RADIANCE: softwaRe behAvior DesIgn And eNergy Consumption assEssment


RADIANCE (softwaRe behAvior DesIgn And eNergy Consumption assEssment) is a webapp tool that facilitates green software design with a model driven approach. Users can design atomic fragments of software called "profiles". Profiles use the "Behavior Based Consumption Profile (BBCP) Domain-Specific Modeling Language", which is a modeling language that we have created to mimic the evolution of software usage through time (we call this "diachronic software behavior"). Profiles can be later agglomerated in "collections", which can represent full applications or individual components. There are several features in RADIANCE that make it unique.

Model-Driven SE

RADIANCE parses the profiles to generate sequence and timing diagrams that guide the user visually. This feature is particularly useful for users who look for a more intuitive way to understand the behavior of their software. Moreover, RADIANCE supports parallelism and concurrency in the profiles, which allows users to model complex behaviors in a more realistic way.

Prospective Hardware Consumption Rating

RADIANCE uses an algorithm to rate the estimated hardware resource consumption of each of the operations in a profile and labels them using a color and its respective letter. In addition, RADIANCE generates an energy report that provides the user with a summary of the good and bad practices in the profile, as well as links to useful sources of information that elaborate on strategies to mitigate the energy consumption of the software.
Hardware Consumption Labeling per Operation
Energy report

Behavioral Load Simulator

The behavioral load simulator uses an engine tailored to interpret the variables of BBCP-supported models, interpreting models into agents. The results obtained after a simulation are the following:

  • The evolution of hardware load
  • The change in active state of model-based agents over time
  • The prospective energy consumption of the software
  • Behavioral load metrics i.e.: change in state per minute, dependency calls, average hardware load

UI Customization

RADIANCE's UI can be customized to meet the needs of users with different levels of expertise. There is no need to access the code of RADIANCE to implement such customizations, as they can be performed in the tool itself.

Main related publications



Main Contributors


  • Project PID2020-113037RB-I00 (funded by MCIN/ AEI /10.13039/501100011033) — Next-gEnerATion dAta Management to foster suitable Behaviors and the resilience of cItizens against modErN ChallEnges (NEAT-AMBIENCE)
  • Government of Aragon (COSMOS research group; last group reference: T64_23R; previous group reference: T64_20R)