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Conference Paper
[IPReTeSi99] Recalde, L, Teruel E, Silva M.  1999.  Autonomous Continuous PT systems. 1639:107-126.
[IPBaReChSi00] Basile, F, Recalde L, Chiacchio P, Silva M.  2000.  Closed Loop live Petri Net Supervisors for Generalized Mutual Exclusion Constraints. :169-180.
[IPHRRS01] Hillston, J, Recalde L, Ribaudo M, Silva M.  2001.  A Comparison of the Expressiveness of SPA and Bounded SPN models. :197-206.
[IPSiRe05] Silva, M, Recalde L.  2005.  Continuization of Timed Petri Nets: From Performance Evaluation to Observation and Control.
[IPReHaSi07] Recalde, L, Haddad S, Silva M.  2007.  Continuous Petri Nets: Expressive Power and Decidability Issues. LNCS. 4762:362-377.
[IPEzRe02] Ezpeleta, J, Recalde L.  2002.  A Deadlock Avoidance Approach for Non Sequential Resource Allocation Systems.
[IPJuJiReSi04b] Julvez, J, Jimenez E, Recalde L, Silva M.  2004.  Design of Observers for Timed Continuous Petri Net Systems. :1678-1685.
[IPKLMA08] Kloetzer, M, Mahulea C, Belta C, Recalde L, Silva M.  2008.  Formal analysis of timed continuous Petri net.
[IPJiReSi01] Jimenez, E, Recalde L, Silva M.  2001.  Forrester Diagrams and Continuous Petri Nets A Comparative View. :85-94.
[IPReMaSi06] Recalde, L, Mahulea C, Silva M.  2006.  Improving analysis and simulation of continuous Petri Nets. :7–12.
[IPMARESI08] Mahulea, C, Recalde L, Silva M.  2008.  Observability of Timed Continuous Petri Nets: A Class of Hybrid Systems.
[1250] Mahulea, C, Seatzu C, Cabasino MP, Recalde L, Silva M.  2009.  Observer Design for Untimed Continuous Petri Nets. ACC'09: Proceedings of the 2009 conference on American Control Conference.
[IPJiJuReSi05] Jimenez, E, Julvez J, Recalde L, Silva M.  2005.  On Controllability of Timed Continuous Petri Net Systems: the Join Free Case. :7645-7650.
[IPVaRaReSi08] Vázquez, CR, Ramirez A, Recalde L, Silva M.  2008.  On Controllability of Timed Continuous Petri Nets. Lectures Notes in Computer Science. 4981:528–541.
[IPJuReSi02] Julvez, J, Recalde L, Silva M.  2002.  On deadlock freeness analysis of autonomous and timed continuous mono T semiflow nets. :781-786.
[IPSiRe03] Silva, M, Recalde L.  2003.  On fluidification of Petri net models: from discrete to hybrid and continuous models. :9-20.
[IPJuJiReSi04a] Julvez, J, Jimenez E, Recalde L, Silva M.  2004.  On Observability in Timed Continuous Petri Net Systems. :60-69.
[IPMaReSi06] Mahulea, C, Recalde L, Silva M.  2006.  On performance monotonicity and basic servers semantics of continuous Petri nets. :345–351.
[IPJuReSi03a] Julvez, J, Recalde L, Silva M.  2003.  On reachability in autonomous continuous Petri net systems.
[IPMaGiReSeSi06] Mahulea, C, Giua A, Recalde L, Seatzu C, Silva M.  2006.  On sampling continuous timed Petri nets: reachability "equivalence" under infinite servers semantics. :37–43.
[IPHaReSi06] Haddad, S, Recalde L, Silva M.  2006.  On the Computational Power of Timed Differentiable Petri Nets. LNCS. 4202:230-244.
[IPGiMaReSeSi06a] Giua, A, Mahulea C, Recalde L, Seatzu C, Silva M.  2006.  Optimal control of continuous Petri nets via model predictive control. :235–241.
[IPGiMaReSeSi06b] Giua, A, Mahulea C, Recalde L, Seatzu C, Silva M.  2006.  Optimal control of timed continuous Petri nets via explicit MPC. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences. 341:383-390.
[IPMaReSi05] Mahulea, C, Recalde L, Silva M.  2005.  Optimal Observability for Continuous Petri Nets. :CDROM.