QueryGen is our approach to perform semantic keyword-based search on heterogeneous information systems. It is the result of putting together different semantic techniques developed in our research group.

Semantic Keyword-based Search: main steps.
In the following links, you can find the different prototypes developed for testing each of the steps of the complete pipeline:
- Discovery of Keyword Senses
Keyword Sense Discovery
Keyword Sense Discovery plus Ontology Integration
- Semantic Query Generation
Query Generation in a Selectable Target Language
Multi-Language Query Generation Supporting non-DL Languages
- Access to Data Repositories
Accessing DBpedia Data from DL Queries
Please, contact me if any of them are down.
The details of the different steps of the process have been published in:
- Carlos Bobed and Eduardo Mena, “QueryGen: Semantic Interpretation of Keyword Queries over Heterogeneous Information Systems“, Information Sciences, ISSN 0020-0255, Elsevier, volume 329, pp. 412-433, February 2016. DOI:10.1016/j.ins.2015.09.013.
- Carlos Bobed Lisbona, “Semantic Keyword-based Search on Heterogeneous Information Systems“, Phd. Thesis, University of Zaragoza, October 2013.
- Carlos Bobed and Eduardo Mena and Raquel Trillo, “FirstOnt: Automatic Construction of Ontologies out of Multiple Ontological Resources“, Proc. of the 16th Intl. Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems (KES 2012), San Sebastián (Spain), volume 243, pp. 1909-1919, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, September 2012.
- Carlos Bobed and Raquel Trillo and Eduardo Mena and Sergio Ilarri, “From Keywords to Queries: Discovering the User’s Intended Meaning“, Proc. of 11th Intl. Conference on Web Information System Engineering (WISE 2010), Hong Kong (China), Springer Verlag LNCS, volume 6488, pp. 190-203, December 2010.
- Carlos Bobed and Raquel Trillo and Eduardo Mena and Jorge Bernad, “Semantic Discovery of the User Intended Query in a Selectable Target Query Language“,
Proc. of 7th Intl. Conference on Web Intelligence (WI 2008), Sydney (Australia), IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 579-582, December 2008. - Jorge Gracia and Eduardo Mena, “Web-based Measure of Semantic Relatedness“, Proc. of 9th Intl. Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE 2008), Auckland (New Zealand), Springer Verlag LNCS, volume 5175, pp. 136-150, September 2008.
- Raquel Trillo and Jorge Gracia and Mauricio Espinoza and Eduardo Mena, “Discovering the Semantics of User Keywords“, Journal on Universal Computer Science (JUCS). Special Issue: Ontologies and their Applications, ISSN 0948-695X, Springer Verlag, volume 13, number 12, pp. 1908-1935, December 2007.
- Jorge Gracia, Raquel Trillo, Mauricio Espinoza, and Eduardo Mena, “Querying the Web: A Multiontology Disambiguation Method“, Sixth International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE’06), Palo Alto, California (USA), ACM , pp. 241-248, July 2006.
- Mauricio Espinoza, Jorge Gracia, Raquel Trillo, and Eduardo Mena, “Discovering the Semantics of Keywords: An Ontology-based Approach“, The 2006 International Conference on Semantic Web and Web Services (SWWS’06), Las Vegas, Nevada (USA), CSREA Press, pp. 193-200, June 2006.
- J.A. Royo and E. Mena and J. Bernad and A. Illarramendi, “Searching the Web: From Keywords to Semantic Queries“, Third International Conference on Information Technology and Applications (ICITA’05), July 4-7, 2005, Sydney (Australia), IEEE Computer Society, ISBN 0-7695-2316-1, pp. 244-249, July 2005.