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Journal Article
[LutMayMSDHL] Lutz, JH, Mayordomo E.  1994.  Measure stochasticity and the density of hard languages. SIAM Journal on Computing. 23:762-779.
[BC-TSMC-13] Bernardi, S, Campos J.  2013.  A min-max problem for the computation of the cycle time lower bound in interval-based Time Petri Nets. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems. 43(5):1167-1181.
[1434] Wang, L, Mahulea C, Julvez J, Silva M.  2012.  Minimum-time Decentralized Control of Choice-Free Continuous Petri Nets. Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems.
[1453] Wang, L, Mahulea C, Julvez J, Silva M.  2013.  Minimum-time Decentralized Control of Choice-Free Continuous Petri Nets. Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems. 7(1):39-53.
[1481] Requeno, JI, Colom JM.  2013.  Model checking software for phylogenetic trees using distribution and database methods. Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics. 10(3) Abstract
[ARReTeSi97] Recalde, L, Teruel E, Silva M.  1998.  Modeling and Analysis of Sequential Processes that Cooperate through Buffers. IEEE Trans on Robotics and Automation. 14:267-277.
[1525] Rodríguez, RJ, Bernardi S, Merseguer J.  2015.  Modelling Security of Critical Infrastructures: A Survivability Assessment. The Computer Journal. 58(10)
Conference Proceedings
Conference Paper
[IPGiJuSe03] Giua, A, Julvez J, Seatzu C.  2003.  Marking Estimation of Petri Nets based on Partial Observation. :-.
[1553] Gonzalez, R, Mahulea C, Kloetzer M.  2015.  A Matlab-Based Interactive Simulator for Mobile Robotics. CASE'2015: IEEE Int. Conf. on Automation Science and Engineering.
[RP-86-07] Murata, T, Silva M.  1986.  Maximun firing deviation and fair relations in Petri nets. :1008-1010.
[LutMayMSDHLb] Lutz, JH, Mayordomo E.  1993.  Measure stochasticity and the density of hard languages. 665:38-47.
[MayMP] Mayordomo, E.  1994.  Measuring in PSPACE. 6:93-100.
[cost] Merelo, Tricas F, Ruiz.  2003.  Measuring the Spanish Blogosphere.
[RP-80-05] Silva, M.  1980.  Memoria de actividades del Dpto. de Automática de la E.T.S.I. Industriales de la U.Z.. :111-116.
[RP-88-04] Smith, JM, Villarroel JL.  1988.  Merging artificial intelligence techniques and Petri nets for real time scheduling and control of production systems. :528-531.
[RP-89-13] Villarroel, JL, Martínez J, Muro P, Silva M, Smith SF.  1989.  Merging artificial intelligence techniques and Petri nets for real time scheduling and control of production systems. :307-313.
[RP-90-08] Best, E, Silva M.  1990.  Minimal Deadlocks in Free Choice nets.
[1281] Wang, L, Mahulea C, Julvez J, Silva M.  2010.  Minimum-Time Control for Structurally Persistent Continuous Petri Nets. CDC10: 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
[1464] Wang, L, Mahulea C, Silva M.  2013.  Minimum-Time Flow Control of Timed Continuous Choice-Free Nets. ECC'13: European Control Conference.
[1547] Wang, X, Mahulea C, Silva M.  2014.  Model Checking on Fault Diagnosis Graph. WODES'2014: 12th IFAC International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems.
[1515] Bernardi, S, Albareda J, Colom JM, Mahulea C.  2014.  A model-based approach for the specification and verification of clinical guidelines. Workshop on Models and Methods for Hospital Management and Planning, at 19th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA'2014).
[1382] Bernardi, S, Francesco F, Marrone S, Merseguer J, Papa C, Vittorini V.  2011.  Model-driven availability evaluation of railway control systems. 30th International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security (Safecomp'11).