The only characters allowed outside of comments are the
graphic_characters and format_effectors.
character ::=
| format_effector
| other_control_function
graphic_character ::=
| digit
| space_character
| special_character
Static Semantics
The character repertoire for the text of an Ada program consists of the
collection of characters called the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP) of
the ISO 10646 Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set, plus a set
of format_ effectors and, in comments only, a set of
other_control_functions; the coded representation for these characters
is implementation defined (it need not be a representation defined
within ISO-10646-1).
The description of the language definition in this International
Standard uses the graphic symbols defined for Row 00: Basic Latin and
Row 00: Latin-1 Supplement of the ISO 10646 BMP; these correspond to the
graphic symbols of ISO 8859-1 (Latin-1); no graphic symbols are used in
this International Standard for characters outside of Row 00 of the BMP.
The actual set of graphic symbols used by an implementation for the
visual representation of the text of an Ada program is not specified.
The categories of characters are defined as follows:
upper_case_identifier_letter | lower_case_identifier_letter
Any character of Row 00 of ISO 10646 BMP whose name begins ``Latin
Capital Letter''.
Any character of Row 00 of ISO 10646 BMP whose name begins
``Latin Small Letter''.
One of the characters 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9.
The character of ISO 10646 BMP named ``Space''.
Any character of the ISO 10646 BMP that is not reserved for a
control function, and is not the space_character, an
identifier_letter, or a digit.
The control functions of ISO 6429 called character tabulation
(HT), line tabulation (VT), carriage return (CR), line feed (LF),
and form feed (FF).
Any control function, other than a format_effector, that is
allowed in a comment; the set of other_control_functions allowed
in comments is implementation defined.
The following names are used when referring to certain special_characters:
symbol name symbol name
" quotation mark : colon
# number sign ; semicolon
& ampersand < less-than sign
' apostrophe, tick = equals sign
( left parenthesis > greater-than sign
) right parenthesis _ low line, underline
* asterisk, multiply | vertical line
+ plus sign [ left square bracket
, comma ] right square bracket
- hyphen-minus, minus { left curly bracket
. full stop, dot, point } right curly bracket
/ solidus, divide
Implementation Permissions
In a nonstandard mode, the implementation may support a different
character repertoire; in particular, the set of characters that are
considered identifier_letters can be extended or changed to conform to
local conventions.
(1) Every code position of ISO 10646 BMP that is not reserved for a
control function is defined to be a graphic_character by this
International Standard. This includes all code positions other than
0000 - 001F, 007F - 009F, and FFFE - FFFF.
(2) The language does not specify the source representation of programs.