May 8th, 2003.
  3. Innovation skills

    1. Startup of the Computer Science History Museum ("Museo de Informática Histórica") at the Centro Politécnico Superior (Ada Byron building), University of Zaragoza. 2008.
    2. Founder, manager and webmaster of the SPAnish SPectrum Achive (SPA2), aimed to preserve the cultural heritage related to every piece of ZX Spectrum software ever published in Spain. Since its inception in 2002, this project is fully coordinated with World of Spectrum, the official world archive for the Sinclair ZX Spectrum, which I am also related to, being a member of the maintenance team.
    3. Founding member of the housing cooperative JOVIAR in 2007.
    4. Co-founder of the Spanish non-profit-making association Asociación para el estudio y divulgación de la Informática clásica "RetroAcción" (Spanish National Registry of Associations id #588303, group I). 2006.
    5. Co-organization of many events and activities related to retrocomputing under the non-profit-making association RetroAcción, e.g. RetroEuskal and RetroMañía. 2006-2009.
    6. Proposal and organization of several ITC seminar series (e.g., "I Ciclo de Innovación y Nuevas Técnicas Informáticas en Aragón") while being the education area coordinator of the non-profit-making association Asociación de Ingenieros en Informática de Aragón (AI2-Aragón). 2002-2005.