Multi-Workshop on Formal Methods in Performance Evaluation and Applications

Index page
General presentation
Complete Program
Tool Demonstrations
Conference Committee

Zaragoza, Spain, September 6-10, 1999

On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the School of Engineering of the University of Zaragoza (Centro Politécnico Superior), in the week from September 6 to September 10, a number of workshops will be organized in Zaragoza:

  • PNPM'99, the 8th International Workshop on Petri Nets and Performance Models
  • PAPM'99, the 7th International Workshop on Process Algebra and Performance Modelling
  • NSMC'99, the 3rd International Meeting on Numerical Solution of Markov Chains
  • WFMM'99, the Workshop on Formal Methods and Manufacturing
  • WFMT'99, the Workshop on Formal Methods and Telecommunications

Design and Operation of large systems is becoming increasingly complex. The interaction of cooperation and competition relationships leads to subtle and even paradoxical behaviours. Therefore formal methods are more and more required in the engineering practice. This is particularly true for performance evaluation, a natural starting point for the design and construction of large and complex systems. The multi-workshop was designed as a meeting point for people working on different but related formal modelling paradigms for performance evaluation: Markov Chains, Petri Nets and Process Algebras. The last two formalisms are particularly suited for describing concurrent and distributed systems. In many cases, Markov Chains provide the basic interleaved semantics of the underlying stochastic process, frequently the only practical computational approach. Two application oriented satellite workshops consider problems belonging to the entire life-cycle of Manufacturing and Telecommunication systems. They are quite representative domains of discrete event systems engineering problems arising in modern technology. In parallel a two tracks tutorial program present an state of the art in the field.
Last modified: June 14, 1999