DUtils::DebugFunctions Class Reference

List of all members.

Static Public Member Functions

static unsigned long getMemoryUsage ()
static std::string formatBytes (unsigned long bytes, unsigned long factor=1024)

Member Function Documentation

std::string DebugFunctions::formatBytes ( unsigned long  bytes,
unsigned long  factor = 1024 
) [static]

Returns a string representing a human-readable version of the given bytes

factor conversion factor between kilo, mega, etc (usually 1024 or 1000)
human-readable string
unsigned long DebugFunctions::getMemoryUsage (  )  [static]

Returns the memory usage of the current process in bytes

Only *nix version provided. In windows, it returns 0

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Generated on Thu Feb 7 19:16:00 2013 by  doxygen 1.6.3