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[1433] López-Grao, JP, Colom JM.  2013.  Structural methods for the control of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems – The case of the Resource Allocation Problem. Control of Discrete-Event Systems. Automata and Petri net Perspectives. 433:257-278. Abstract
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[1425] Mayordomo, E, Ferreira F, Hyland M, L\"owe B.  2012.  Special Issue: Computability in Europe 2010. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic. 163(6)
[LG03RR1] López-Grao, JP.  2003.  Sketching architectural concerns on distributed discrete event simulation based on Petri Nets.
[LMT-91] Luciañez, JM, Merseguer J, Torralba JM.  1991.  Sistemas de ayuda a las decisiones. Metodología de desarrollo de aplicaciones.
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[SDIS] López-Valdés, M.  2006.  Scaled dimension of invidual strings.
[HiLoMa04] Hitchcock, JM, López-Valdés M, Mayordomo E.  2004.  Scaled dimension and the Kolmogorov complexity of Turing-hard sets. 3153:476-487.
[sdkcthsR] Hitchcock, JM, López-Valdés M, Mayordomo E.  2008.  Scaled Dimension and the Kolmogorov Complexity of Turing-Hard Sets. Theory of Computing Systems. 43:471-497.
[HiLuMaSDNC] Hitchcock, JM, Lutz JH, Mayordomo E.  2004.  Scaled dimension and non uniform complexity. Journal of Computer and System Sciences. 69:97-122.
[HiLuMaSDNCb] Hitchcock, JM, Lutz JH, Mayordomo E.  2003.  Scaled dimension and non uniform complexity. 2719:278-290.