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[IPHRRS01] Hillston, J, Recalde L, Ribaudo M, Silva M.  2001.  A Comparison of the Expressiveness of SPA and Bounded SPN models. :197-206.
[RP-81-04] Silva, M, Velilla S.  1981.  Componentes conservativas elementales y realización microprogramada de una red de Petri conforme. :317-328.
[MBCD-wodes02] Merseguer, J, Bernardi S, Campos J, Donatelli S.  2002.  A Compositional Semantics for UML State Machines Aimed at Performance Evaluation. :295-302.
[RP-91-31] Esparza, J, Silva M.  1991.  Compositional synthesis of live and bounded free-choice nets.
[IPSiRe05] Silva, M, Recalde L.  2005.  Continuization of Timed Petri Nets: From Performance Evaluation to Observation and Control.
[1234] Silva, M.  2009.  Continuous and Hybrid Petri Nets: The GISED perspective.
[1493] Julvez, J, Vazquez CR, Mahulea C, Silva M.  2013.  Continuous Petri Nets: Controllability and Control. Control of Discrete-Event Systems. Automata and Petri net Perspectives. 433:407-428.
[IPReHaSi07] Recalde, L, Haddad S, Silva M.  2007.  Continuous Petri Nets: Expressive Power and Decidability Issues. LNCS. 4762:362-377.
[1288] Recalde, L, Haddad S, Silva M.  2010.  Continuous Petri Nets: Expressive Power and Decidability Issues. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science. 21(2):235-256.
[1492] Mahulea, C, Julvez J, Vazquez CR, Silva M.  2013.  Continuous Petri Nets: Observability and Diagnosis. Control of Discrete-Event Systems. Automata and Petri net Perspectives. 433:387-406.
[1497] Apaydin-Ozkan, H, Mahulea C, Julvez J, Silva M.  2014.  A Control Method for Distributed Continuous Mono-T-Semiflow Petri nets. International Journal of Control. 87(2)
[1255] Apaydin-Ozkan, H, Julvez J, Mahulea C, Silva M.  2010.  A Control Method for Timed Distributed Continuous Petri nets. ACC'10: Proceedings of the 2010 conference on American Control Conference.
[1435] Wang, L, Mahulea C, Julvez J, Silva M.  2012.  Control of continuous Petri nets using ON/OFF based method. 11th Int. Workshop on Discrete Event Systems.
[1448] Wang, L, Mahulea C, Julvez J, Silva M.  2012.  Control of continuous Petri nets using ON/OFF based method. 11th Int. Workshop on Discrete Event Systems (WODES'12). :47-53.
[1505] Seatzu, C, Silva M, van Schuppen J.(ed.).  2013.  Control of Discrete-Event Systems: Automata and Petri-Net Perspectives. Lecture Notes y Control and Information Sciences. 433:478.
[1498] Vazquez, CR, Ramirez-Treviño A, Silva M.  2013.  Controllability of Timed Continuous Petri Nets with uncontrollable transitions. International Journal of Control. Posted online: 01 Oct 2013
[673] Colom, JM, Silva M.  1991.  Convex Geometry and Semiflows in P/T Nets. A Comparative Study of Algorithms for Computation of Minimal P-Semiflows. Advances in Petri Nets 1990. :79-112.
[1006] Colom, JM, Silva M.  1989.  Convex Geometry and Semiflows in P/T nets. A comparative study of algorithms for computation of minimal P-semiflows. 10th International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets. :74-95.
[1359] Silva, M, Colom JM.  1990.  Convex geometry and semiflows in P/T nets. A comparative study of algorithms for computation of minimal p-semiflows. Proceedings of Design Methods Based on Nets (DEMON). Esprit Basic Research Action 3148. W.G. 3: Algebra and Proof Methods. Deliverables Covering the Period June 1989 to June 1990.
[1549] Wang, X, Mahulea C, Silva M.  2014.  Deadlock Prevention Policy for S3PR - Application to Robot Planning. ETFA'2014: 19th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation.
[ARJuReSi06] Julvez, J, Recalde L, Silva M.  2006.  Deadlock-freeness analysis of continuous mono-T-semiflow Petri nets. IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control. 51:1472-1481.
[1388] Wang, L, Mahulea C, Julvez J, Silva M.  2011.  Decentralized Control of Large Scale Systems Modeled with Continuous Marked Graphs. 18th IFAC World Congress.
[1389] Wang, L, Mahulea C, Julvez J, Silva M.  2011.  Decentralized Control of Large Scale Systems Modeled with Continuous Marked Graphs. 18th IFAC World Congress.
[1501] Wang, X, Mahulea C, Silva M.  2013.  Decentralized Diagnosis Based on Fault Diagnosis Graph. 18th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2013).
[SiTe-SMC98] Silva, M, Teruel E.  1998.  DEDS Along Their Life-Cycle: Interpreted Extensions of Petri Nets. IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics.