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Journal Article
[BMP-Models-08] Bernardi, S, Merseguer J, Petriu D.  2008.  Adding Dependability Analysis capabilities to the MARTE profile. LNCS. 5301:736-750.
[MCM-WINET03] Merseguer, J, Campos J, Mena E.  2003.  Analysing Internet Software Retrieval Systems: Modeling and Performance Comparison. Wireless Networks: The Journal of Mobile Communication Computation and Information. 9:223-238.
[1381] Merseguer, J, Bernardi S.  2012.  Dependability analysis of DES based on MARTE and UML state machines models. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems. 22(2):15.
[1383] Bernardi, S, Merseguer J, Petriu DC.  2012.  Dependability modeling and analysis of software systems specified with UML. ACM Computing Surveys. 45(1)
[1430] Bernardi, S, Merseguer J, Petriu DC.  2012.  Dependability modeling and assessment in UML-based software development. The Scientific World Journal. 2012
[BMP-SOSYM09] Bernardi, S, Merseguer J, Petriu D.  2011.  A Dependability Profile within MARTE. Journal of Software and Systems Modeling. 10(3):24.
[1431] Bernardi, S, Flammini F, Marrone S, Mazzocca N, Merseguer J, Nardone R, Vittorini V.  2013.  Enabling the Usage of UML in the Verification of Railway Systems: The DAM-Rail Approach. Reliability Engineering and System Safety. 120:112-126.
[MR-97] Merseguer, J, Romero J.  1997.  La herencia en el modelo orientado a objetos, del análisis a la implementación. :21-30.
[1525] Rodríguez, RJ, Bernardi S, Merseguer J.  2015.  Modelling Security of Critical Infrastructures: A Survivability Assessment. The Computer Journal. 58(10)
[CM-LNCS-06] Campos, J, Merseguer J.  2006.  On the integration of UML and Petri nets in software development. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 4024:19-36.
[1456] Rodríguez, RJ, Júlvez J, Merseguer J.  2013.  On the Performance Estimation and Resource Optimisation in Process Petri Nets. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems. 46(3):1385-1398.
[1480] Perez-Palacin, D, Mirandola R, Merseguer J.  2014.  On the Relationships between QoS and Software Adaptability at the Architectural Level. Journal of Systems and Software. 87(1):17.
[1509] Gómez-Martínez, E, González-Cabero R, Merseguer J.  2014.  Performance Assessment of an Architecture with Adaptative Interfaces for People with Special Needs. Empirical Software Engineering. 19(6):52.
[1527] Rodríguez, RJ, Artal JA, Merseguer J.  2014.  Performance Evaluation of Dynamic Binary Instrumentation Frameworks. IEEE Latin America. 12(8):9.
[PM-PASM09] Perez-Palacin, D, Merseguer J.  2010.  Performance Evaluation of Self-reconfigurable Service-oriented Software With Stochastic Petri Nets. ENTCS. 261:181-201.
[BM-JSS-07] Bernardi, S, Merseguer J.  2007.  Performance evaluation of UML design with Stochastic Well-formed Nets. Journal of Systems and Software. 80:1843-1865.
[1406] Holanda, HJA, Merseguer J, Cordeiro G, Serra AB.  2010.  Performance Evaluation of Web Services Orchestrated with WS-BPEL4People. International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications. 2(6):18.
[1415] Pérez-Palacín, D, Mirandola R, Merseguer J.  2012.  QoS and energy management with Petri nets: a self-adaptive framework. The Journal of Systems & Software. 85(12):15.
[BM-IC-06] Bernardi, S, Merseguer J.  2006.  QoS assessment via stochastic analysis. IEEE Internet Computing. 10:32-42.