J.R. Asensio     J.M.M. Montiel     L. Montano
Dpto. de Informática e Ingeniería de Sistemas
Centro Politécnico Superior, Universidad de Zaragoza
María de Luna 3, 50015 Zaragoza, SPAIN
e-mail : {jrasensi,josemari,montano}@posta.unizar.es
This paper presents a method to perform a goal directed reactive navigation in unknown indoor environments. Two sensors cooperate to accomplish this task: trinocular vision and 3D laser rangefinder. Trinocular vision selects the initial goal location for the navigation task. Laser is used to accomplish a reactive navigation to avoid the obstacles. Laser is also used to periodically relocate the goal with respect to the robot, so the dead-reckoning drift is compensated. An Extended Kalman Filter is used to solve the data association problem and to perform the goal relocation while the robot navigates. Experimental results involving a real mobile robot are presented, validating the proposed method.
Keywords: Mobile Robot Navigation, Robot Relocation, Vision and Laser Cooperation, Extended Kalman Filter.