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Ana B. Cambra

Phd Student


        Departamento de Informática e ingeniería de sistemas (DIIS)
        Escuela de Ingeniería y Arquitectura (EINA)
        Universidad de Zaragoza (UZ)
        C/Maria de Luna, 1
        50018 Zaragoza, Spain
        Phone: (+34) 897 55 50 75
        Office: 1.18

        Email: acambra | AT | unizar | DOT | es


  • How to adapt existing CNN models for new semantic segmentation tasks?

Many applications need to learn new specific classes but do not have a lot of labeled training data. This work addresses the problem of transferring the knowledge from existing CNN models to different classes to those the model has been trained for. Our work explores the two common transfer learning approaches for the particular problem of semantic segmentation:
1) fine-tuning existing models with the newtraining  data,  following  a  standard  pipeline; 
2) training  a  superpixel  classifier combining local and context information.

  • A generic tool for interactive complex image editing

This work presents an efficient interaction paradigm that approximates any per-pixel magnitude from a few user strokes by propagating the sparse user input to each pixel of the image. We illustrate this through three interactive applications: depth of field simulation, dehazing and tone mapping.



International conferences and workshops 

  • How to adapt existing CNN models for new semanticsegmentation tasks? A. B. Cambra, A. Muñoz, A. C. Murillo. Robot 2017: Thrid Iberian Robotics Conference. Sevilla, Spain. [PDF]

  • Towards robust and efficient text sign reading from a mobile phone. A. B. Cambra, A. C. Murillo. IEEE International Workshop on Mobile Vision, held with ICCV 2011. [PDF]

National conferences

  • Improving depth estimation using superpixels.  A. B. Cambra, A. Muñoz, A. C. Murillo, J.J. Guerrero y D. Gutiérrez. CEIG 2014. Zaragoza, Spain. [PDF]

Poster Presentation


  • Reconocimiento robusto de texto en imágenes de dispositivos móviles. A. B. Cambra. Master Thesis [PDF]

  • Interpretación de carteles con la cámara de un móvil. A. B. Cambra. PFC [PDF]

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About me

I'm PhD student at Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain), advised by Prof. Ana C. Murillo and Prof. Adolfo Muñoz.
My research interests cover the fields of computer vision and graphics.


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