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[AMMP08] Albert, P, Mayordomo E, Moser P, Perifel S.  2008.  Pushdown compression. :39-48.
[RP-83-02] Silva, M, Velilla S.  1983.  Programmable logic controllers and Petri nets: A comparative study. :83-88.
[1444] Kloetzer, M, Mahulea C, Pastravanu O.  2011.  A Probabilistic Abstraction Approach for Planning and Controlling Mobile Robots. ETFA'2011: 16th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation.
[ICSilv93b] Vernadat, F, Dicesare F, Harhalakis G, Proth JM, Silva M.  1993.  Practice of Petri-nets in manufacturing.
[1292] Mayordomo, E, Moser P, Perifel S.  2011.  Polylog space compression, pushdown compression, and Lempel-Ziv are incomparable. Theory of Computing Systems. 48:731-766.
[ICSiTeVaPi98] Silva, M, Teruel E, Valette R, Pingaud H.  1998.  Petri Nets and Production Systems. Lectures on Petri Nets II: Applications. 1492
[1064] Olcoz, S, Colom JM.  1993.  A Petri Net Approach for the Analysis of VHDL Descriptions. Correct Hardware Design and Verification Methods. :15-26.
[PM-ICPE11] Perez-Palacin, D, Merseguer J.  2011.  Performance Sensitive Self-Adaptive Service-Oriented Software using Hidden Markov Models. ICPE International Conference on Performance Engineering. :201--206.
[PM-PASM09] Perez-Palacin, D, Merseguer J.  2010.  Performance Evaluation of Self-reconfigurable Service-oriented Software With Stochastic Petri Nets. ENTCS. 261:181-201.
[MCM-SEPN-00] Merseguer, J, Campos J, Mena E.  2000.  Performance Evaluation for the Design of Agent Based Systems: A Petri Net Approach. :1-20.
[WPPSIM-WOSP-05] Woodside, M, Petriu D, Petriu D, Shen H, Israr T, Merseguer J.  2005.  Performance by Unified Model Analysis (PUMA). :1-12.
[PMB-ICPE10] Perez-Palacin, D, Merseguer J, Bernardi S.  2010.  Performance aware open-world software in a 3-layer architecture. First Joint WOSP/SIPEW International Conference on Performance Engineering.
[RP-83-01] Martínez, J, Silva M.  1983.  A package for computer design of concurrent logic control systems. :243-248.