DUtils::TimeManager Class Reference

Manages collections of timestamps. More...

#include <TimeManager.h>

List of all members.


class  iterator
 Iterator of managed data (these data are copied). More...
struct  tEntry
 Single entry of the collection. More...

Public Member Functions

Timestamp operator[] (unsigned int idx)
void add (const Timestamp &t)
void remove (const Timestamp &t, bool decrease_indexes)
void clear ()
bool empty () const
unsigned int size () const
iterator begin (float frequency=-1)
iterator beginAfter (double seconds, float frequency=-1)
iterator beginAt (const Timestamp &t, float frequency=-1)
Timestamp getFirstTimestamp ()
Timestamp getLastTimestamp ()

Protected Member Functions

void sort ()

Static Protected Member Functions

static bool le (const tEntry &a, const tEntry &b)

Protected Attributes

std::vector< tEntrym_entries
 All the entries of the timestamp collection.
bool m_is_sorted
 Flag to tell when the entries are sorted.


class iterator

Detailed Description

Manages collections of timestamps.

Member Function Documentation

void TimeManager::add ( const Timestamp t  ) 

Adds a timestamp to the collection. This action invalidate the created iterators

TimeManager::iterator TimeManager::begin ( float  frequency = -1  ) 

Returns an iterator to the first item of the sequence. When the interator is incremented, it will according with the desired frequency here

frequency frequency to get the timestamps. It can be -1 to mean all the timestamps
TimeManager::iterator TimeManager::beginAfter ( double  seconds,
float  frequency = -1 

Returns an interator to the lower timestamp that is greater or equal to the first timetamp + seconds (first timestamp = the oldest one)

frequency frequency of iterator. -1 by default (single step frequency)
TimeManager::iterator TimeManager::beginAt ( const Timestamp t,
float  frequency = -1 

Returns an interator to the closest timestamp to the given one

frequency frequency of iterator. -1 by default (single step)
void TimeManager::clear (  ) 

Removes all the timestamps. This action invalidates the created iterators

bool DUtils::TimeManager::empty (  )  const [inline]

Says if the collection is empty

true iff empty
Timestamp TimeManager::getFirstTimestamp (  ) 

Returns the first timestamp (in order) of the collection

first timestamp
Timestamp TimeManager::getLastTimestamp (  ) 

Returns the last timestmap (in order) of the collection

last timestamp
bool TimeManager::le ( const tEntry a,
const tEntry b 
) [static, protected]

Checks if timestamp of a < timestamp of b

true iif a < b
Timestamp TimeManager::operator[] ( unsigned int  idx  ) 

Returns the idx-th timestamp after sorting all the timestamps

idx 0 <= idx < size
void TimeManager::remove ( const Timestamp t,
bool  decrease_indexes 

Removes the given timestamps from the collection. This can also decrease the insertion index of the timestamps added after the removed one. This action invalidates the created iterators

decrease_indexes if true, indexes of next timestamps are decreased
unsigned int DUtils::TimeManager::size (  )  const [inline]

Returns the number of timestamps in the collection

number of entries
void TimeManager::sort (  )  [protected]

Makes the stored timestamps to be sorted in ascending order

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