Assistant Professor at Universidad de Zaragoza.
Member of the Graphics & Imaging Lab, I3A Institute.
You can download my CV here.
Email: danims (at) unizar (dot) es
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I have joined Universidad de Zaragoza as an Assistant Professor.
Our work "Identifying Behavioral Correlates to Visual Discomfort" has been accepted to ACM Transactions on Graphics and will be presented at SIGGRAPH Asia 2024.
Our work "AViSal360: Audiovisual Saliency Prediction for 360º Video" has been accepted to - and will be presented at - ISMAR 2024.
I have been awarded one of the SCIE-BBVA National Awards for Young Computer Science Researchers, which are "intended to distinguish innovative and relevant doctoral works". See the official news here and here.
Our work "tSPM-Net: A Probabilistic Spatio-Temporal Approach for Scanpath Prediction" has been accepted to Computers & Graphics, and has obtained the CEIG 2024 Best Paper Award.
I successfully defended my PhD thesis. Find more in the Publications section.
I successfully completed my research internship in Meta Reality Labs Research, supervised by Dr. Michael Proulx. Another excellent experience!
I successfully completed my research internship in Adobe Research, supervised by Dr. Aaron Hertzmann. What an amazing experience!
Double good news (yet again)! Our works "D-SAV360: A Dataset of Gaze Scanpaths on 360º Ambisonic Videos" and "Task-dependent Visual Behavior in Immersive Environments: A Comparative Study of Free Exploration, Memory and Visual Search" have been conditionally accepted for presentation at ISMAR 2023 and for publication in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (IEEE TVCG).
Double good news! This year I will be an intern at Adobe Research., from May to September, supervised by Dr. Aaron Hertzmann, and at Meta Reality Labs Research, from September to December, supervised by Dr. Michael Proulx. Super excited about both of them!
I have been granted one Fulbright Predoctoral Scolarship to conduct six months of research at the United States.
Our work "A Study of Change Blindness in Immersive Environments" has been conditionally accepted for presentation at IEEE VR 2023 and for publication in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (IEEE TVCG).
I successfully completed my research internship in Adobe Research, supervised by Dr. Xin Sun. What a great experience!
Our work "SST-Sal: A Spherical Spatio-Temporal Approach for Saliency Prediction in 360º Videos" has been accepted to Computers & Graphics. Code and model are available in the project page.
Our work "DriveRNN: Predicting Drivers’ Attention with Deep Recurrent Networks" has been accepted to Spanish Computer Graphics Conference (CEIG).
Our work "A Probabilistic Time-Evolving Approach to Scanpath Prediction" is now available at ArXiV.
Our work "ScanGAN360: A Generative Model of Realistic Scanpaths for 360º Images" has received a Best Journal Track Paper Award!
Our work "ScanGAN360: A Generative Model of Realistic Scanpaths for 360º Images" has been accepted to IEEE VR 2022 Journal Track (which publishes in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics). Code and model are available in the project page.
Our work "Multimodality in VR: A Survey" has been accepted to ACM Computing Surveys.