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A.12.2 The Package Text_IO.Text_Streams

  1. The package Text_IO.Text_Streams provides a function for treating a text file as a stream.

    Static Semantics

  2. The library package Text_IO.Text_Streams has the following declaration:
  3. with Ada.Streams;
    package Ada.Text_IO.Text_Streams is
       type Stream_Access is access all Streams.Root_Stream_Type'Class;
  4.    function Stream (File : in File_Type) return Stream_Access;
    end Ada.Text_IO.Text_Streams;
  5. The Stream function has the same effect as the corresponding function in Streams.Stream_IO.


  6. (34) The ability to obtain a stream for a text file allows Current_Input, Current_Output, and Current_Error to be processed with the functionality of streams, including the mixing of text and binary input-output, and the mixing of binary input-output for different types.
  7. (35) Performing operations on the stream associated with a text file does not affect the column, line, or page counts.

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