Software tools

Software tools developed by the group:

ArgoSPE is a plug-in for the ArgoUML tool.

From a UML model, ArgoSPE:

  • Generates Petri nets in GreatSPN format.
  • Calculates performance parameters through a set of predefined queries.
  • Display queries results with the help of Gnuplot plotting engine.

benchDBI is a bunch of programs that confirms a benchmark specifically created for evaluating DBI frameworks. Currently, it has been used for evaluating Pin, Valgrind and DynamoRIO in a GNU/Linux 64-bit environment.

Get benchDBI tool and source from BitBucket site

CSM2PN is a translator that converts CSM models into Generalized Stochastic Petri Nets.

DAM Profile is an Eclipse-Papyrus project to annotate UML models with dependability properties.

The ITPN-PerfBound is a tool for the modeling and analysis of Interval Time Petri Nets (ITPN), that is Petri Nets in which firing time intervals, and possibly firing frequency intervals, are associated to transitions.

Log2cloud is a tool for prediction of cost-performance trade-offs in cloud deployments

PeabraiN logo

PeabraiN tool is a collection of PIPE (Platform Independent Petri net Editor) modules for computing bounds, resource optimisation, and more bizarre properties on the Petri nets (PNs). Namely, the features supported by PeabraiN are the following:

  • Performance Estimation
  • Resource Optimisation
  • Structural Enabling
  • Structural Marking
  • Visit Ratio Computation
  • SPN Simulation Analysis

Get PeabraiN tool and source from BitBucket site (old sources at SourceForge site)


- A MATLAB toolbox for Hybrid Petri Nets -

This tool is devoted to the simulation, analysis and synthesis of discrete event systems modeled by hybrid and continuous Petri nets.

SOftware quaLities and Adaptability Relationships