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[1068] Olcoz, S, Colom JM.  1994.  VHDL: A Discrete Event Simulation Hardware Description Language. 1994 International Conference on Simulation and Hardware Description Languages (SHDL'94). :128-134.
[1051] Olcoz, S, Colom JM.  1993.  VHDL Through the Looking Glass. VHDL-Forum for CAD in Europe. :58-68.
[1336] Colom, JM.  2001.  Verificación de propiedades en Redes de Petri. Sistemas Distribuidos: Modelos y Aplicaciones. :99-114.
[PCFB-LAT-13] Pérez, S, Campos J, Facchini H, Bisaro L.  2013.  Tuning Mechanism for IEEE 802.11e EDCA Optimization. IEEE Latin America Transactions. 11(4):1134-1142.
[1521] Tolosana-Calasanz, R, Bañares JA, Colom JM.  2014.  Towards Petri net-based Economical Analysis for Streaming Applications executed over Cloud infrastructures. 11th International Conference on Economics of Grids, Clouds, Systems, and Services (GECON 2014).
[1059] Olcoz, S, Colom JM.  1993.  Toward a Formal Semantics of IEEE Std. VHDL 1076. Euro-DAC’93 European Design Automation Conference with Euro-VHDL'93. :526-531.
[BCM-TII-11] Bernardi, S, Campos J, Merseguer J.  2011.  Timing-failure risk assessment of UML design using Time Petri Net bound techniques. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 7(1):90-104.
[State-of-the-art-93] Balbo, G, Silva M, Chiola G, Campos J, others.  1993.  The Timed Coloured Petri Net Formalism Position Paper. 14:3-60.
[1510] Requeno, JI, Colom JM.  2014.  Timed and Probabilistic Model Checking over Phylogenetic Trees. 8th International Conference on Practical Applications of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics . Abstract
[278] Campos, J, Chiola G, Colom JM, Silva M.  1989.  Tight Polynomial Bounds for Steady-State Performance of Marked Graphs. Third IEEE International Workshop on Petri Nets and Performance Models (PNPM'89). :200-209.
[CS-Melbourne-91] Campos, J, Silva M.  1991.  Throughput Upper Bounds for Markovian Petri Nets Embedded Subnets and Queueing Networks. :312-321.
[PFMBC-JCST-13] Pérez, S, Facchini H, Mercado G, Bisaro L, Campos J.  2013.  Throughput Quantitative Analysis of EDCA 802.11e in Different Scenarios. Journal of Computer Science & Technology. 13(1):16-23.
[CSS-Melbourne-91] Campos, J, Sánchez B, Silva M.  1991.  Throughput Lower Bounds for Markovian Petri Nets Transformation Techniques. :322-331.
[1320] Blanco, R, de Miguel G, Requeno JI, Colom JM.  2010.  Temporal Logics for Phylogenetic Analysis via Model Checking. Workshop on Mining and Management of Biological and Health Data – A Satellite Workshop of the 2010 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM10). :152-157.
[1475] Requeno, JI, de Miguel G, Blanco R, Colom JM.  2013.  Temporal Logics for Phylogenetic Analysis via Model Checking. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. 10(4):1058-1070. Abstract
[1396] Pont, SMT, Chamizo GJM, Mora MH, de Casado MG.  2007.  Table-based Recursive Method for Function Evaluation. International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2007.
[IPSiTe96b] Silva, M, Teruel E.  1996.  A Systems Theory Perspective of Discrete Event Dynamic Systems The Petri Net Paradigm. Symposium on Discrete Events and Manufacturing Systems. CESA 96 IMACS Multiconference. :1-12.
[1061] Ezpeleta, J, Martínez J, Colom JM.  1993.  Synthesis of Live High Level Models for a Class of FMS. 1993, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Systems Engineering in the Service of Humans (IEEE/SMC'93). 1:589-594.