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Conference Paper
[RP-86-11] Silva, M, Villarroel JL.  1986.  On software implementation of Petri nets and colored Petri nets using high-level concurrent languages. :207-241.
[1225] Vázquez, CR, Silva M.  2009.  Performance Control of Markovian Petri Nets via Fluid Models: A Stock-Level Control Example. IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering.
[1027] Briz, JL, Colom JM, Viñals V.  1991.  Petri net Based Modelling, Analysis and Simulation of Pipelined Architectures. P.D. COM'91 IMACS-IFAC International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing in Engineering Systems. :37-38.
[1227] Vázquez, CR, Silva M.  2009.  Piecewise-Linear Constrained Control for Timed Continuous Petri Nets. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
[EzVa-03] Ezpeleta, J, Valk R.  2003.  A polynomial solution for deadlock avoidance in assembly systems modelled with Petri nets. :1-8.
[RP-82-07] Silva, M, Velilla S.  1982.  Programmable logic controllers and Petri nets: A comparative study. :29-34.
[RP-81-05] Silva, M, Velilla S.  1981.  Realización cableada de redes de Petri binarias. :265-275.
[RP-81-03] Silva, M, Velilla S.  1981.  Realización cableada de redes de Petri: Un equipo para prácticas. :215-230.
[RP-90-12] Valette, R, Silva M.  1990.  A Rede de Petri: Una Ferramenta para la Automa{\c c}ao Fabril. :181-200.
[RP-92-34] Ezpeleta, J, Villarroel JL.  1992.  A rule-Petri net integrated approach for the modeling and analysis of manufacturing systems. :349-358.
[RP-85-10] Villarroel, JL, Silva M.  1985.  Sistema de programación y control de robots con visión artificial. :66-69.
[RP-80-03] Silva, M, Velilla S.  1980.  Sistema especializado en la simulación de redes de Petri sanas. :81-88.
[RP-83-05] Silva, M, Velilla S.  1983.  Sistema manipulador-visión: Aplicaciones no convencionales. :11-28.
[RP-88-03] Velilla, S, Silva M.  1988.  The spy: a mechanism for safe implementation of highly concurrent systems. :95-102.
[IPVaReSi08] Vázquez, CR, Recalde L, Silva M.  2008.  Stochastic-Continuous State Approximation of Markovian Petri Net Systems. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
[IPVaMaMiReSi08] Vázquez, CR, Mangini AM, Mihalache A, Recalde L, Silva M.  2008.  Timing and Deadlock-freeness in Continuous Petri Nets. IFAC World Congress. 17
[1267] Vázquez, CR, Silva M.  2010.  Timing-dependent boundedness and liveness in continuous Petri nets. 10th International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems (WODES).
[RP-80-08] Velilla, S, Silva M.  1980.  Traducción de expresiones lógicas: aplicación en autómatas programables y en la enseñanza. :664-670.
Book Chapter
[1493] Julvez, J, Vazquez CR, Mahulea C, Silva M.  2013.  Continuous Petri Nets: Controllability and Control. Control of Discrete-Event Systems. Automata and Petri net Perspectives. 433:407-428.
[1492] Mahulea, C, Julvez J, Vazquez CR, Silva M.  2013.  Continuous Petri Nets: Observability and Diagnosis. Control of Discrete-Event Systems. Automata and Petri net Perspectives. 433:387-406.
[1069] Briz, JL, Colom JM.  1994.  Implementation of Weighted Place/Transition Nets based on Linear Enabling Functions. Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1994. :99-118.
[1491] Vazquez, CR, Mahulea C, Julvez J, Silva M.  2013.  Introduction to Fluid Petri Nets. Control of Discrete-Event Systems. Automata and Petri net Perspectives. 433:365-386.
[1339] Colom, JM, Haddad S.  1998.  Introduction to Verification. Systems Engineering: A Petri Net Based Approach to Modelling, Verification and Implementation, HCM-MATCH Advanced Schools. :171-190.
[1050] Briz, JL, Colom JM, Viñals V.  1992.  Petri net based Modelling, Analysis and Simulation of Pipelined Architectures. Parallel and Distributed Computing in Engineering Systems. :35-40.
[ICSiTeVaPi98] Silva, M, Teruel E, Valette R, Pingaud H.  1998.  Petri Nets and Production Systems. Lectures on Petri Nets II: Applications. 1492