Estíbaliz Fraca

Estíbaliz Fraca

UNIZAR's PhD student

How did I arrived here?

I was born in Zaragoza, and I studied 'Ingeniería en Informática' at the 'Centro Politécnico Superior' of the Universidad de Zaragoza. I spent my fifth year in the University of Nottingham under the erasmus program. Then, I did the PFC about software engineering and performance evaluation with Markovian PN with D. Pérez-Palacín and J. Merseguer (pdf here).

Finally, I decided to join a PhD program within the GISED with Jorge Júlvez and Manuel Silva. To became a PhD student, I took the "Máster en Informática e Ingeniería de Sistemas". The TFM can be found here.

During the period Oct 2012 - Feb 2013, I did a short research stay in the LSV lab of ENS Cachan, near to Paris, with Serge Haddad.

An during the period Feb - Apr 2014, another short research stay at the GREAH group ain Univeritè du Havre, France, with Dimitri Lefebvre.