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[1474] Rodríguez, RJ, Júlvez J, Merseguer J.  2013.  Quantification and compensation of the impact of faults in system throughput. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability. 227(6):28.
[PMMG-VIDAS10] Perez-Palacin, D, Merseguer J, Mirandola R, Grassi V.  2010.  QoS-Based Model Driven Assessment of Adaptive Reactive Systems. Third International Conference on Software Testing, Verification, and Validation Workshops. :299-308.
[BM-IC-06] Bernardi, S, Merseguer J.  2006.  QoS assessment via stochastic analysis. IEEE Internet Computing. 10:32-42.
[1415] Pérez-Palacín, D, Mirandola R, Merseguer J.  2012.  QoS and energy management with Petri nets: a self-adaptive framework. The Journal of Systems & Software. 85(12):15.
[1488] Bernardi, S, Boskovic M, Merseguer J.  2013.  Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop Non-functional Properties in Modeling: Analysis, Languages and Processes co-located with 16th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2013). 5th International Workshop Non-functional Properties in Modeling: Analysis, Languages and Processes (NiM-ALP 2013). 1074:1-40.
[PM-ICPE11] Perez-Palacin, D, Merseguer J.  2011.  Performance Sensitive Self-Adaptive Service-Oriented Software using Hidden Markov Models. ICPE International Conference on Performance Engineering. :201--206.
[1276] Gómez-Martínez, E, Merseguer J.  2010.  Performance modeling and analysis of the Universal Control Hub. 7th European Performance Engineering Workshop, EPEW 2010.
[1406] Holanda, HJA, Merseguer J, Cordeiro G, Serra AB.  2010.  Performance Evaluation of Web Services Orchestrated with WS-BPEL4People. International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications. 2(6):18.
[BM-JSS-07] Bernardi, S, Merseguer J.  2007.  Performance evaluation of UML design with Stochastic Well-formed Nets. Journal of Systems and Software. 80:1843-1865.
[PM-PASM09] Perez-Palacin, D, Merseguer J.  2010.  Performance Evaluation of Self-reconfigurable Service-oriented Software With Stochastic Petri Nets. ENTCS. 261:181-201.
[1527] Rodríguez, RJ, Artal JA, Merseguer J.  2014.  Performance Evaluation of Dynamic Binary Instrumentation Frameworks. IEEE Latin America. 12(8):9.