Research Interestes
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Programme Comittee Member
- International Conference on Decision Support System Technology (ICDSST). 2020-
- International Conference on Information Assurance and Security (IAS). 2011-2020
- EvoCOMPLEX.Evolutionary Algorithms and Complex Systems. 2010-2011
- International Workshop on Computational Intelligence in Security for
Information Systems. CISIS. 2009-
- 1st International Workshop on Computer Users' Behaviour (CUB08)
- Congreso Español de Informática (CEDI 2007). S19: II Simposio de Sistemas Complejos, SISCOM'2007
- European Simulation Meeting. 2005-
Organizing Committee
- II Congreso Internacional Online del Observatorio
para la Cibersociedad. Coordinador del Grupo de Trabajo 43. Weblogs, ¿un
nuevo genéro de comunicación? 2004
- Uninet Unix Meeting. Congreso virtual. Coordinador. 2000-2005
- Infosec. Congreso virtual. Miembro del equipo de coordinadores.
- 6th Workshop on Discrete Event Systems (WODES'02)
- X Jornadas de Concurrencia (JJCC'02)
- 8th International Multi-Workshop on Petri Nets and Performance
Models. 1999
- MATCH Advanced Summer Schools, Jaca, Spain. 1998
- 15th International Conference on Applications and Theory of Petri Nets.
Tribunales de tesis // Ph.D. Thesis Committees
- Secretario del Tribunal de Tesis de Roberto Luis Serrano Ferrer, Universidad de Zaragoza. September 2020.
- Presidente del Tribunal de tesis de Carlos Catalán Cantero, Universidad de Zaragoza. November 2015.
- Presidente del Tribunal de tesis de Jorge Miguel Moneo, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. October 2015.
- Presidente del Tribunal de tesis de Jiafeng Zhang, Xidian University (China)//Saarland University (Germany), Xi'an, China, July 2015.
- Presidente del Tribunal de tesis de Juan Pablo López Grao, Universidad de Zaragoza,
- Secretario del Tribunal de tesis de Ricardo J. Rodríguez, Universidad de Zaragoza,
- Miembro del tribunal de tesis de Pius Onobhayedo, Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, 2012.
- Miembro del tribunal de tesis de Asmaa Skareb, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran
Canaria, 2011.
- Secretario del tribunal de tesis de Elia Esther Cano Acosta,
Universidad de Zaragoza, 2011.
- Secretario del tribunal de tesis de Carlos Alvino Rovetto Ríos,
Universidad de Zaragoza, 2011.
- Miembro del tribunal de tesis de Sonia Ruiz Blanco, Universidad de Málaga. 2009.
- Miembro del tribunal de tesis de J.J. Samper Márquez, Universidad de Granada.
Reviewer (Journals)
- International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
- IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering
- The Computer Journal
- ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems.
- IET Control Theory & Applications
- IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
- Automatica
- Automatika. Journal for Control, Measurement, Electronics,
and Communications. Croatian Society for Communications, Computing,
Electronics, Measurement and Control
- Journal of Systems Science and Complexity
- International Journal of Production Research
- IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
- International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science
- IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation
- IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Part A.
- Computers & Industrial Engineering
- Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems
Reviewer (Conferences)
- 2014, International Conference on Application of Concurrency to
System Design
- 2010, 2011 EVOComplex
- International Conference on Applications and Theory of Petri nets
- American Control Conference
- ICRA 2004, 2011
- EPEW 2004
- IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE
- 18th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic
Control (IFAC),
Updated 2012-06-05