

We propose a novel metric of visual comfort for stereoscopic motion, based on a series of systematic perceptual experiments. We take into account disparity, motion in depth, motion on the screen plane, and the spatial frequency of luminance contrast. We further derive a comfort metric to predict the comfort of short stereoscopic videos. We validate it on both controlled scenes and real videos available on the internet, and show how all the factors we take into account, as well as their interactions, affect viewing comfort. Last, we propose various applications that can benefit from our comfort measurements and metric.




@ARTICLE{du_stereo_comfort_siga13, author={Song-Pei Du and Belen Masia and Shi-Min Hu and Diego Gutierrez}, journal={ACM Transactions on Graphics}, title={{A Metric of Visual Comfort for Stereoscopic Motion}}, year={2013}, volume={32}, number={6}, pages={222:1--222:9} }
@article{Masia_Survey_2013, author = {Belen Masia and Gordon Wetzstein and Piotr Didyk and Diego Gutierrez} title = {{A Survey on Computational Displays: Pushing the Boundaries of Optics, Computation, and Perception}}, journal = {Computers {\&} Graphics}, volume = {37}, number = {8}, pages = {1012 -- 1038}, year = {2013} }
@article{Masia13_CAG, author = {Masia, Belen and Wetzstein, Gordon and Aliaga, Carlos and Raskar, Ramesh and Gutierrez, Diego}, title = {{Display Adaptive 3D Content Remapping}}, journal = {Computers {\&} Graphics, Special Issue on Advanced Displays}, year = {2013}, volume = {37}, number = {6}, pages = {983--996} }