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[1443] Julvez, J, Vazquez CR, Mahulea C.  2011.  Analysis and Simulation of Manufacturing Systems using SimHPN toolbox. CASE'2011: 7th IEEE Conf. on Automation Science and Engineering.
[1494] Vazquez, CR, Silva M.  2011.  Stochastic Continuous Petri Nets: An Approximation of Markovian Net Models. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and Humans. 42(4):641-653.
[1450] Silva, M, Julvez J, Vazquez CR, Mahulea C.  2011.  On fluidization of discrete event models: observation and control of continuous Petri nets. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems: Theory and Applications. 21(4):497.
[1491] Vazquez, CR, Mahulea C, Julvez J, Silva M.  2013.  Introduction to Fluid Petri Nets. Control of Discrete-Event Systems. Automata and Petri net Perspectives. 433:365-386.
[1492] Mahulea, C, Julvez J, Vazquez CR, Silva M.  2013.  Continuous Petri Nets: Observability and Diagnosis. Control of Discrete-Event Systems. Automata and Petri net Perspectives. 433:387-406.
[1493] Julvez, J, Vazquez CR, Mahulea C, Silva M.  2013.  Continuous Petri Nets: Controllability and Control. Control of Discrete-Event Systems. Automata and Petri net Perspectives. 433:407-428.
[1498] Vazquez, CR, Ramirez-Treviño A, Silva M.  2013.  Controllability of Timed Continuous Petri Nets with uncontrollable transitions. International Journal of Control. Posted online: 01 Oct 2013