Associate Professor, Computer Science Department, Universidad de Zaragoza.
Member of the Graphics & Imaging Lab, I3A Institute.
Member of the Vision, Image and Neurodevelopment Group, IIS Aragon Institute.
Maria de Luna, 1. Edificio Ada Byron. 50018, Zaragoza (Spain).
Email: bmasia (at) unizar (dot) es
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Research topics

My former PhD student Daniel Martin (co-advised with Diego Gutierrez, Daniel graduated in March 2024) has received a Young Researcher Award from the Spanish Computer Science Society (SCIE) and the BBVA Foundation ("Premios de Investigación Sociedad Científica Informática de España" a Investigadores Jóvenes en Informática). Congratulations! [More info here]
Our work "AViSal360: Audiovisual Saliency Prediction for 360º Video" has been accepted to ISMAR 2024! Gallery of results, code and model are available in the project page.
We are honored and absolutely thrilled to be the recipients of a SIGGRAPH 2024 Test-of-Time Award for our 2013 article "Femto-Photography: Capturing and Visualizing the Propagation of Light". This work, led by Ramesh Raskar's group at MIT Media Lab and with Andreas Velten as first author, inspired new non-line-of-sight imaging modalities to "look around corners". These awards are given to papers that have had a significant and lasting impact on computer graphics and interactive techniques over at least a decade. We are deeply grateful.
Our work "TexSliders: Diffusion-Based Texture Editing in CLIP Space" has been accepted to SIGGRAPH 2024! This is joint work with our colleagues at Adobe Research on finding artist-friendly ways to edit texture appearance.
Two papers related to material appearance perception and editing accepted to Eurographics 2024! Check them out: "Navigating the Manifold of Translucent Appearance" and "Predicting Perceived Gloss: Do Weak Labels Suffice?".
My PhD student Daniel Martin (co-advised with Diego Gutierrez) has successfully defended his PhD Thesis, entitled "Computational Models of Visual Attention and Gaze Behavior in Virtual Reality". He received a sobresaliente cum laude grade (the top grade at Unizar).
Our work "D-SAV360: A Dataset of Gaze Scanpaths on 360º Ambisonic Videos" has been accepted to the Journal Track of ISMAR 2023! Our dataset with 4,500+ gaze and head trajectories of 87 participants watching 85 360º videos with directional audio is available in the project webpage.
Our work on "Task-dependent Visual Behavior in Immersive Environments" has been accepted to the Journal Track of ISMAR 2023! We analyze differences in gaze behavior of participants when performing free exploration of a scene, a memory task or a visual search task in a within-subjects experimental design.
Our work "The Visual Language of Fabrics" has been accepted to SIGGRAPH 2023! Our dataset with 3,000 fabric materials (45,000+ images) and 15,000+ associated natural language descriptions is available in the project webpage.
My PhD student Julia Guerrero-Viu (co-advised with Diego Gutierrez) has been selected as one of WiGRAPH's Rising Stars 2023. A fantastic opportunity to receive mentoring and guidance for her future career. Congratulations!
My former PhD student Manuel Lagunas (co-advised with Diego Gutierrez, Manuel graduated in Dec. 2021) has received a Young Researcher Award from the Spanish Computer Science Society (SCIE) and the BBVA Foundation ("Premios de Investigación Sociedad Científica Informática de España" a Investigadores Jóvenes en Informática). Congratulations!
My PhD student Sandra Malpica (co-advised with Diego Gutierrez) has successfully defended her PhD Thesis! She received a sobresaliente cum laude grade (the top grade at Unizar). Starting Apr. 2023, she will be postdoctoral researcher in the ViRVIG group at UPC. Best of luck on this new adventure!
Our work "A Study of Change Blindness in Immersive Environments" has been accepted to IEEE VR 2023 Journal Track!
Our work "Larger Visual Changes Compress Time: The Inverted Effect of Asemantic Visual Features on Interval Time Perception" has been published in PLOS ONE. The data is available in the project page.
Our work "ScanGAN360: A Generative Model of Realistic Scanpaths for 360º Images" has been accepted to IEEE VR Journal Track (which publishes in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics). Code and model are available in the project page. Update: It has received a Best Journal Track Paper Award!
Our work "A Generative Framework for Image-based Editing of Material Appearance using Perceptual Attributes" has been published in Computer Graphics Forum, and will be presented at Eurographics 2022. Code and model are available in the project page.
Our survey on Multimodality in VR has been accepted to ACM Computing Surveys.
My PhD student Manuel Lagunas (co-advised with Diego Gutierrez) has successfully defended his PhD Thesis! He received a sobresaliente cum laude grade (the top grade at Unizar). Starting Jan. 2022, he will be an Applied Scientist at Amazon Madrid. Best of luck on this new adventure!
Our work on "Evaluation of Fixational Behavior throughout Life" has been published in Brain Sciences.
Our work on "Perception of material appearance: A comparison between painted and rendered images" has been published in the Journal of Vision.
I will serve on the SIGGRAPH Asia 2021 Technical Papers Committee. Submissions due May 21st (forms May 20th).
Our work exploring the "Influence of directional sound cues on users' exploration across 360º movie cuts" has been published in IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications. Preprint available here.
I will serve on the EGSR 2021 Program Committee. Submissions due April 16th (abstracts April 9th). Both full research papers, as well as industry papers, are welcome.
Our work investigating "The joint role of geometry and illumination on material recognition" has been published in the Journal of Vision.
We are part of the EU-funded PRIME Innovative Training Network, focused on predictive rendering and accurate appearance reproduction. Looking forward to years of fruitful collaboration among the excellent consortium!
Glad to announce that I have been awarded with one of the Leonardo Fellowships from the BBVA Foundation.
We will be working on evaluating the visual function in children and other non-collaborative patients with deep learning techniques.
Our work on "Imperceptible manipulation of lateral camera motion for improved virtual reality applications" has been accepted to SIGGRAPH Asia 2020. Code and data available here.
Our work on how "Auditory stimuli degrade visual performance in virtual reality" has been published in Scientific Reports. Code and data available here.
My former PhD student Ana Serrano (graduated April 2019) received one of the Eurographics PhD Awards this year. Congrats!
I will serve on the SIGGRAPH Asia 2020 Technical Papers Committee. Submissions due May 22nd (forms May 21st).
Next academic year (2020-2021) we will be offering a new Masters degree in Robotics, Graphics and Vision at Universidad de Zaragoza. It will be taught in English, and is supported by the Computer Science Department, the Robotics, Perception and Real Time Group, and the Graphics and Imaging Lab. Preadmission is already open!
I will serve on the EGSR 2020 Program Committee. Submissions due April 17th (abstracts April 13th).
My former PhD student Ana Serrano (graduated April 2019) received the Outstanding Thesis Award from Universidad de Zaragoza.
Our work on "A similarity measure for material appearance" will be presented at SIGGRAPH 2019 in Los Angeles! This work has the ACM Artifacts Evaluated and Results Replicated seals; code and data are available here.
I co-chair the Computational Visual Media Conference 2020, to be held in Macau in September 2020. Submissions due October 11th, 2019.
I co-chair the SIGGRAPH Asia 2019 Technical Briefs & Posters Programs. We look forward to your best work being presented in Australia! Submissions deadline is August 12th.
We just presented our work on 6-DoF video at IEEE VR 2019 in Osaka: "Motion parallax for 360° RGBD video". Code and demo available here.
I will serve on the SIGGRAPH 2019 Technical Papers Committee.